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[ king of yaoi + aeichii ] Ouch.



Please...hurt me more.. make me bleed.

Thick and fairly long lashes shaded half-lidded eyes that were tinged the sweet yet bitter color of cerise, slender fingers pressed softly against the fabric of his tight black pants. His eyes raising from their lowered position- that currently rested on the cluttered sidewalk; eyes almost cold yet so lively. Upon a stranger's point of view one would find a female with pink hair that only proved to draw attention to her porcelain skin, pale and flawless. Delicate features that held bright big eyes and full lips. Unbeknown to this 'stranger's' vision that the 'female' was actually a boy. It was a somewhat easy mistake to make, so Aiko never took their reactions in offense but in amusement. He enjoyed tricking them and playing them; and then pulling their thoughts out beneath them; even if it ended badly he found the beatings more of a reward than the shock on their faces. Lightly tinted peach lips parted slightly as he glanced down at the watch on his bruised wrist; he hadn't noticed that new bruise quite yet. Taking in the dark shades of purple and airbrushed pinks and the shape, he sighed mutely. Though this little present didn't cause him to be taken back, it was a common thing to find scars or bruises on his body; and the majority of the time Aiko never bothered to cover them up. He had dealt with the subject of abuse far to many times in the past; it had become a natural thing now. Verbal. Physical. It was all the same. From life as a child it had grown on him and became familiar to him; it was the boy's only way to find some sort of care, love- even though it was the complete opposite.

On the subject of both time and bruises. He was late. The male inwardly cursed to himself; he had let time pass too quickly. Aiko increased his pace slightly; hurrying a little more to return to the apartment he shared with his boyfriend. He didn't want him to get angry again; he didn't like to see the one he cared about so much to be upset. It hurt him more than the marks on his body and receiving them. Brushing back vibrant strands of pink away from light skin; almost red eyes looking past strangers and various faces. Good, he was almost there. His lithe figure making his way past men and women, and children. Whom carried on as usual; bright smiles and small talk. The sight lightened his heart a bit; but didn't lift the burden of slight worry.

Finally, he arrived. After going up a few stairs and steps; the boy came across the living space he shared. '305' the usual room numbers came into view. His stomach turned. No matter how many times he came home here; it always seemed like a bad horror movie. Especially since he knew what was inside. Aiko took out his key- inserted. turned. opened. The male could almost hear his heart beat grow louder- wondering if his partner was angry with the lack of a earlier return. Somewhat afraid and somewhat in a odd state of bliss and anticipation. Whatever torn feelings he felt, nervousness was definitely there. Waiting in the silence for a brief second.

" Hello? " he questioned the quiet and almost tense air. Wondering if he was even in the house to begin with. Aiko bit his lower lip slightly, awaiting a answer. Half-expecting a blow to the stomach or face, he remained a little cautious. Unsure if the one he cared for so much was in a good mood today; he hushed himself and waited carefully- sweeping wisps of his long hair away from his cheek.

((oocll Sorry for the crappy introduction, I am horrible at these. They are usually somewhat longer, I'm feeling a little sick today ( @ n @ );; I will make my next post longer if you would like..
Also more pictures of Aiko can be found here. ))

â?« г Ï? м м ι η Ï? To The Ñ? о u η d Of Ñ? ι ζ з η с з That Ò? ι ζ ζ Ñ? My Waking м ι η â?«
                    • Mmm. A nice dreamless rest.
                      Ah yes, he had decided upon napping while waiting for the other to return, his body twisted in the soft fabric that swiftly wound it way around his limbs. Head resting softly against the cloud pillows of his as he slipped into a tasteless slumber. Nothing penetrated his mind as he let his body lay, bandages wrapped tightly around his waist and arms. Long ago they had wrapped his full body, well from his neck down in these bandages- keeping him wound in an endless cycle of helplessness while confined to the insanity that drummed inside. Voices, urges, desires flooded his mind while in a weakened state. Then he snapped, breaking forth to destroy everything before him. That had been what had happened that landed him in the asylum in the first place, body thrown back and forth across an alley- with each toss a limb was found being stuffed down his throat. Hunger rode in his eyes as they took him down and hauled him away. Now years after with rehabilitation, they believe the man with long white hair had been corrected. Fixed to the point that no errors rode in his soul, but they were wrong. Horribly wrong.

