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NBx Any Looking For RP Opportunities, System & Freeform, Inquire Within!!


Mar 20, 2022
West Coast United States
Hello there, my name is Acired and this is my attempt to put myself out there, and see if I connect with any RP opportunities out there! I've tried to break this down into little pieces that make it easier to digest what kind of roleplayer I am. I hope you give me a chance, and like what you read below!

I'm Generation-X, Asian-American (mixed Chinese and Japanese heritage), and I've been part of roleplaying since the early 80's. I learned first on AD&D and the D&D Red Box, then branched out into various systems. I tend to play female characters, but I have enjoyed occasional crossplay as a male character. I find though that if I am playing in anything more 'mature content' oriented, I will gravitate back towards female characters. I consider myself gender fluid, and enjoy exploring themes that touch upon gender roles, stereotypes, and traditional-versus-contemporary expectations.

I'm mostly at home during the days, but not always available for online activities. My freetime is usually mid-late evenings through the wee hours of the mornings. I do spread myself across a wide array of activities, so I cannot promise more than one committed day per week for online roleplay.

It happens, I've been guilty of slacking off myself. But I just tend to not do well with partners who vanish for long periods of time without communicating with me. It makes me suspicious and less likely to get engaged with them again. The surefire way to keep me engaged is to communicate with me, even if it's to tell me you need to step back and take time off. Ghosting me without any heads-up will just lead me to think the worst.

I've only really got a few red lights. I don't care for scat or watersports. I don't like bloodplay or gore. Anal does nothing for me, it makes me go "Ick!" and ruins my mood for writing and interacting.

I'm really comfortable with reactionary roleplay, reading a room, and responding in back and forth exchanges. I really do my best when I get feedback and dialogue back from my RP partners. This means I try to give back, what my partners put in. I love planning scenarios and ideas for roleplay with my partners, getting feedback from them about what they'd like to see and experience. It doesn't have to be storyboarded and lacking spontaneity, but I find that with me, planted seeds grow into a rich harvest of roleplay.

I'm terrible with what people commonly call freeform or sandbox roleplay. I know it's a perfectly valid style, but I find with me, it slows down and devolves into what I call "tea and weather" conversations. I need structure and direction, conflict with purpose, and an overall storyline that I can follow. Without these things, I tend to get frustrated and impatient, and find that I am not at my best in these situations.

There's a few themes that I find I am attracted to roleplaying. I'll try to break them down into easily defined ideas.
  1. Bondage/Submission & loss of status. I'm a big lover of plots and stories that cause a "fall from grace", both socially and even physically. This means I am a sucker for capture and enslavement stories, entrapment, and similar scenarios which are heavily laced with symbolism and ritualist meaning, that mark a downward spiral or a slippery slope.
  2. Transformation themes. This could be viewed as an extension of the above, focused on the physical changes that take a character from the higher status of being human, into something lesser, bestial, more primal and with less capability to resist and comprehend their new status in the world. This includes mythic style girl-to-animal changes, curses and lycanthropy, pokemon-girls or anthropomorphic hybrids, and even male-to-female gender-benders (especially since those often involve a loss of social status and privilege).
  3. Gynophagia/Guro. This may require some explanation, but I became a big fan of Dolcett and women-eating themes awhile back, after being introduced to the erotic horror artwork/stories of Dolcett and a few other writers. A great deal of this relates to the idea of loss of status like I've mentioned above. It's the ultimate reduction to an object that one can imagine. But there's also something incredibly erotic and primal about the thought that someone is going to literally eat you. I tend to favor the more fantastical and bloodless (almost magical) stories, as opposed to the bloody gore and guts that often accompany these themes, but if you're familiar with Dolcett, you may already know of what I speak of.

I'm most comfortable with strong mechanically structured systems with which I have a working familarity. This includes AD&D 1st-2nd Edition (particularly with Player's Options), D&D 3.0 and 3.5, Pathfinder 1st Edition, Star Wars D20 SAGA Edition, Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Ed (aka DC Universe Roleplaying), Cyberpunk RED, and the original World of Darkness by White Wolf (before their reboots). I have played a lot of systems, and am willing to play in ones I am less comfortable with, but be warned that my level of interest often corresponds with the level of flexibility and creativity that a system offers. This is why I avoid D&D 4th and 5th Ed, Pathfinder 2nd Ed, and other systems aimed at a more loose "video game" feel and structure.

I'm a big fan of several popular mainstream franchises out there. I am a HUGE fan of J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World; as well as being a devotee of both Marvel and DC Comics; I adore David Lynch's Twin Peaks; I was raised on a steady diet of Star Trek (especially TOS, DS9, and I even like Discovery); I'm a old-school fan of Star Wars pre-Disney era, although I greatly enjoy some aspects of the Disney creations like Rogue One, Mandalorian, and Rebels; Anime is one of my childhood staples, although I confess to being somewhat of an Anime-snob, and not really enjoying most contemporary anime that came out after the golden age of anime (80's through the 00's), so I won't really be knowledgable about things like Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Sword Art, or anything later. Some of my favorite series include Macross, Gundam, Lum, Ranma, Akira, Dominion Tank Police, Riding Bean, Gunsmith Cats, Bubblegum Crisis, Ghost In The Shell, Ah My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo, El Hazard, Escaflowne, Fushigi Yugii, Love Hina, and Samurai Champloo.

I hope if you've made it down to the bottom, that you've gotten a good idea of what kind of person and roleplayer I am. I'm going to create a Journal and link it here, detailing some short excerpts of Roleplays I've been involved in before that have been abandoned and gone into limbo, but that I would like to recycle or use as the basis for a new incarnation of roleplay. If you're curious and would like to get a better of what my writing style is like, I do encourage you to check it out and follow the link! (Currently in draft form, not yet active)
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