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Fx Female An unlikely duo (Star Wars)

Lightning Dust

Feb 19, 2020
Hello, and thanks for giving my add a read. I've always been of the mindset on my various delves into roleplaying that ads generally ought to be short and sweet. So with that being said, I'll give a quick dive into what I'm hoping for out of a roleplay and secondly what I'm willing to give! I'll add a little disclaimer here in saying that I prefer to keep my descriptions short and sweet, because I am a very flexible roleplayer and honestly I prefer organic discussions about what we both want.

Firstly, I'll open up here and say i'll likely enjoy seeing a 60-40 or 70-30 ratio of plot to smut usually, as I typically adore some character development and action thrown in. When it comes to smut, i'll throw in a f-list for some of my yes's and no's, and if something isn't there I'll usually be fine with it. I'll lastly say I'm generally happy being a switch. I enjoy doing both domme/sub but I do enjoy a bit of both, but if you have any hard preference I'm sure we can work it out just fine.

For the plot itself though, I quite enjoy playing Mandalorians, although I do my best to restrain from the stereotypical gruff, silent, and unbeatable kind. I'd be playing a duelist who enjoyed a somewhat carefree but spoiled existence in one of the largest fighting rings on Nar Shaddaa. She will be thrown a curve ball at the start of our roleplay and will have to deal with being brought low and rising to be the woman she was born to be. It won't be easy, with my character having no small measure of pride and a surprising lack of experience outside of the carefully curated arenas she had fought in her whole life. There will be some twists for her, but I very much enjoyed crafting her to be dynamic and bending to interact with her partner in a way we both find fun.

My final thoughts on my partner before I offer a sample though would frankly be tor my partner to be interested in Star Wars, and hopeful to throw in some ideas and developments for their own character. Biggest rule of course is have fun! I'm a flexible partner, and I love bouncing ideas off eachother or just chatting. Don't be a stranger!
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