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Continued RP...(Shinka-sama and Bound)


Jan 11, 2009
He was bound, spread eagle, with cameras catching every angle. A snug rubber toy was around the base and tip of his erect, bare, member attached to a small box with several buttons (don’t piss off a smart science chick!). And a very thin metal toy was inserted up his ass…nothing one could really feel it was so skinny. However, vibrations would certainly be felt. Already she had this one turned full blast humming away.

Arista came to sit up by his head after she had all the cameras and toys into place. For this particular question was (I think this was what it had to do with) ‘Could the star jock still take his team to victory after getting laid all weakened long?’ So Arista set it up that from 9pm to 3am the toy around her experiment’s cock would vibrate constantly all at different intervals. The idea was to stimulate a whole night of sex…only this sex was a bit forced and would be three nights in a row.

“I’m very sorry I have to do this, I would love nothing more than to hear you scream when you reach your first climax…or your tenth,” she giggled. “But my parents won’t be gone until at least 10:30. I’ll be back as soon as I can…” she assured holding up a ball gag to his mouth. “Now be a good boy and open up…” she said pushing the plastic against his lips.
The young jock and school heart throb continued to struggle against his bonds; despite that all it was doing was making the toy in his ass affect him all the more. He couldn’t believe he had gotten into such a situation as he had himself in right now. He never imagined that Arista would snap like this. Now he was bound and under her sexual experiments; just so she could get revenge for the years of torment he put her threw at school.

He could already toy about his throbbing cock vibrating and stimulating him closer and closer to his first orgasm. He looked up to the woman who did this to him; the former child hood friend whom he abused for years. Looks like karma really was a bitch. He still couldn’t believe that she was seriously going to do this to him. How did she know his parents were out and she would have him for the entire weekend to run this little test on until she was satisfied. Whats more he saw she was recording her torment; so black mail would be quite simple after the weekend.

He opened his mouth to yell at her but she quickly had the ball gag in his mouth. So he couldn’t get anything more than a muffled moan before she had the gag secured in his mouth, ensuring that no one would be able to hear his cry out for help or even cry out in pleasure. He let out another muffled moan as the pair of toy continued to stimulate him to his first orgasm.
It wasn't until one in the morning when Arista returned, still wearing her cute little shorts and baby-doll top that was careful to show off all her womanly curves. This was something people at school didn't get to see and she was reserving it all for his view pleasure. To think, for years, he was making fun of this!

The soft sounds of vibrations from the toys and his uncontrollable moans filled the room. A quick lock to the door and she went to sit on the stool beside him with a notebook. "How are you feeling, my pet?" she teased. The main toy around his cock was on a very low speed, enough to keep him up but not letting him go over. How very frustrating! "Rumor has it, around campus, that our star soccer captain is quite the party goer on weekends. He get so many girls he just doesn't have time for them all in one night..." she teased taking a cloth to wipe the accumulating sweat from his eyes.

The gagged teenager looked up as the girl that had kidnapped him returned to the room to check on her experiment. He still couldn’t believe how lovely her body was. As she was dressed now she was probable the most attractive girl he had ever seen. Why didn’t she do this at school he wondered; why did she dress in baggy clothing that hid her curves?

Seeing her made his throbbing member throb all the harder. The thing about his cock still vibrating and teasing his manhood. But he couldn’t make himself reach that climax; it was keeping him right on the edge of his release. If he could free a hand and and give himself a single stroke he would climax instantly. He growled to her as she teased him; he was a bit wet and slick from his sweat. He wanted to muster more defiance; like struggling against his bonds; but this thing had been at him for the past several hours and he was quite tried.
"Aww," she cooed softly at the boy, who seems to be without a name, bound on the bed in her basement (how can you people go so long without using your characters name?). "You look a little spent, NAME" Aria teased. "Or are you just frustrated. Surly you can't be tired alreight, Mr. Star Soccer Captain." Reaching down she manually switched the toy up to help him over,whether he wanted to or not. She had missed the other times he had come, she wanted to at least witness one this evening.

Arista scribbled some notes in her book before she got up and prepared him a drink. By now he was surly dehydrated. After his last orgasm she turned all the toy's off and went to unbuckle his mouth. It would be far to dry to do any real screaming so they would have time to discuss the rules before he managed to get his voice working full strength again. "Although you may scream all you like, the only thing it will accomplish is my annoyance," she informed him as the gag fell out along with his drool. How cute.

The bottle of water with a large straw was held in offering to his lips.
Roy (( There you go )) growled again as she cooed to him almost in an almost patronizing way. Of course he was spent; god knows how long he was been at this; he lost count of the numbers of times he had cum. His eyes widened as the toy was kicked up a notch; he felt the vibrations about his throbbing cock kick up; he squirmed and moaned softly for a few seconds before the hit his climax ; arching his back as he came once more. After so long of it stimulation him and him not reaching his climax; that release felt amazing. Almost like he was cuming for the first time again.