                      Those months of waiting to be freed, he had feigned it all. Now he was free once more and even more horribly bent by the things he had seen. Not something for the faint of heart, one would be assured of the torturous chaos he was placed in. Cell walls of white that were carved into his mind, it was as if those walls had stole his color. Leaving him with white hair, a pale complexion and soulless silver eyes. Eyes that many would have claimed a demon possessed, they were half right. He was no true human anymore, but it didn't seem to matter to him. Slowly tossing to one side of his large bed, his eyes creaked open- a brush of red flickering against his lenses from the light as the other's word had woken him up. How long had he been sleeping? Frankly he wasn't sure, nor did he really care if he'd sleep the rest of the day away; that is, until the other came in. Tongue rolling over his lips, he slowly rose- eyes bleeding out from their sockets like some sort of devil in human's clothing.

                      Rising to his feet, one would see that the devil wore long lithe white jeans that rode up to his hips, baring holding to the bare bones that held the underweight individual's body in place. A belt would have been in order, but Bakuya never thought of wearing the damn things unless he was able to loosen then from his waist quickly as a substitute whip. Anything to see the pain in another's eyes, specifically the eyes of Aiko- the little pink faerie who seemed to flutter to him like a moth to the flame. It was inviting, but all the same just another way for him to get his cravings in from the smaller child that he held close while trying to tear apart. Licking his lips once more, he slowly came out from his bedroom, the same room the two would share virtually every night. Curling up to the other after bashing him several times; at the point where his own energy would leave him, he seemed to act positively docile. The other would no better. Even when a weakness was shown, it was usually meant to lure the other closer.

                      Turning his eyes to the other whom had returned, he couldn't help but let a nasty smile slip onto his lips. Slowly he drew up to the other, only moving at said pace from the fact that he had just woken up. Once there, he slung an arm around the other's torso- pulling him into his side where he swiftly went to bite down into the other's neck. Not much thought to this as he tasted the boy's blood, drawing it in like a hungry beast that hadn't been fed in days. After the initial crunch of bone and blood vessel, he started to lap at the other's neck, taking in the sweet liquid- light eyes prying towards the other's face to see his expression. Not every day he would greet the other like this, to say he was in a bad mood was to say that he was about ready to toss the other out the window; No, he was too content at the moment from the iron taste of aiko's blood. Breakfast or lunch, whichever time of day- it didn't matter. He was getting his bloodthirsty fill now with the other's neck.

                      « B.A.K.U. Y. A. � G.I.N. »
Please...hurt me more.. make me bleed.

â?? par·a·sit·ic
1 : a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
2 : an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
3 : something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return

This relationship parasitic? Not at all, hardly even close. Though actually inviting a scene like this; allowing himself to be dregraded and humiliating himself by not even protesting or showing any signs of discomfort or dislike. It is distateful, and un appealing but despite all views on the subject from another's point of view Aiko found himself deathly in love with the concept. Whether this odd lust deemed him as crazy or as a loon- it didn't matter; all that cared at the moment was how deep the other's sharp teeth dug into his neck. The motion made him feel almost light headed with a mix of emotions. Happiness, Pleasure and those of approval. Lips parting soundlessly; not a single note escaping at first; far too caught up in the new pain at his neck. The mute gasp evolving to a soft hitch of his voice. The male could feel his heart pounding faster and harder against his chest, the speed growing crazily as blood was drawn from his body. Tilting his head to the side invitingly; allowing his partner to continue on with more room- even though the other could have pushed his head to the side earlier if he wanted to; the boy did so anyway. Closing his eyes ;embracing the sweet pain that the other male inflicted upon his neck; feeding on the blood. Luckily, his legs didn't feel so weak or did he feel himself growing exhausted from the loss of blood although his blood was spared often Aiko was surprisingly not as tired as one would assume though the lack of blood gave to his snow white skin.

