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Fx M or F The tomboy is a girl

Jun 9, 2020
Hello there,

Welcome to my idea thread. Currently I have a specific idea in mind that I would like to rp so you'll find that below. It may change with my whims.

A note on activity, I will probably not be posting every day, but will try to post as often as I can.

Edit to add, preferred method of rp is via thread

Idea (fxm version)

High school setting, all characters are 18.

We are part of a close bit friends group that is all boys and my character. We have all been friends since I moved to the small town a decade ago. I have always been a tomboy, and have been treated like just another one of the guys since the early inception of the group.

So much so that upon entering the young - middle teen years when most boys steal their dads playboy magazines you all looked at them and commented on them in MCs presence without thinking about it. MC never said anything and genuinely never seems to mind.

In face, the only time there is even any notice of MC not being a boy is when there are sleepovers. She stays late, bikes home and is there first thing in the morning though. It has become the norm. She is one of the boys.

She dresses in pants and long shirts, even in the summer. Though her bust is modest, she still wraps fabric tightly around to push it down so it never becomes a thing. When the boys go swimming she hangs out on the beach or if they are cliff jumping she's taking pictures. It may have been something that she didn't swim when they were younger but again, it has become common place now. She has never had a relationship, and doesn't seem all that interested in one.

My idea for this has it taking place pre common place internet or internet at all. Back in a time where kids were often out of the house. While she is completely normal to the friends society thinks it is very strange that a girl is "one of the boys" and is not very accepting for the most part. While she feels like a boy or that she wants to be a boy sometimes, she is still a girl and doesn't say she isn't. She still has desires as a girl as well, though they are kept well hidden.

During their final year of High school MCs sister is getting married. The sister is one of the most important person in MCs life besides the friend group, so when she asks that MC please wear a dress she agrees. She even agrees to bring a date - YC - because YC is the one least likely to tease her about it... or at least be less relentless. It will be the first time YC really sees that she is cute. She isn't the bombshells from the magazine. Her breasts aren't massive, but she isn't the stick character you thought she was all these years.

Maybe nothing happens at the wedding, maybe it is a few kisses after dancing or something. I'd like the build up to more sexual contact. Eventually seeing each other naked. Touching the first time but no real rubbing or anything. Slow build up is what I'm looking for. All while not being in a relationship and trying not to involve the other friends (who we'll both be playing as side characters). Maybe YC is confused and conflicted because MC has always been a "guy" to them?

I'm thinking the group is not super popular, maybe a bit nerdy but I am flexible on most things here. The one thing I'm really wanting to stick to is that they are growing up in a time where virtually all kids spend a lot of time hanging out rather that on computers.

Idea #2 (fxf version)

I think much of the above could be true and played out for this one only we would be added in a new character that is a "traditional" girl at the time. Not a damsel in distress, minds, but she wears dresses often, is a beauty that does not hide her femininity. She could be the sister of one of the boys, a girlfriend that one of them gets, or a new girl in town. I'm open for this. Willing to play either character.
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