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Mx Any Chaos's Chaotic Cravings Male Edition


May 13, 2012
Eldorado, AR
Some simple rules First​

  • I am not the best with grammar or spelling so I am not too picky, but I will prod you if I do not understand something….. And if I am you know you have some mistakes.
  • Post length again I'm not too picky I need at least 1 paragraph. I mean I have worked with one liners but I beg on my hands and knees please give me more.
  • I do not care about what gender you are in RL, I'm here to roleplay so let's just have some fun
  • Final bit I am not too picky about time between posts, I get it RL can be a bitch of a mistress but I will say if your gone for 1 to 2 weeks I may give you a small nudge. If I do not here rom you after a week from said nudge I will assume that you are either really busy in RL or not interested. That being said if you want to come back and pick up or try something else then hey I am down for it.
  • Now last one if you are not enjoying the RP or you do not like my style… JUST TELL ME…. don't make up some crap about grammar (I do my post in word so I try) I am and adult and I can guarantee I have had worse thrown my way in my life then you can dish so bye all means just tell the dam truth.
Impact Play
Sex Toys

Anal (Giving & Receiving)
Oral (Giving & Receiving)
Sensory Deprivation
Physical & Mental Abuse
Dom/Sub Dynamics
Nipple Play
Vaginal Sex (Giving)
Anal Traning
Breath Play
Orgasm Control/Denial
Physical Restraints
Sexual Restraints
Speech Restrictions
Force Clothes Wearing
Forced Nudity
Financial Dom
Fem Dom
Water Sports

The spoiled list are not the only Kinks that I like just a scratch of what I like. And that does not mean I need all of them. If you noticed I did put Romance so I do not need kinky smut to have fun I just happen to like a lot of kinky smut. As to limits I have none (the no's on f-list are for the character not me personally) now just because I do not have limits doe not mean I do not have limits in the context of an rp. Basically if I do not think a kink will fit in and rp or in the context of what is going on I will not do it. There is such a thing as time and place. Now for those of you that do have limits and its one of my kinks is a limit for you message me if you like something I can be flexible. But if you are pretty much vanilla then chances are we wont mesh well but if you see something you like well hit me up still maybe we can work something out.

Now on to Ideas and plots.

Bad Ends - This dose not mean that a character has to die sure that is was one way to go about it. However it could be something like yc (or mc) ends up a broken and mindless sex fiend, or they end up failing in there mission and something bad happens to something they are protecting. Just basically where the "good guy" does not win (or the villain is finally defeated)
Cucking - This can be either me playing a male that gets cucked (or you if it is male X male) or my character cucking a female character. And I am telling you now that when I play the cuck part things will happen to him besides sitting there watching things happen... I can do it with out but it is not as much fun to me. If its me cucking your character.... then I would probably involve them in the fun to (unless you did not what to play like that)
Hairy Women - And no I dont mean trimmed and neat Im talking full on bush... armpits.... even legs and arms is fine basically all natural if you wanted to do so. Bonus points if she is chubby and old!
Chubby Women - Yea I have nothing against petite women I love them to. But to be honest I love the bigger girls more. I have always been that way don't ask why just who I am. So bring me a thicker girl (bigger the better) and lets have some fun. Also bonus points if she is hairy or old!
Older Females - For this I am not just talking 30 - 40 I mean 50+ I am talking white or grey hair. Again dont ask me why I just find older women attractive so sue me. Also I would like to say double bounes if she is on the bigger side and hairy!
Femdom - I really don't get this very often even more so playing males but you do this for me I will do just about any rp plot you want to do on you end (well maybe not Canon characters as I may not know them well enough)
Loss of control - Ok this one is hard to explain and I would love for this to happen to a character I play or even do it to a character you play if you are curious as to what this is then send me a message as it can be hard to explain.

Muse A is a young man 18 -22 and is still living with is parents to save money Muse is the little old lady (or man) that is living next door. Muse A has know Muse B there whole life and has helped them with numerous things since he was kid. Now that Muse A is older he has found that he is attracted to Muse B and though he knows they would never reciprocate their feelings the desire to be with them is still there. Then one day while Muse A is helping use B around their house Muse B starts to fall and Muse A catches them. With their faces so close Muse A can no longer hold back and moves in for a kiss and is surprised when Muse B kisses them back.

Alternate Idea Muse A is a down on his luck young man. Muse B is wealth off and lives alone. One night Muse B spots Muse A walking along the street while they are returning home and pull over and offers them a job and a place to stay. However Muse B is unaware of the kind of person Muse A can be and its not long before Muse B finds out the twisted person they have brought home with them.

Muse A is the CEO of a large corporation and is known to be one of the most ruthless business men out there not to mention. Muse B is his secretary who despite hating the man at times stick with her job because she knows if she sticks it out a bit longer she was told she would be promoted to a manger position and as big of pain Muse A could be to Muse B at times she knew the man was a man of his word. Of course things change when she is at home one night. Though she acts quite meek and submissive at work for her boss Muse B is quite the Dome and makes some money on the side bye playing online Dome to Men that get a kick out of woman telling them what to do. Checking out the mans profile she can tell he will be fun as he has images showing him bent over in skirts and in panties. And then she comes across one of the guy doing a curtsy in a maid outfit and low and behold it her boss. She then smiles to her self and knows that she as a better way to get ahead in life.

Fandoms I am Craving
The Walking Dead

Looking to play against one of these (Warning one NSFW image in the first link!) girls or one of these girls.

Finally I know there are not alot of plots here but if you do not like either of the plots I have here let me know it you like any of my ideas, fandoms, or want to play one of the girls in two image lists. Also let me know what kind of kinks you like and you limits and we can see if we can come up with something. Or send me an idea either way I promise I do not bite. Well my character might but only if you want them to 😉.
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