Aiko guessed that the other would be hungry for blood; but was a tad taken back at how his mouth had latched to his neck so quickly; beginning to suck the blood out of him like a leech. Opening his eyes a bit; watching the other with half-lidded eyes. No , not like a leech. The other was far too beautiful to be compared to a leech. He had been easily inticed and drawn to the male at first glance, he was different. Which was a good thing in the pink-haired boy's book, he attempted to stray as far from normal as possible. Closing his eyes again; allowing for the other to be filled with his blood to his content. After seeing that the other was indeed in a good mood it had also almost surprised him; it was nice for a change and although it was always fun when the other was in a bad mood it was pleasing to see him in a better one as well.

A soft blush forming on his fair skin as he brought two hands to very gently settle on the other's shoulder's; barely brushing along the sides and drawing light almost teasing pattern's over them. Games like these were always fun to play, no matter how many times he played them. Aiko bit his lower lip tenderly; the pressure growing a little more as time passed and soon light trickles of blood wept from them; though licking up most of it when it fell.

The feminine boy blinked slightly, feeling a slight dampness on his thick lashes, beginning to trail down his cheeks and joining with the small path of blood. Having been in such bliss he pushed himself to tears, it was odd but it happened often. Fingertips pressing against the other's shoulders a bit harder now; but not harsh enough to draw blood or make a mark. " Harder.." he pleaded in a tone just above a whisper; opening his eyes towards the other with great desire. Surprisingly, his quiet begging did not hush, ending his thoughts with two single words. " Please...More.". A almost crazy , devious smile gracing his lips - ignoring the wetness that passed over.​

â?« г Ï? м м ι η Ï? To The Ñ? о u η d Of Ñ? ι ζ з η с з That Ò? ι ζ ζ Ñ? My Waking м ι η â?«
                    • This was just one of the reasons why they were able to stay together. Pain was a pleasure for the boy, not like others who screamed out wailing for it to stop. The boy asked for it, yearned for it from him- so much so that it was hard for the white haired male to deny it. Not that restrictions were something he was used to, he would break all the limits others plastered on him. All in one fell swoop if he could. The other was delicious, in every way to him- his movements and his insides. Always trying his best to partake in the other whenever he was around, his eyes watched as the other opened up his neck more. Silent motions passing his lips as his fingers drew to Bakuya's naked shoulders. He didn't think about covering them up much, but all the same- he saw no point in trying to hide them from the other. Why? Because the boy wouldn't do a thing to harm him. To annoy him so that he would get aggressive yes, but much more than that. No, he wouldn't. After drinking in the blood, he let his tongue run over the other's neck- navigating each fold and stretch of skin that he could muster with the length of his vampiric appendage.

                      The soft tease that the other danced over his bare skin, did arouse him some like it always did when the other decided to do so. Showing a slightly playful side aside from an ecstasy driven addict, yes- one could say that the boy was drawn to him to the point that one could label Bakuya as his drug, the same could go for Bakuya. Though some days, one would see that the lusting fiend wasn't satisfied- those days would end with the other bruised beyond comparison while held in his arms. Mmm.. what a twisted love he held for the boy. Listening to the soft pleas of the other, he felt like giving in and rupturing another artery the other held in his precious neck, but instead his tongue started to climb up the other's neck. Tip digging slightly into the other's skin as he tasted his tears. A soft and rather pleased growl came from within his throat as he licked his lips, watching as a new stream replaced the previous one from Aiko's eyes as the other's blood started to trickle down his arm.

