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A Firefly RP (Nyoko& BR45)


Jan 9, 2009
Elizabeth was a mercenary, and a damn good one too. She never had let a customer down, and always got the job done. She was a beautiful woman too, about 5 foot 6, long dark brown hair, brown eyes and a stunning figure. Her two auto pistols, a common pistol for those not affiliated with the ruling power, hung neatly around her hips. She dressed like a typical outlaw, tan pants and flannel shirt, leather vest over it. The ruling power was the Alliance, and Elizabeth was constantly trying to avoid them. She wasn't a wanted criminal, but she wanted it to stay that way. Her work was quick and clean. She was a one woman show and hardly ever took partners, which was sometime dangerous for her position.

Her latest job would prove to be a challenge. She was to transport a valuable medicine across the Alliance planet Ariel. Her client was an old, wealthy man and in dire need of a certain medication to save his life. Although the planet was known for its hospital this client was a criminal and couldn't get access to the medicine the proper way. She was to steal it from a transport shuttle and then return the medicine to him. She always hated being on a core planet, but since she was broke and had no ship the nice payoff would score her a ticket out of this place.

She had started the mission no problem, dressed in alliance clothes with her guns tucked away but had easy access. She even managed to get the vile of medicine from the transport. It was on her way back that she had some trouble. She had to cross the entire city to get the goods back to her client, and she was halfway there when a few men had stopped her. She had shot two of them, but eventually they had overpowered her and took the medicine. Leaving her in an alley, bleeding from the leg. She had never failed a job, and this wouldn't make her employer happy.

She had inched her way back to the man's hideout, only a few hours late and she was immediately taken inside and brought before the employer. He was a powerful criminal, and had many men around, her failure wouldn't be tolerated, but she knew if she didn't return then her chances of getting another job would be slim. The grape vine for criminals was vast, and reached even some of the outer planets. She was honest with her employer and explained what happened, but his face never softened. Apparently this was his last chance at survival and now he would die unless he went to the hospital willingly. He promised she would die for her actions, of course she had fought against the man and his thugs, but with a injured leg she was easily overpowered and knocked unconscious. It was a bit foolish to murder someone on a core planet, people asked to many questions when a body was found, so they took her off world, to an outer planet. She was held up in the ships cell for a few days, fed nothing, and chained up so she couldn't escape. They repaired her leg only slightly to prevent her death before they could take it themselves. On the third day they had landed and the mans thugs had dragged her out into the fresh air. She was weak from lack of meals and could hardly fight.

"Well, bitch. Welcome to your grave site." One of the thugs chuckled and pulled her head up by her hair. If her hands hadn't been bound she would have taught these thugs why her name was to be respected. "Maybe we should have some fun with her first?" The same man sneered, "I'd hate to waste such a perfect body." He tugged on her hair again.

"You best not touch me." Elizabeth growled, no man touched her without permission.

The man seemed to enjoy this fight and pulled on her again, making her look at him, "Going to stop me then? I'd like to see your pretty ass try. Maybe if your good i'll let you live as my bitch." He kicked her in the stomach and she doubled over in pain.

The second man cut in, "Boss says she dies, so she dies. Got it?" The first man sighed and glanced back down at her form, "Fine fine, but it wont hurt to fuck her a few times before we kill her." Both of the men smiled at each other and started to remove Elizabeth of her clothing. She screamed and cursed them until they gagged her just to shut her up. She refused to go out like this but she was overpowered very easily. She could only hope someone might save her.

(( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - I used this site just for little details, so if your ever lost this is the perfect place to look! ))
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