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My Nifty Journal!


Apr 13, 2022
Amoria's Plotz and Stuff
This is just a journal (and a draft for my request thread) for all my plot, pairings, and character profiles. Feel free to have a look around!
Anyway, I'll tell you some things about myself.

About Me:
  • I'm 23 years old and go by she/her and they/them pronouns.
  • I enjoy playing video games, anime, writing (however, I'm still trying to improve), and roleplaying (usually through play-by-post).
  • I'm a pretty chill and calm person. If you have any issue with the RP or if I'm making you uncomfortable at any point, you can bring up your concerns. I'm kind of ghost-friendly, but I vastly prefer it when someone tells me they're no longer interested or they need to take a break.
  • I have no problem chatting OOC. I feel like getting to know someone could help strengthen a bond (platonically) between RP partners. Still, if you're not one for chit-chat, then that's totally cool.
  • I typically strive to write a paragraph to multi-paragraph for my posts. Also, I write in a third-person perspective. I'm still trying to improve my writing because I feel like it can sometimes come across as stilted. Additionally, I try to respond at least a couple of times a week (usually 2-3 times a week). I will inform you whenever my posting rate wanes or if I need a break.
  • Even though I enjoy coming up with plots and world-building stuff, I'm pretty rusty at it, so please bear with me as I'm attempting to get better at it.
  • I play female characters, although I have been interested in trying out non-binary characters too.
  • I've never done pairings or any kind of romance before, but I'd like to try to incorporate it into the story. So, I would like some romantic elements between our characters.
  • I only use illustrated art as a face claim (typically anime or artistic drawings). I don't know why, but it feels weird to me to use real-life face claims, especially celebrity ones.
Woah, thanks for reading a bit about me. Now, let's get to the fun stuff!

Genres, Pairing, Plots!
    • Slice-of-Life
    • Romance
    • Fantasy (Isekai, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, ect.)
    • Sci-fi (Space Adventures!)
    • Supernatural
    • Horror
  • These are the kind of pairings I like. I don't have a potential plot for every one of them, but these things will pique my interest. I don't have a strict preferred role for these pairings.
    • Ghoul x Human/Ghoul/Monster
    • Android/Robot x Human
    • Alien x Human/Alien
    • Best Friend x Best Friend
    • God/Goddess x Isekai-ed Human
    • Forbidden Love
    • Enemies to Lovers
  • These are incredibly rough concepts I'm coming up with. Any of these plots are subject to edit if we want to tweak the ideas. I'm mainly looking for an RP partner for the first plot, but I'm adding multiple plot ideas that interest me.
    Also, my plots are aiming to be 80/20 or 70/30 plot:smut ratio. I'd like to try some sexual content in my storyline, but I wouldn't want it to be the main focus.

    Your Character = YC
    My Character = MC
    * = Plots I'm interested in the most

    * Monsters At Heart
    (Ghoul x Human/Ghoul/Monster)

    The world has always been inhabited by supernatural races that hide among humanity. Rumors and conspiracies would sprout up about the existence of supernatural beings, but most humans consider them to be fairytales and tall tales. The supernatural has its own society, similar to humans. They have their own factions vying for power. Character A (MC) is a recently turned ghoul who is still struggling with maintaining their hunger. Character B (YC) could be a human (someone who's aware of the supernatural), a fellow ghoul (you can determine whether they're experienced in dealing with their hunger or not), or another kind of supernatural creature who may have its own unique struggles. We can have our characters start off as close friends or lovers who rely on each other to survive in this secretive paranormal society. We can both come up with the world-building of the supernatural society.

    Clockwork Heart
    (Android/Robot x Human)
    View attachment 115838
    Character A (a human) comes into contact with Character B (mysterious android/robot). Eventually, the two become roommates of the sort. Although, there's something a little strange about Character B. Well, besides being an android that's roomies with a human. Maybe, Character B is in hiding from someone or something. Whatever the secret may be, it seems to follow them wherever they go. Even though it's likely more trouble than it's worth, Character A has grown attached to Character B. And it's more than just platonically.

    Outer-space Adventures! (WIP)
    (Alien x Human/Alien)
    View attachment 115837

    Isekai Plot (WIP)

    (God/Goddess x Isekai-ed Human)
    View attachment 115836
  • I have to update this soon!

Final Touches
So, that's about it! Again, please contact me through conversations if you're interested in plotting and RPing with me. If you have your own ideas, then feel free to bring them up to me as well! Also, I'll be updating my potential plots occasionally as I flesh out or come up with more ideas.​
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