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Fx M or F The Ultimate Search for Play Mates

Eleanor Lockett

Nov 6, 2016
Hello All!

It feels odd introducing yourself to someone who can't talk back. Anyways, my name is Eleanor Lockett. I have been on and off sites like this for a ridiculous amount of time at this point, but make no claims to be any sort of expert.

As far as expectations of a partner and myself go. The expectations are easy to meet. Reply to the posts at your earliest convince, be open and honest with your expectations, ideas, and kinks, have correct spelling and readable grammar, post at a length that progresses the story whether two lines or 6 paragraphs. That's it. Told you the expectations should be easy to meet.

As far as actual 'play time' and planning goes. You'll be my favorite person if you have a 'complex' plot for the role rather than the generic pairing. I'll still accept the generic pairing, it is just more fun if it has its own unique spin on it. It is my personal preference, to have some form of romance or love involved in the roleplay. That does not mean that it has to be romance focused. It just means if you are playing a master or mistress that my character should be on occasion treated more than just a sex toy even if just given a brief loving kiss. That's what keeps it alive for me.

Now that we have all that crap out of the way its time for the actual fun.


The Tribute: The feared Vikings have just arrived to the village earlier than expected, demanding payment for their continued protection of the settlement. The Vikings meet with the nobility of the area with their demands, which cannot be meant due to a drought causing their crops to wither and die for the season. The commander of the ship decides on taking the Lord's life and the official title of the village. As he announces his decision in mockery about to draw his weapon, a young maiden would become apparent as the noble woman who had been hidden away from the Vikings eyes attempted to save her fathers life. Little did she know that she would be paying with her own becoming the commanders personal bed wench.

The Enslaved Wench: Woman bought and sold for male entertainment. Old woman, young woman, virgins, you name it and the merchant has them for your personal enjoyment whether you want to have her work on keeping your home clean and your stomach full of warm meals or darker topics. [This particular plot, could really be stretched based on the partners wants and desires. Could become modern, could involved mythical creatures such as vampires blood slaves, the possibilities are endless which is the reason it was left so open.]

The Promise: The prince is the next in line for the throne. Having grown up with a childhood friend of the help. When they were younger, they were the best of friends. He promised her that he would rule with a fair mind, unlike his father, who ruled with cruel injustice. But as he got busier and had to partake in royal obligations, and has since broken the promise. He has become the selfish prince, caring little about the people of his kingdom. What will happen when he see his old friend, his first love wandering the courtyard? Will he even recognize her or just see her beauty and make a fool of himself?

The Plague: It's set in the middle of the plague, when everyone has lost everything and everyone. The King has sent for the rest of the surrounding villages to go to the Capital, leaving the infected behind to start a new uninfected kingdom. The entire morale of the kingdom is struggling as everyone is depressed and trying to survive. After a month of having had everyone moved to the Capital the King send out another announcement that all girls of marrying age will gather in the town to have the chance to marry the prince and help carry the royal line through the plague, bringing hope to the kingdom of a new future.

High School or College:

Anxiety: They have been best friends for almost 10 years, they considered themselves brothers. His best friend had a fraternal twin, she has extreme social anxiety and has been homeschooled since she hit middle school. But with it being their senior year her parents sign her up to take her classes at the high school hoping to get her ready for college. He has loved her since he met her but knowing his best friend would never approve he became more of a player. You could say he's just a little fucked up. But she brings out them best in him and he brings out the best in her. What will happen though when she ends up going to the high school?

The Shoulder to Cry On: He'd watched her grow up. He was her parents' best friend's son, the guy who was always there. So he'd seen her highs and lows, he remembered her baby sister being born, her first day of school. And now he had to watch as she hurled herself into an abusive relationship, and it killed him. Watching her come into school with bruises and burns, desperately covering them with long sleeves and thick tights. He was her shoulder to cry on always, but now she was pulling away, and that's all it took for him to realise how much he liked her. How much he loved her.

Chemistry: A girl and a guy are partnered up in their chemistry class, and they immediately feel an insane attraction to each other. The boy is reckless, spontaneous, gorgeous, and a rebel. The girl is usually cautious and careful, and she decides that this boy will bring her nothing but trouble. But she begins to find that she can't resist him, and he's always on her mind. She finds that this boy brings out the crazy side to her, and she's more attracted to him than anyone else she's ever met. Along the way of getting to know each other, they fall in love.


The Alcoholic:
___ has had a problem with being an alcoholic but never thought anything of it. Till one night he was driving under the influence and didn't see the kid crossing the road. He only heard the thud as he hit him and killed him. Although it wasn't entirely his fault the kids was trying to commit suicide. But he got put in a rehab center as part of his punishment. ___ would rather be in jail though instead of in a home having to talk about feelings and shit. The therapist designs an experiment with all of his patients to have someone else come in and just help them or give them someone to talk to. --- is assigned him and ___ is immediately stunned by her she wasn't like any girl he had ever seen and he quickly falls head over heels for her.

The Mafia: He runs the biggest gang in New York and is known as one of the cruelest men on earth, although he's not. They've never accepted girls into the gang unless they where there to be pretty much prostitutes for the males of the gangs. Till she came along, when she was brought to him for fighting one of the gang members. She possessed something that he needed so bad.

Information on everything gang in the area, a gorgeous body and face one that can turn a guy on in seconds, and she also knew how to fight. She was perfect in every way. He offered her a spot in the gang of death. She agreed but not as one of the prostitutes she wanted a position any guy could get and he of course agreed. Then he begins falling for her.
Just one problem, she's a spy for one of the Russian gangs in the city that's actually his gang's rival, when he finds out will he forgive and forget or torture her?

Hit & Run: He's been a misfit ever sense he was 11 years old doing petty crimes like stealing and stuff like that but when he was 16 years old he dropped out of high school and joined one of the gangs in L.A. he was one of the robbers for the gang stealing money from a bank then giving it to the gang but one day when his partner and best friend was shot instead of fighting like he should have he ran off and moved to a small town so that no one would recognize him and he wouldn't be killed for fleeing the scene. He falls in love with a girl from the small town and vows to give up crime and never tells her but eventually she finds out when his past catches up with him.


The Protective Alpha:
A werewolf pack overruns the forest territory, kept in secret away from most prying eyes. However, on a rainy day, they find someone wandering. They find, ___, a young girl without a family. After ___ tells her story, ***, the alpha, suggests that they take her in, as an honorary member of the pack. ___ loves it, making friends with all of them and feeling right at home. Things change, however, when ___ comes home one day with big news; she's got a boyfriend. She quickly realizes that the pack is against the idea and incredibly protective of her, especially ***.

Love at First Sight: --- heard someone knock on his door and he got up to see it. He walked over to the door and opened it up to see the baby girl ___ sound asleep at his feet. He immediately feels as though she belonged to him and marks her as his mate. Knowing she would grow up to be his one true love. He send ___ off with his best friends to raise her like a normal human. --- planned to return into her life after she turned 17 and get her to fall in love with him.


Slave x Master
Druggie x Drug Dealer
Arranged Marriage
Princess x Knight
Mistress x King
Royaty x Non-Royalty
Knight x Slave
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