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Fx Female Current cravings


Aug 25, 2018
Hi there, thank you for taking the time to check out my thread! I am looking for a lovely lady to join me in any of the adventures listed below.
Though the title is FxF, I am happy to do FutaxF (with myself playing the Futa) if my partner prefers that. I prefer to discuss kinks e.c.t in private.

I'm not too fussy in terms of length, as long as you can give me at least a paragraph (though more is welcome!). Quality over Quantity and all that. I tend to match when it comes to post length. Please also have somewhat reasonable grammar. I would also request 3rd person perspective only.

For the below ideas, what I'm mainly seeking is a love story to be the central focus. There will of course be smut as we go along, but I want the central focus to be the building love between our two characters, alongside all the drama and enjoyment it brings. They are all designed with romance at their core. Planning and plotting are some of my favourite things, so if an idea piques your interest but you want to discuss the specifics then please feel free to message me, I'm usually very flexible as I want this to be a democracy, not a dictatorship.


Idea 1: From the depths of Hades, a flower yet blooms - A tale as old as time, told and retold, each retelling as unique as the person telling it; The kidnapping of Persephone by Hades, God of the Dead. A 'rape', her mother called it, so distraught she was by the kidnap of her child. But the truth is often more nuanced, and better told from the mouths of they who were there. This is their story, told by yet another. The story of how a flower bloomed in the depths of Hades.

I adore Hades x Persephone and would love to find someone to write their story with! As for the specifics, I'm currently looking for a traditional version over modern day, this is my #1 craving and will get priority over anything else. Please be at least somewhat familiar with their mythos. I would also prefer said kidnapping to be somewhat consensual at the least, but we can discuss.

I would be playing Hades (either male or female based on preference) to your Persephone


Idea 2: Project Eclipse - In the kingdom of Mercadia a war looms on the horizon. Knowing the forces of Almisty loom large against him, the King turns to his advisors, needing a way to fight the overwhelming numbers they face. To this end, Project Eclipse is started, to bring together two vastly different people and get them to work together. Melia, a young but powerful mage is summoned to the capitol. There she is informed she will be partered with Castia, a strong and fierce knight, as part of a new initiative to help ensure the kingdom is defended. At first, both detest the idea, though with direct orders from the King himself, both are resigned to face it, though perhaps find a way to prove their pairing doesn't work. In the process they will find common ground and perhaps even more, all the while facing dangers both from the enemy and from those they thought to be allies.

The general idea is two opposites are forced to work together and find common ground and then some. The exact details are to be discussed and decided between us (and the names are placeholder). There would ideally be fight scenes in this as the backdrop is the lead up to, and eventually a war. The two would have to learn how to fight and survive together, slowly learning how they complement each other on and off the battlefield. I'm happy to take either role here.


Idea 3: Balance - A story set in the Star Wars universe, preferably an AU of our own design, or at least one far enough removed from the main events that we don't need to worry about their consequences. The general idea here is that the Jedi and Sith have been engaged in a secret war for hundreds of years, each moving against one another and hiding it from the Republic/Ruling faction. One of us would play a Jedi and one a Sith. The Jedi has been tasked to infiltrate a Sith stronghold, and there he meets a Sith. There is an immediate connection, but both play it off. Eventually things come to a head, and the Sith wishes them to run away together, but the duty-bound Jedi refuses. They would then meet one another by chance over the course of years, sometimes as allies and sometimes as enemies, often trying to sway the other down their path, but always drawn by their connection even if they try and deny it. Eventually circumstance would force them together, perhaps on the run, and they finally have the chance to be with one another, if they are brave enough to admit it.

This doesn't necessarily have to be a Star Wars setting (it could simply be two rivals from two different kingdoms), that was simply my preferred setting. Ultimately the two would come into frequent contact and conflict as each desperately wishes to sway the other to their side so they can be together. The idea was they eventually end up meeting in the middle as 'Grey', both seceeding from their respective order, but we can discuss where we want this to go. I'd be happy to play either role here.


Idea 4: Case File #287b43, The Missing Sibling - Kaya is a private investigator and often is tasked with investigating cases that have some kind of supernatural element to them, whether it be vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, angels, demons e.c.t, and is very good at her job. Too good, in fact. One day one of her close family members (brother/sister probably) goes missing without a trace, and she knows instinctively that there is something supernatural going on here. She has to deal with her other cases whilst desperately investigating their disappearance, all the while an old flame shows back up. A vampire named Hailey who has always wanted to turn Kaya into a vampire so they can live together forever. Kaya reluctantly turns to Hailey for help, and she agrees. Though her help may seem charitable initially, there is something deeper at work when she seems to know more than she lets on as the case takes them deep into the heart of the city's supernatural underbelly. The pair will have to reconcile their differences and work together to survive and uncover the truth, and make a descision about if they have a future together at all.

Something of a noir detective combined with supernatural mystery that gets personal for the characters. An underlying romance between the two main characters, one a human and one a vampire would underpin the entire thing as they work through both the case and their issues and decide if they can work things out and be together in a way that works for both of them. I'd be happy to take either of the roles here.


That's all I have for now, more might be added at a later date.
If one of the ideas intrigued you, please feel free to message me and we can discuss it in more detail!
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