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Slave to the afterlife.

Jan 28, 2009
Roy sighed as he got up out of his bed in his single bed, boarding school dorm room. It wasn’t a sad sigh. Quite the contrary It was notable happy sigh. And this general mood of cheerfulness continued all during his morning routine. While brushing his teeth; showering, eating and going to class.

Roy’s happiness was due to the fact he had gone a whole week with out having to be afraid. He used to have a bully at this school that made his life a living hell. Constantly picking on, and tormenting. For two years this had gone on. But over the break the bully had died in a freak car accident and Roy was free to enjoy school.

Now I know that seems bit harsh…No one should be happy that someone that another human life died so suddenly and at such a young age. But life was now simple and normal for Roy again and that was hard for him.

Roy was a cute young man. He was very short for his age; hardly reaching 5 feet with his shoes on. He had a very girlish body; a noticeable plump end, curvy figure, and smooth, soft skin. Even his legs were girly. He was weak, girlish, and cute. His hair about shoulder length and wavy; dirty blond. He wore the some what tight shorts today with a plain white shirt tucked in; almost like a school boy uniform. The school didn’t have a uniform policy; it was just the way he dressed.

He was now in the last class of the day. Sitting quietly and taking notes. Little did he know he was being watched; that his life was about to change and that some times bullies just don’t know when to leave you alone.
Being hit by a car was a rather abrupt way to go-- especially when there was a bit of unfinished business that the person had to take care of. In David's case, his unfinished business was his obsession with a boy in his class which he always picked on. He never set out to be evil to the boy, but his lust made him want to get close to Roy, and the only way David found he could do that without hurting his reputation was by picking on him.

Now in the afterlife, David didn't have to worry about his reputation. He wanted Roy-- all of him-- and he was going to have fun now that he couldn't be seen as a ghost. Might as well humiliate Roy. Watch him squirm. That would be hot.

David had been watching Roy, and as the boy made his way to class he knew that it was his time to move. He slipped through the walls of the classroom and headed over to Roy, completely invisible. He watched the boy for a moment, looking over his gorgeous body and that luscious ass pressed to the chair. Scrumptious. Reaching down, David groped one of those asscheeks, kneading it in his hand before pulling away.
The boy sighed; this class was so boring… he already knew most of this stuff. He read ahead in his books with all his free time. He also didn’t like this teacher…he was so bland and boring in presenting the material. Though suddenly he got an odd feeling. The feeling he was being watched by…something or someone. He guessed this wasn’t odd considering he was in a rather large class. Someone was bout to be looking at him at one point of time or another. But still…he couldn’t shake the odd feeling.

He gasped as he suddenly felt something grip at his nice, plump ass. This just wasn’t something accidentally tugging at his shorts or anything like that. He felt a very distict feeling of being groped; he could feel the out line of the hand and fingers as it gripped his rear firmly. He knew he wasn’t with reaching distance of anyone; not only that but he was sitting down. How was this possible.

What ever it was started to knead and play with his cheek for a bit; causing him to blush and shift about his seat. The jus as suddenly as it started it stop. He looked down at his desktop trying not to draw attention to his blushing or the fact that he was starting to grow an errecttion.
The blush was so cute! David grinned as he watched Roy shift and blush in his seat, no doubt trying to figure out what was happening. It only made David want to get him more worked up. So David reached down again and groped Roy's ass again, kneading the flesh and really playing with the plump assflesh. It felt good in his hand. After a few moments of working his soft asscheek, David pulled back again and grinned down at Roy.

It was then that he noticed the budding erection. How cute. David licked his ghostly lips and then reached down, softly brushing his hand against the forming bulge. Teasingly, he brushed his fingers over a second time. And then, suddenly, David pressed his palm to the erection and squeezed it gently, his fingers tickling at Roy's balls. And then his hand dissapeared again.
He gasped as once more he felt his ass teased by the invisible pair of hands. Feeling the strong griping and kneading of his soft, ample ass was causing him to shivered and squirm about in his seat. He bit his lip to keep himself from making any kind of noise as the hands continued to tease and molest his sensitive flesh. What was going on? Was he losing his mind. He sigh as it stopped. Hoping what ever was happening to him was over.

