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Fx Female A clash between Kingdoms


Aug 29, 2020

(What I have in mind for the continent of Asbernia)

The story takes place in the fictional continent of Asbernia, which is divided in several kingdoms that constantly fight each other for supremacy, yet none of them seems to outbest the rest for a long time, so the Monarchs of these states only dream of going back to the days when all Asbernia was unified under one strong Empire, the Dalmasian Empire, which fell 500 yeas ago.

The arrival of a new civilization to the continent changed things quite a bit, in no less than 50 years these foreigns defeated the Kingdom of Bolocia, and renamed it as the Kingdom Tiber, these "tiberians" seems to be fearsome warriors so all the other Kingdoms look at them with caution, and rumors say their new leader is a cruel woman that rules with an iron fist.

So these is when YC comes in action, she would be a noblewoman (perhaps Princess) from a kingdom bordering with mc's. Maybe she was sent as an envoy in an attempt to settle a friendship between the Kingdoms or perhaps she was on a ship and got captured by pirates and then saved by mc's navy and taken to meet her in person.

What can come out from this clash of Kingdoms that are so culturaly different? Love? War? Treason?
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