                      His eyes turned to watch as the blood came forth from the other's neck, staining his skin and clothing once it came in contact with it. Licking his lips once more he took a bit of the other's blood and smeared it against the other's lips. Eyes watching the other for a moment before he kissed him on his open mouth, putting some passion to it before he drew back and started to paint the other's neck red with his blood. Each kiss washing off another small amount of blood. One could see this as a rather mangled version of courtship as the other continued for a few minutes before letting his hands take hold of the other's body, forcing it against his own as he started to lap up the blood once more. The metallic taste had long gone left his taste buds, leaving behind a savor sweet liquid that he thirsted for whenever he was in a much more barbaric mood. Not that it showed out in the open, not yet anyway as he eyed the other. Licking the other's lips once more before chewing on the other's lower lip. The blood was akin to a sedative to him. If he drank too much, he would start to act very sluggish, but that would easily be trumped by his desires when with the other.

                      Stroking the other's side, he slowly let go of his lips. Flashing a toothy smile to the other. "Aiko" he spoke out softly, his tone like silk, though his obvious actions where far from it. The tone had been developed while in the asylum, making him seem almost sickeningly sweet to others.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                      « B.A.K.U. Y. A. � G.I.N. »
Please...hurt me more.. make me bleed.

Twisted, both Bakuya and Aiko were in their own little way. Both relying on each other for different reasons. No matter the case for either- each individually weren't exactly...all right in the head. While Aiko was pretty okay in the head for the most part, the twisted cravings he had wouldn't be considered normal. And Bakuya, well- this was rather obvious. Sane or not, the heated tension in the air was unmistakable. Oh, this was far better than being lonesome; having some-one's body heat beneath your fingers- warm or cold. Either is good enough- to wake you up, to make you feel alive. Aiko's appetite for another inflicting pain or some sort of touch didn't ever seem to falter, and with Bakuya fulfilling these peculiar wishes the boy felt at his high and completely satisified. Purring lowly in a appeased tone, very fragile and light, as he felt the tongue flicker over the wound where the intrusions had been made. Fingers scarcely lingering on the man's shoulders letting them fall down- gently petting over the other's arms - a finger tip pressing into the other a bit. Testing the skin as he dragged his fingernail lightly across the flesh and along the path down his arm. Allowing for his hands to retrace their steps and soon lock around the male's neck. Fingers lacing through silk white strands.

In taking a breath sharply as the other's tongue coaxed the puncture wounds- lapping and licking over the bloody skin- spreading it further and making his white skin tainted in variations of rogue. The other soothing the harsh yet enjoyable stinging sensations that had been inflicted on his neck. The pink-haired male couldn't help but question how he had been so fortunate to come across Bakuya; gasping in velvet pitches and of the moaning nature. Keeping eye contact with the other male; through half-lidded eyes he studied his actions and movements carefully. Devilish smile hinted in his eyes as he rubbed the other's shoulders subtly in sensual play. Not hard, not too soft but just enough to be felt. Trying to focus on this as the other male's tongue wandered up his neck and began to taste his tears. Beginning to pant softly now; closing his eyes briefly as the length of Bakuya's tongue swept in and around. Aiko's fingers grasping onto the other male for a moment as he felt a wave of delight.

When the fervent kiss came into play; he welcomed it gratefully- and replied with equal flame. Allowing for his tongue to rub across the other's and provocatively across the other male's bottom lip- tempting him with a minor bite. Though, allowing the other to have complete control over domination; he enjoyed to have a little fun here and there as well. Watching the other with interest; finding the other's eyes to be smoldering and enticing. Completely allured by the man whom nibbled and chewed on his lower lip. Feeling some of his own blood in his mouth, bitter yet sweet- the pink haired boy wasn't ashamed to admit he adored the sight of blood and that it didn't sicken him at all but excited him. It was wrong, and immoral, he knew this all to well but couldn't help but wonder how Bakuya's blood tasted like at times; such as this. Regaining his breath mutely; watching the other with parted lips; moaning softly at the intense kiss. He very rarely enjoyed when people kissed him, but for Bakya the boy felt the need to make a exception to that. And as the other parted, he couldn't help but feel the need to feel them again.