But he was quite wrong; as he knew the instant he felt something starting to play and rub his erection. He let out a gasp; probable a bit louder than he should have; a couple of kids turned to look at him. He slouched in his chair and looked down at his note as his face grew brighter and brighter red. His body shivered and nearly inaudible moans escaped his lips as his cock and balls were teased and stroked. Then it all stopped again. He was quite sure he was losing his mind.
David, indeed, noticed the looks of the other students as the feminine boy whom he sto lusted after moaned out. He grinned and balled his fists, letting Roy settle down again. . .Slightly. After all, he couldn't have the other getting too aroused and having people notice, resulting in him getting kicked out of class! That wouldn't work whatsoever. David was entirely too curious as to how quiet Roy could be under pleasure, though. . .A grin crossed his lips.

The ghost reached down once again, his palm pressing against Roy's erection to tease and stroke his cock and balls again with one hand. His other hand moved around Roy's back to press against his ass, massaging the soft flesh before dipping inbetween the two cheeks to prod his finger at Roy's puckered entrance. David wondered if Roy had been used before. . .Hell, with such a fuckable ass David wouldn't doubt that Roy had been pounded hard. His finger slipped into Roy, and then became solid once more, widening his entrance and no doubt confusing the hell out of Roy as to how the intrusion got in, because it would be more of a suddenly-filled sensation. The tip of the finger rubbed against Roy's prostate while David's palm and hand stroked his cock and balls.
The boy sighed; for a while it seemed to stop. He let out a long sigh as his heart beat slowed down and his face returned to his normal color. Though his member was still hard. It wouldn’t settle down. He had been teased so much in was practically begging for release. He thought about asking to be excused from class; but that would mean brining attention to himself; and he could walk away with a bulge in his pants. Even if he didn’t have a big member; one could still tell with his tight pants on.

He had just decided to wait it out when suddenly the hands returned; feeling and stroking his cock and balls once more. He took in a quick sharp breath as his sensitive cock was teased. His face quickly growing red once more. Though it was nothing to once he felt something ’appear’ in his ass. A finger; he was sure of it. By the way it felt and moved. He had fingered himself before; even used some toys he had as well. He arched his back, bit his lip and gripped the edges of the desk as the finger moved about inside of his ass. He let out a whimpering moan as the due stimulation. He didn’t know what was going on; but it felt good.
It was obviously David's intention to get Roy off during the class period. They still had more than half the class time to go, so he could really take his time with it too. He couldn't wait to finally see Roy's face when he orgasmed. It had to be even more priceless than the face he was making as he got fingered and jerked off at the same time. He looked like such the little slut, and it was good that he sat in the back of his row, in the corner, so none of his schoolmates could really see without turing their heads completely around to watch Roy arch his back and moan. David sped his finger up, curving it each time he thrust the tip in so it hit Roy's prostate.

After a few thrusts and a tight squeeze of Roy's cock, David pulled his hands back again. Once more he wanted until Roy had calmed down slightly before he reached down and two fingers 'appeared' inside of Roy's ass. David's other hand then pressed against the other's cock and kept massaging it. The two fingers massaged Roy's prostate for some moments before they began to thrust in and out.
He gasped as it all stooped again. He shivered in his seat as the pleasure lingered in his body. He was trying to figure out what was happening to him. Was it just his imagination? It felt to real, this couldn’t be a dream. His heart was racing as his body began to relax again; though this member still stood stiff. All he noticed so far was what ever it was that each time is started up again it seemed to get more intense. He was starting to worry that he wouldn’t be able to keep quite for the rest of the class. But he certainly couldn’t leave now. He bit his lip; he had almost calmed down completely. He knew it would be coming again soon.

