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Nightmare or dream, hard to say (Blinded & Shadow)

Jan 14, 2009
The soft melody of a harp echoed though out a large bath house. It seemed as there were four people around. The harp player, a soft skinned girl, elegant and graceful, a bread beauty or so it seemed. Yet that was due to the late master of the estate, Trevan D. Collen. A extremely perverted old man, who bought children, from there family's for high prices that was hard to resist. He didn't keep them as slaves, yet rather as Maids, under contracts that were the same as slavery. He raised the girls, to be as willing to comply to there masters will, what ever it might be.

The girls were extremely excited by his death. They were not saddened a bit, for it was already well known that the entirety of the estate and maids were to given to Edward D. Collen, the favorite grandson of the former master. This was mainly due to his creative ideas for machines, and mechanics, as well as designs for things. He was a rather pleasant young man in appearance. Yet he was extremely manipulative, and enjoyed playing with people. He had inherited his fortune at the age of sixteen, and emancipated himself from his family, cutting of ties to all of his other family save for random short contacts with his twin brother, who was not pleased with his inheriting it all.

This didn't bother him at all in fact it brought him great amusement. Edward sat chest deep in warm water as two lovely young ladies massaged his solders. He wasn't some extravagant handsome man, he was rather average at best. Short brown hair, with deep brown eyes, a rather toned body were the best to describe his appearance. He stood five foot eleven, and was quite proud of how tall he was no matter what anyone said. He was spending a pleasurable day relaxing at the estate, fatally unaware of the change that was to come. How ever amusing it might be for him, a new piece was coming into his little game.

How it would turn out in the end he did not know. As his thoughts wondered he began to wonder, what was his twin doing about now?
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