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[Final Fantasy XII - Ebony Nihil]

The Silver Muse

Jan 18, 2009
It was a strange dream that came to her through the night. They were wavelengths of cobalt and emerald. Voices both harsh and soothing, all swirling together and mixing; like the marbled berry ice cream that Humes were so indulgent to have during the hot Nalbina summers.

This, of course, was probably not too unusual a comparison, considering she did consume a small portion of the wood churned dessert just a day prior in the town they had left behind. There was a side trip where she had gone to visit again the neighboring Rabenastre on business. It was a crooked business, sky piracy was, but it still took standards and materials to carry out effectively. Their latest endeavor involved a typical treasure map, pointing towards a few spots of the two Sand Seas where the riddles may have led. After the Goddess' Tear and the Dawn Shard, though, a few unknown trinkets were not so exciting. But, a lead was a lead, and if the treasure was worth its weight in repairs and fuel, it may as well be worthwhile in the idle time that often passed during a dry period of hunting. There were occasional lulls in any business, sometimes little to no prey happening by way of bounties and careless nobility or merchants.

The ice cream had been a citrus flavor, however, and was deliciously soft. She recalled it now because it was so very warm during the end of the afternoon, just before it would begin to cool into something freezing. Still, it was not often she could not recall anything clearly from her dreams, finding mostly a whorl of blissful black nothings. Whether the coming of her muddled dreaming had been a good omen or not, however, was rather debatable. It might have been a while until the mixed blurs and muddled comprehension would focus into clarity. Dreams often held the puzzles of the subconscious which tried to work themselves out without the alertness of intervening judgments. There were questions and mysteries of nature, and decisions, that she did not truly wish to recall as clearly as she often did in dreaming. They were almost always about her childhood and village, hauntings from the Wood. First person perspectives of circles, a circular life, and how young and adorable her Mjrn was as a tiny Viera child.

It had been years since she had stepped past the village gates and never turned to look behind her. Her first recollection upon awakening into the world of Ivalice was the warmth of the dawning sun on her face. The cool tide of open wind from across the plains and oceans breathing gently against her cheek. She looked up and saw the reflection of the water against a clear and inverted bowl of azure overhead, no canopy cover, and she saw how the sky went on for an eternity. Love at first sight.

That same sky made up the dome overhead now, streaked with pinks and oranges to an encroaching sunset. Her ears could keep her cool throughout the day, but her partner's could not,and so it was only now, and soon, that they would be out to find the gil that could buy their next meal.
A gentle tune danced across his pale lips, his features fixated into a permanent smile. A large bowl weighted in his hands, huge scoops of marbled berry ice cream filling it up to the brim. He set te bowl upon the table and then seated himself next to it, chowing down with much joy yet dismay at the same time. He felt his stomach grumbling in protest to eating the ice cream for break lunch and dinner for two days in a row, and perhaps he should had listened to it, however he saw little other option seeing how there was no other food.

He should have listened to his Vieran partner and bought those extra groceries as she suggested instead of buying the years supply of ice cream, however he was never able to deny his love for the delicious sweet and the discount was just so alluring. He had just been so sure of himself, believing that the lead they recieved from that merchant would end in a sweet reward, but it infact led to nothing more than a aching back and a swarm of giant rats knawing away at the side of his beloved ship. Thankfully they were able to dispose of the vermin and repair their ship, however this left them in quite a predicament. They were now dead broke!

Balthier was his name, or so he told others. He hated to be called that name his father had given him and more importantly he hated to even think of that old man... He sighed quietly pulling his mind back into the reality of the preasent as he slid his hand through his soft hair. He merely smiled it of and took a bite of his delicious lunch.
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