And sure enough it did. This time it felt like two fingers inside of him; moving about rubbing and teasing his insides. His heart began to race again as the other hand played with his cock. He started to pant and moan as softly as he possible could as the pair of fingers began to trust in and out of him. Dear god it was finger fucking him. He watched the clock, how much longer could this class go? He felt his tiny member throbbing and pre-cum leaking from the tip.
David thought it was the cutest thing in the world, how Roy pratically begged for more with the small pants and moans that only he could hear-- and if the students around Roy could hear, they weren't showing it. However, if they did turn around, the image might be a bit odd. . .Really, nothing was out of Roy's pants-- the boy just looked flushed and pleasured. His classmates would probably be very confused.

Lightly, David's hand began to move up and down the dripping cock, teasing the young shaft and rubbing across the head, touching all the little sensitive spots. Meanwhile, his fingers stopped finger-fucking the boy and instead pressed up against Roy's prostate, firmly massaging the sensitive area. After that small pause, his hand began jerking Roy off in earnest, and his fingers began finger-fucking Roy firmly. Class was almost over-- he wanted Roy to cum.
He whimpered out as he felt the pair of fingers pressing directly against his prostate. And the hand at his cock was starting to move around and tease it all over. His panting grow dangerously loud , but he still managed to keep it just where no one would hear him. He hoped so anyways. He looked up to the clock again, just as the hands stropped again. He was so damn close; both to the end of class and to climaxing from this invisible molesting hands.

Just as class was wrapping up and nearly over he felt the hands start up once more. This time they didn’t seem to be tease more as directly pleasuring. The pair of fingers fucked him to the point where he felt like he was almost bouncing up and down in his chair a bit. The one about his cock was stroking him for real; and it was almost more than he could take. He bit his lip trying to hold in his sounds of pleasure. He was so close, he could hold it anymore. Just then the bell rang for class to end; right at the same time Roy came with a moan. Thanks to the bell no one; but his molester, heard his pleasure full out cry. He looked down to see the wet stain on his shorts where he had climaxed. He bit his lip and un-tucked his shirt so it would cover his embarrassing stain. He quickly gathered up his things and went to his room. He sighed deeply once he was alone in his room. He found he had become a bit sweaty from what ever had happened to him in that room. He went to his bath room and stared a shower, hoping the hot water would help him think and figure out what was happening to him. He striped off his clothing and stepped into the warm waters and let them run down his lovely young body.
David grinned as Roy pratically bounced up and down on his fingers, wanting more in his ass. Mmm. Delicious. David was extremely hard by now, his cock throbbing, but he paid it no mind. That was the lovely thing about being a ghost-- pain didn't rule you. He could still feel and register pain, but he could ignore it. Pleasure, however, was something he could feel, but something he didn't want to ignore at all. So when David finally thrust his thick cock up into Roy's delicious ass, he would feel the pleasure even more than if he was a human. . .and he'd love every minute.

When Roy came, the ghost laughed slightly, only for Roy's ears. He pulled his hands back and licked his fingers off as Roy got up, hid the wet spot, and then moved out of the classroom. David followed Roy all the way back to his dorm, at which point David was gifted with the chance to see Roy strip and reveal that beautiful body. David groaned softly, though Roy wouldn't be able to hear it, as his cock throbbed in need at the sight of that ass and body, all covered in water and dripping. Yes, David had to have him now.

David stepped into the shower, behind Roy, and circled his arms around the boy's waist, pressing his thick, long member up between Roy's asscheeks, making him feel every inch. Like this, David lightly began humping Roy's scrumptious ass flesh.
The boy sighed deeply to himself. Nothing had happened to him all the way back or the moments he took to reset in his room; so he figured what ever had happened to him was over with, or at least didn’t fallow him back to his room. He was starting to think that what ever it was that did that to him could only do it to him in that class room; so he had started to plot on how to convince her teacher to transfer him into a different class room. Still…what on earth had the been? He still couldn’t figure out what exactly happened to him back there. He sighed softly to himself. What ever it was it had felt really good, though he would never admit that out loud. And he was almost sure he could hear some…laughter when he had came in the class room.