'Aiko'. The boy almost shivered, this tone he used; it was so innocent, so kind and sweet. The melody of his voice was well played, and at times he almost fell deceived; though with the evidence of cold blood still trickling down his neck it pushed the thoughts of Bakya being labeled as such away. No matter how many times he heard the other say his name, it felt better and greater every time. Aiko felt his words as powerful as his actions at time. Watching as the charming smile fell in place, he couldn't help but allow a smile of his own; also a tad sugary but with obvious mischievous undertones. "Mm..bakuya." he responded simply; though the emotion in his words great.

Leaning forward a bit; pressing himself against the other as well- spreading his legs somewhat while doing so. He lightly rubbed himself against the other teasingly; smile fading but still resting on the boy's lips.


â?« г Ï? м м ι η Ï? To The Ñ? о u η d Of Ñ? ι ζ з η с з That Ò? ι ζ ζ Ñ? My Waking м ι η â?«
                    • It was like a twisted blessing that the two had found each other. Really. Otherwise the older male would have had to seek his passions elsewhere by doing who knows what to the populace. Horrific stories would pop up and he'd as easily be tossed right back into the white washed walls of the cell in the asylum he lived in previously. Here, Bakuya could be himself and actually live a life; though admittedly one that only a masochist would ever dare coming into. He could watch the other as he interacted, feeling his nails against his skin before the other started to play with his hair. Something he had neglected to cut and admittedly became used to. Beside it was something he quite enjoyed, especially with the fact that not many got this hair color at a young age. Well even so, he had always liked it- never second guessing why he himself looked the way he did.

                      Listening to the other as he seemed to be getting hotter under the collar by his actions simply put him in a much more interesting mood, ears being filled with the soft gasps and moans of the other. Just delicious. Then with a bit more persuasion the other seemed to be trying to coax the other out of his shell or his pants. The hints the other gave to him something that would have driven another crazy had it been implemented for several hours. Mmm... its a good thing Bakuya wasn't sane in the first place. His eyes watched as the other continued to react to his own straightforward sadistic ways, the one in his arms reacting in a manner suggested that he simply wished for more. That he would give him without even faltering in his step. It was the world he knew all to well and seemed to enjoy when he could inflict it on others.

                      A smile exchanged for another, a name for a name- it seemed to occasionally start like this. On better days when the sadist with white long hair felt like that, waiting the muscles to the other's cheeks lift and move he couldn't help but wish to rip that smile of his face. Only so that no one else could ever see it. Then, with the feel of something below, he couldn't help but chuckled out some- a lighthearted voice that seemed to belong to an angel, when in reality the devil controlled it. Aroused below, he started to wrap his arms around the other tight, a hand slipping into the other's pants out of pure habit while the other rode up his spine to rest at his head. Digits playing against the other's head where spine and skull connected for a bit before pressing strong against the bone under the other's ear. He could easily wrench his hand up after holding to the other's ear and rip it off, but that wasn't his style with this other. He liked to preserve his little delight.

                      His fingers crept downward once going into the other'sr pants, fingers wrapping around of his cheeks before squeezing it. Ah yes perverseness didn't escape Bakuya much either, though it was in smaller doses as he drew his hand and proceeded to 'spank' the other's rear before slipping his hand back in. Fingers hoping to get at the other's rear to 'play' with it a bit. His teeth where about ready to get busy again, but instead he had simply gotten into the mood of kissing the other's neck, enjoying the feel of their lower appendages so close due to the other's contact. After a moment he started to press hard against the other, wishing to draw him up against the nearest wall. It would make things easier, right?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                      « B.A.K.U. Y. A. � G.I.N. »
aeichii said:
Please...hurt me more.. make me bleed.

