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another operative? (Me and Namine)

Father McGruder

Jan 9, 2009
Leon had been tracking Ashley for a while every step he got closer to extracting her to safety something always took him back 5 steps often by her own dong. Aside form Ada there seemed to be someone else working on this island. Another complication as far as he was concerned.

After a short rest he headed out trying to draw as little attention as possible considering getting into a shoot out would only cost him time. He kept his gun at eye level incase passing through the halls carefully making sure to check his six ever now and than.
Claire Redfield came next to Leon Scott Kennedy. "Hey Leon." Claire said. Claire is Leon's old partner back in Raccoon City, and she came next him, and smiled. Claire tapped his shoulder, and smiled. She dealed with zombies back in Raccoon City, and she moved on, but sometimes she thought back at the Raccoon City incident. She can't believe she is by Leon S. Kennedy again.
He gave a surprised expression "Claire? I thought they sent someone else as well, do you have the same mission or are your order different"?" he asked glad it was s familiar face as he looked around hearing some other footsteps approach “Great here they come.” he stated keeping his gun at eye level “ Watch my six, and lets try to avoid this if possible I don’t want to waste time.” He stated quietly.
"Same mission thank you very much Leon." Claire said. Claire looked at the zombies, and she looked at Leon. "Leon I need a gun, and this is from back then isn't it?" Claire asked. Claire knew that she would have to deal with from back then, and she hated the zombies with a passion. She looked at Leon, and she didn't know how much, and she wanted to get to know something about this mission. "So's who the girl, Leon?" Claire asked.
He passed her a pistol as he backed into a corner hoping they would pass ready to shoot if he had to "Ashley Graham The presidents daughter." he stated looking back at her hold your fire unless we're spotted." he stated. backing into a room with her till they passed "Weren't you briefed?" he asked keeping watch on the door listening for any movement near them.
"They sent me here without briefing me why?" Claire asked. Claire looked at Leon. "It been too long huh Leon?" Claire asked. Claire didn't know how long it has been since the incident. "I guess they wanted to sent me cause I have more than a personal thing in these zombies my ex-partner." Claire said. Claire looked at the girl, and smiled.
Leon rested a little to brief her on the situation “basically we need to escort Ashley off of this rock, but now wee need to cure both me and her from the parasites these things are host to.” he stated nodding as Claire talked about how long it had been “like old times.” it seems he stated agreeing.
"Yeah it's like the old times, and well this is a lot more better if the virus isn't on the earth anymore." Claire said. Claire looked at Leon, and smiled. "So how much are you getting paid for, for this little job, Leon?" Claire asked. Claire never expected to be in this situation again because she can't stand zombies.
Leon gave an amused grin when asked about the pay “Decent but nothing special it’s still government work after all.” he stated as he looked over to Ashley noticing she was being pretty quiet. “You’ve been being pretty quiet. anything on your mind?” he asked curiously feeling more than a little anxious from all of the stress of the mission getting a few stray ideas in his head especially now with Claire here.
"Nothing is on my mind I just wonder how you know Miss Redfield." Ashley said. Ashley knew of her, but she wondered how he would know her. Claire laughed and smiled, and looked at Leon. "So you never told her about us huh?" Claire asked. Ashley looked at Leon, and wondered what that meant.
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