He was just about to reach for the soap when he suddenly felt something warp about his waist tightly. It felt like arms. He couldn’t see them but he felt them. He reached down and could feel them where they were wrapped about his body. “Oh hell, not again.” He whimpered out. His lamentation was soon fallowed by a gasp as he felt something push between his plump as cheeks. Something, long, thick, hot and hard. His face quickly turned red again as what ever it was started to hotdog his fine ass. He squirmed helplessly trying to free himself; but he lacked the strength to. “P-please, What ever you are…S-stop.” he begged despite his slight moan and his slowly stiffening member.
The whimper only made David grin and push his hips up against those plush asscheeks even more. He was teasing Roy, to be sure, by mimicking what the real actions of sex were. His cock slid easily between those tight globes, its way lubricated by water but the friction still delicious. When he was asked to stop, David laughed again for Roy's ears and moved his hand down to the other's stiffening erection. "But why?" David purred out, lightly squeezing the erection. "You like this. . ." His voice was definitely male, but he held an airy quality that made him sound quite different than what he had sounded like alive.

"I'm sure-- I'm sure you'd like it even more if my cock was in your ass, hmm?" The ghost chuckled and pushed his hips up in a hard thrust against Roy's asscheeks. Hotdogging his fine ass was so hot, especially because he could feel Roy's little fuckhole twitching against the underside of his cock. He was so hard, dripping pre-cum, but it was especially fun for him to tease Roy.
Roy moaned out despite himself as he felt the thick cock rubbing between his lovely ample ass cheeks. The invisible sex organ rubbing against his now twitching asshole; it was almost begging to be filled; the activities in class had gotten him very hot and bothered. He knew he should have taken a cold shower. His moans grow all the louder as he felt the hand wrap about his wet member and starting to tease it. He gasped as he heard what ever this was speak to him. So it wasn’t just happening; something or someone was doing this to him.

He blinked as he mentioned him putting the cock in his ass. He once again tried squirming free; but all that did was rubbing his cheeks along the cock all the more vigerously “N-no please! You can’t do this to me.” he moaned out softly between pants and moans.
It was obvious that Roy wanted something inside of him. He was moaning and gasping, and wiggling back against his cock. David knew that he wanted desperately to be filled. But when the boy insisted that he didn't want it, David massaged the other's cock more, and played with his nipples a bit, before he murmured in Roy's ear, "Fine." With that, his hands pulled away and so did his cock, and the ghostly body was completely gone, leaving Roy there hot and bothered.

Though, David was still around. He was silently watching Roy, watching to see what the boy would do. . .since he didn't want it so much, right? David licked his lips. For now, he would leave Roy be, but there was no doubt he would be back. And he would tease Roy for as long as it took to get him begging for the ghostly cock.
Roy blinked as what ever was holding and teasing him suddenly just left. He shivered a bit; falling to his knees. “G-good…That’s…that’s what I wanted…” he said threw panting breaths to himself. He stood back up and continued his shower; His heart and body calming down for the most part; but his cock wouldn’t soften. Not only that but his ass was still twitching and begging to be filled. He finished up washing off; turning off the water and drying off as well. He tried to wrap a towel about himself but his erection didn’t allow it.

He walked back into his room and began to pull out clothing to wear. He stopped halfway threw. He bit his lip; why wasn’t he calming down sexually. Why was his body still craving satisfaction. “D-damn it…what did that thing do to me…” he mumbled to himself; trying to shift the blame of his lust for pleasure on what the invisible person had been doing to him. He sat down on his bed; still naked, and began to stroke himself; he just wanted to cum and get this over with.
David followed Roy as he moved out of the shower and into his room. His eyes picked apart every section of Roy's body, looking at his plump ass and his erection that wouldn't quit. He wanted to move forward and just pin Roy down and fuck him hard, but he didn't. Instead, he watched carefully as Roy sat down and began to stroke himself. The idea of posessing the boy and getting him to use one of his toys crossed David's mind, but he didn't. Maybe next time.

Instead, David reached down to his own cock and wrapped a hand around it, pulling it in soft strokes in time with Roy's strokes. He even moved forward, hovering slightly infront of Roy, his cock pointed right at the boy's face. When the ghost would come, he would spill his cum all over Roy's face. . .What a lovely sight that would be. David moaned softly and stroked hismelf faster.
Roy was to lost in his own pleasure to take notice of sounds of David moaning. He had no idea that someone was jacking off right in front of his face. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back slightly and began to moan as he stroked his hard little cock. He needed to cum so bad; But he felt like this wasn’t enough. It was odd; this was normally enough to satisfy him. He closed his eyes and moaned aloud; starting to pant and whimper in pleasure.