They were quite the pair; a piece to a piece, similar to a jigsaw puzzle. A little confusing at first though once the two parts are found and put together it displays a picture and hooks together nicely. Not many people could say that they were in such a position with someone that had once stayed in a asylum; in fact the probability was scarce- and even so Aiko didn't care one bit and didn't see any problem with it at all. Having such a past only intrigued him. Fingers still brushing through the lengthy locks idly- awaiting the other's moves curiously. Pursing his lips ever so slightly; new found interest growing. Admiring the shades of white that the other's hair had, so beautiful. The color being simple but so complex. Though, having little time to wonder exactly how the other had gotten such a rare tint of color in his hair; whether it be dyed or natural. For now, these little thoughts were put aside for those of the more dirty nature.

Unhealthy yet so lovely; this display of affection made his heart beat faster. Watching the other with quiet yet intense eyes; chest heaving slightly as he teasingly allowed his tongue to peek out and emerge from his lips and slowly brush across his lower lip; cleaning up whatever blood remained. Fingers still tangling themselves sweetly in the other's hair. Bakuya was perfect for him; he was able to give him all the things he needed- and though his touches were like injecting poison he found himself only begging for more. And though, Aiko didn't like the idea of growing to attached to someone; the boy fell himself falling victim to it. Not wanting to be torn from Bakuya or the tormenting bites he gave. No, that thought wasn't becoming at all- he preferred to stay with the other as long as possible; or at least to the point where Bakuya would tire of him. Though he wasn't fond at all of the thought of Bakuya getting rid of him, there was little he could do to prevent this from happening in the future. Aiko inwardly hushed himself, wanting to savor the moment.

A light 'nnh' sound escaping his throat as he felt the familiar feeling of fingers entering his pants; another thing he didn't tire of in any way. Finding himself now against the other male so that both of their bodies meshed against each other's. Resting himself against the other for the time being; allowing for the other male to do what he wanted with him. Feeling the other's fingers roam against the back of his head; feeling the strong yet relaxing hold the other had. Having the knowledge that the other could hurt him much worse than he had in the past; at the moment he had the power to snap his neck- to carve his nails in the back of his skull; but knew he wouldn't go that far. So in a odd way he did feel safe near the other, even though the things he didn't to him were far from protection. Aiko doubted he would be able to explain it even if he could grasp it.

His mind falling back to the hand that had slipped underneath the article of clothing he wore as he felt groping on his bottom. Arching his back into the touches, squirming his hips just a bit to rub back against the hand that played with him. A warm heat rising to his cheeks in excitement; a blush now coating his face. Yet another noise of acceptance quietly fell into the otherwise quiet air; as he was spanked a few times. Feeling a nice heat coiling in his stomach of arousal. A soft 'ah' elicited from Aiko as the spanking died down and the hand took it's former place to continue the prior actions. Though, his attention there was soon put aside at the kissing on his neck- again, tilting his head to the side a bit for easier access.

At being pressed against a little harder than before, he understood the request. Backing up more and more until his back slid against the back of the door; guiding the other a little to the side until he was against a wall. Inwardly he grinned; knowing this would indeed make things easier. Bringing his fingers away from the others hair and letting them follow the contours of the other's body; tracing the curves and lines until his own hands settled on the other's waist.

â?« г Ï? м м ι η Ï? To The Ñ? о u η d Of Ñ? ι ζ з η с з That Ò? ι ζ ζ Ñ? My Waking м ι η â?«
                    • Yes, he could easily protect the other and most likely would if an opposition truly came to take the boy away from him. He would wish to only have the boy for himself and swiftly go to take down whomever it was that was holding his little precious hostage. Watching the other as he reacted to his motions was something he quite enjoyed as Aiko gave out soft and still sounds to his silent 'words'. Actions where the main things that the asylum man before the other did, after all words were rather meaningless to him. His tone mocking those who fell under its spell whenever he spoke. Once the other understood what he was getting at, guiding him to the door where the other swiftly went for a much more stable object. Pressing up against the other's fingers traveled downward before resting beside his waist, he could feel them rather easily as he gave the boy a few more kisses on the neck- the will to puncture it once more rising in his gullet as he eyed the mark he had first made. It was still flowing but not quite as freely as before, he could fix that. Pulling his lips back to the bite marks he swiftly inserted his teeth once more, forcing them in further so that they would click against the other's bones, showing that he could only go further if he destroyed the other's spine for it.

                      Taking in the other's blood as it gushed out, he took to drinking as much as it would let for a minute while his hand explored the other's rear. Stopping after a moment he drew his hand out, dipping it in the warm liquid before pushing his hand back inside the other's pants. With that he started to circle the rim of the other's ass hole with the blood, trying to make it soft and tender for later on. Rubbing against the other's front, it would seem he himself was slowly becoming eager to touch the other's skin without anything in between; nothing to guard the other's luscious outside coating from him. Slowly he drew his free hand to the side of the other's waist, fingers brushing roughly against the fabric as his nails dug in. Drawing a bit of blood as he stabbed against the other's side, with that he pushed his way in between the pants and the other's skin, letting his cold fingers rest against the other's hot body. With time he drew his fingers to the front of Aiko's pants, thumb rolling over what held it up. Slowly he opened it, forcing the button and zipper to open for him before he started to drag the other's pants down. His own still holding tenderly to his hips as he preoccupied himself with getting the other in a better position than he was now.

                      Time would elapse as the other attempted to strip the boy he pinned to the wall of his clothing, one article at a time before getting to his own. That was unless the other took the liberty to draw the taller male into a much more comfortable position. Then it would ensue further, the other's hands drawing the other close to his body to perform the rest.

                      (XD Not doing massive detail until next post!)[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                      « B.A.K.U. Y. A. � G.I.N. »
Please...hurt me more.. make me bleed.

Aiko moaned, quite audibly. The small teasing beginning to get to him now; and feeling arousal forming.

He needed..for the other to thrust so deeply that the other's balls slapped against his bare skin. That he was dominated so powerfully that he would fall forward and be pushed into the ground; to be rubbed against it throughly. The boy's imagination was getting to himself, licking his already somewhat moistened lips seductively mindlessly; partly engulfed in memories the two shared in the past. Shifting a bit in his stance, beginning to feel a bit hot and bothered. Aiko bit his lip harshly- as if to restrict himself from letting his mind run from the moment; wanting to cherish this moment. And besides, the pink haired boy had to admit that as fun as it was to be fucked hard- it was even more delightful to be played with cruelly and slowly. Yes, to be teased- eyes stared devilishly up to Bakuya . Mm. So wonderful...The violating could wait as long as the other wanted; there was no rush. Due to being free of work for the night, his job of being a stripper being very fitting, he had all night open for whatever his partner had in mind. The fingers that prodded around the sensitive and tender area ; pushing back slightly to the fingers that brought the delectable feeling. How could the smearing of mere blood around such a spot invoke such ecstasy? Aiko could not answer it. A nice light sigh hummed past through his lips lustfully.

It was at times like these that the boy regretted wearing such formfitting clothes at times, the sort that clinged to his body. It was at times a bother to get off. Though, the other seemed to be doing pretty well with ridding him of some of the pieces of his attire. In a way he was taken back that the other male hadn't just pushed him to the ground and ripped the clothes off; but it seemed that they both had more time tonight and that the other was in a good mood. Which, actually made Aiko's heart warm a bit. He couldn't help but feel a little satisfaction when Bakuya was content. It would be no fun to feel darker and poorer feelings all the time. Deciding to end the little struggle with the removal of clothes in such a tight spot, the boy decided that he could maybe get away with doing something small; at least since he had been a good boy lately. And if he continued to watch his behavior, there could be the possiblility that he could ride the other's thick flesh.