He still didn’t feel like he was going to reach his climax. He took his free hand and spread his legs a bit; he reached down and slide a pair of fingers into his ass and began to finger fuck his tight ass. His mouth now hung open as he stroked and fingered himself at the same time. This continued for another minute till with a loud moan he came; shooting his jizz onto his stomach and chest.
It was enough for David. To see the boy infront of him, moaning and stroking his cock furiously in order to cum. . .It was a really hot sight-- one that David never thought he'd see when he was alive. And now that he was seeing it, he couldn't take his eyes off of Roy. Licking his lips, his eyes widened as Roy leaned back and spread his legs, using his fingers to further get himself off. Oh, David wished he could record something like this. Seeing Roy finger-fuck himself. . .

It was too much. The older boy furrowed his eyebrows and moved slightly forward, stroking his cock faster and biting his lip to hold in his pants of pleasure. A minute after Roy came, David's body tensed and he came too. His cum shot out in jets to land over Roy's lips and face, very tangible. It felt just like real cum, only Roy and David were the only ones able to see or feel it. And what a sight to behold. . .
Roy gasped as he felt something thick and hot spray on his face and into his mouth open from his own moans of pleasure. He tasted something hot and thick; and felt it covering his face. He opened his eyes and saw it came from seemingly no where. He spat out what was in his mouth though his immediate reaction was to swallow it. He had to resist. What ever was doing this to him was still there and he wasn’t sure he wanted to show any signs of enjoying this.

He got up and went back to the bathroom. Picked up a towel and whipped his cum form his stomach; and was getting ready to whip the cum from his face. When she stopped and took a bit of it onto his finger; looking at if for a second before giving into temptation and licking it off of his finger. He was rather depraved from real sex; and have been craving it for a very long time; but he had never had a partner; only toys and his own hands. He let out a moan as he sucked the cum from his finger. Damn it why did he enjoy this so much?
David was quite dissapointed to see Roy spit out his cum like that. Frowning, he was almost tempted to leave. He didn't know what held him back from leaving. But instead, he stayed to watch Roy clean up. He was slightly dissapointed when the towel was raised to Roy's face, but when the boy stopped to swipe up some of the cum and then suck his finger clean, even moaning as he did it, David was alright again. He grinned.

He'd definitely be back, that night when Roy was asleep. If the boy liked his cum so much he'd get a large dose of it.
After that first taste the boy couldn't help but lick up the rest of the cum on his face. He sighed softly in slight satisfaction from the taste. he sighed; putting on some underwear; he went and finished up his school work. He still didn't know what was happening to him or what was doing it to him; but he couldn't let it affect his life to much. He certainly couldn't tell anyone about it...They'd all think he had lost his mind.

After finishing up his home work and reviewing his notes, Roy streached out and yawned; it was friday but he didn't have any plans for this weekend. He went and crawled into his bed; falling quickly asleep; a bit tired from all that happened today.
David had gone to gather some supplies-- two lengths of rope and some handcuffs-- as he waited for Roy to fall asleep. Once the boy had finished his homework and had fallen asleep, David struck. First he went to the toy stash he knew Roy had and pulled out the largest dildo he could find. It was so big that he wondered if Roy even used it. However, it wasn't as big as David's cock by far. David was extremely well-endowed.

Once he'd gotten the toy David carefully took Roy's arms and snapped his wrists into the cuffs, attached to the headboard. Then, he very gently pulled Roy's boxers off of him. To the footboard, David tied each length of rope and then attacked one of Roy's legs to each of the lengths of rope, spreading his legs wide open, letting David see that beautiful ass and that no doubt tight asshole. Once he was exposed, David reached forward and began massaging Roy's asscheek like before, while his other hand rubbed at his limp member.

When Roy woke up, he would be able to see the handcuffs, but all other impliments were invisible.
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