Taking the petite situation in his hands; wanting to cure Bakuya of the state of dress. Fingers reaching up to slide along his chest; rubbing slowly before reaching under it and playfully pushing it up by allowing his hand to graze the naked skin underneath. Guiding the other back a bit; glad that they had placed a couch in such a convinent spot- he gently pressed the other back so that he could sit or lay against the comfortable seat. Purring lowly in pleasure on all fours, crawling forward a bit and bending down to take the zipper inbetween his teeth and slowly pulling down. Hooking his fingers at the waistband and pulling down. Looking down for a split second, and nuzzling his cheek against his private area before ridding the other of his pants completely.

Ending the little act; he tilted his head slightly- watching Bakuya steadily.


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                    • He didn't have a job, but all the same he was able to make some money on the side with the way he was. A few had heard about his kinks, wishing to use them as best they could. They did. Taking the other up on offers of murder and assassinations when the lunatic was up to it. No need for him to go out without a purpose, so it was understandable that the slew of killings that had sprung up from his hunger had called the attention of a few crime bosses, each wishing to use the man in their own way. Occasionally he would take a job, getting enough money to live well with the other in the apartment. Holding some remorse for the boy as to not push everything on him, when in truth he forced it on the other when he could. Why do such a thing? Because he loved him, he wanted the other to excel no matter what he was doing, but all the same stay as his until the day he died. At least that was how he felt about it now, when in due time he could change his opinion of the boy and string him up against a lamppost outside for being so stupid as to fall in love with him. His light eyes rested on the other as he let out a slew of sounds that excited the man whom heard them, his pupils widening some from the thought of ecstasy that would at sometime soon erupt through his body while rocketing out the other side.

                      He had taken care this time not to destroy the boy's clothing, one for being as rough as he could at times. He had been known to literally rip the clothing off when his urges arose in such a manner, nails scrapping against his skin so heavily that both the boy's insides and his legs bled heavily from what he did. His eyes rode up the other's body as the boy changed the way things where going, his own fingers had started to play with the boy's clothing to take it off, but it seemed the other wanted to help as he started at his shirt- his body pressing against him. Slowly Bakuya was led back, rather that to the wall they where at the couch, his rear hitting the seat softly before he laid down. Yes he was in a rather good mood to act accordingly, otherwise he would have stripped the other bare and roughly forced it onto the boy until all his holes bore the signs of blood as they trickled the red liquid slowly out from each. With the other done with his shirt he had started on the attack, teeth going to Bakuya's pants. The other was in a good mood as well, most likely due to the fiend that he called a lover whom was showing signs of letting up and being somewhat gentle now. With that the other had slowly unzipped his pants, giving way to the member that rode within. It had been stimulated some, but not much more than that and stood silently waiting for more affection to be lavished upon it.

                      Finally with a sharp gasp he let out his own way to relay that he was pleased with it all, a soft low moan coming from his lips as the other's face went against his member. Moving back and forth to stimulate it so. This was something rare, but all the same started to alight the other's hunger even more as he slowly sat up, eyes closed to small slits from the pleasure he had been given. The other was able to unravel him with the way he was, then again- that was understandable since Bakuya only let Aiko touch him the way that he did. Otherwise he'd snap others in half for trying. Raising up, he pressed a hungry kiss to the other's lips as his fingers gripped at the pockets to his pants, wrenching the fabric down so that his pale thighs and hips where in sight of the already naked boy atop him. It was fair enough as he started to kiss down the other's neck, a hand going immediately to the other's balls to stretch its digits upon them lovingly. He would feel the child up, caressing each spot as he continued- a hand riding up the inner thigh of the other as he went. Yes he would make the other beg for him and he would answer with a lust and loving session of pain and pleasure. One tease, one touch at a time.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                      « B.A.K.U. Y. A. � G.I.N. »
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