He collapsed back to the bed, panting softly as the machine all the machines were turned off. He gasped as the ball gag was finally removed from his mouth. Not only was it now to dry to call for help; it was to soar. He had spent a few hours trying to let out some kind of muffled yell loud enough for her parents to hear. But all that did was wear out his voice. So he didn’t scream as his mouth was freed up. He licked his dry lips and rolled about his soar jaw from being forced open for such a long time. He looked up to see Arista putting a straw to his lips.

He hated to accept the any kindness from her; but his body craved water; He leaned up his head and took a nice long drink.
Arista stroked his head almost in a loving manner while he drank. "My that last one was pretty intense. I bet you could go a few more hours, huh!" she teased. "I suppose all those rumors about you were true after all. But we still have to answer our reader's biggest question. Can you still take our team to victory Monday night after a WHOLE weekend of fun?" she asked laughing.

After allowing him half the bottle she got up and started to remove all her fun toys to be cleaned and recharged for tomorrow night. "I am sure you wouldn't mind a night cold shower right about now, huh?" she said returning with a collar in hand. "If you are a good boy, I might just let you take one," she offered. At the head of the bed she held out the collar and waited to see if he would accept it or if she would have to force it on him.
He rolled his eyes as she spoke to him and teased him. He simple took it at the moment; his priority was getting hydrated again; he had lost quite a bit of liquids. He felt the nice cold water fill his mouth and run down his throat; it was so nice and soothing. He let out a very heavy sigh as she pulled the bottle away after he was half done. A good idea; drinking to much liquids right after dehydration wasn’t a good thing.

He looked up to her as she began to remove the toys; gasping softly as she pulled the toy out of his ass; and slipped the other one off of his cock. His manhood was still hard and twitching a bit. He saw her pick up a collar and leash. He looked away as she spoke to him. “Am I your experiment or your pet?” He growled indignantly; but a shower would do him good…he leaned out his neck so she could easily put on the collar.
"That depends..." she purred softly, patiently waiting for his decision. "When we arn't experimenting I thought I'd keep you as my pet..." she replied very easily. With a pleased smile she leaned over him, and buckled the collar into place. After which she then released his feet from the bed and created a nice little hobble for him to shuffle around in. Next she moved to his hands, but not before giving him a very strict warning with her eyes not to try anything stupid.

"I might warn you, that pretty little collar of yours is made it a fun little electrical device...meant to keep you in this room. You even think of taking one step up those stares and you'll get a shock. Not to mention a sound punishment from me afterward," she informed ending with a playful giggle.

Arista then undid his arms and allowed him to sit up before recuffing them in the front. "The shower is over there behind that door. I will give you 20 mins..." she informed and moved out of his way so that he could go clean up. Meanwhile, she would strip and resheet the beds for later. She didn't want to leave in evidence for her parents to find...not did she want to make her new pest sick!
He blinked as she replied positive on his pet comment. She…she was crazy. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to easily let her put on that leash anymore; but she had already taken advantage of his compliance. He watched her free him from the binds that kept him on the bed and spread all out. He swore softly under his breath as she informed him of the device in his collar; and decided against trying to run away for now.

He wondered for a second where on earth she got these things; but knowing her and all of her intelligence she probable made half of her toys herself. He bit his lip at the punishment afterwards from her. He thought all this was revenge; punishment for treating her bad; so he’d hate to see what she would do to punish him while he was already being punished

He rolled his wrists in the short interval that they were free. He stood up once they were cuffed again on his front. He made his way to the shower; stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. He found the shower; seeing it only had cold water, but that was just what he wanted at the moment. He began to shower; not really paying any attention to the time.
Arista was finished and sitting at her computer with some headphones as she watched the footage that she'd filmed on him. Her hand marked on a sheet beside her, crossing off another set of four lines. By the time the twenty minutes were up she'd watched half way through the 4 hour movie. Skipping the downtime when the toys were humming so low to give him a break or torture him fore without letting him get off.

Food was waiting on the table for him...nothing fancy but surly it would be appreciated. She'd taken their poor soccer start right after practice...he was surly hungry by now! With a push of her remote the collar gave him a little buzz (no so much a zap) it was her way of calling him without having to raise her voice. He had only minutes to answer or she would zap his ass for sure!
Roy was showing off slowly; using the time to relax and recover. The cold water felt good on his tired body. He find it hard to wash very well due to his hands being cuffed but he really just needed to rinse off. He was taking his sweet time; trying to think of a safe way out of this; but nothing was coming to mind. He was a smart guy for a jock; but he wasn’t clever and couldn’t plan things well. So making an escape plan wasn’t up his ally

He jumped a bit as he felt the collar buzz a bit. He though he was going to be zaped; but he figured that was more of a warning that he just got. He quickly turned off the shower dried off best he could with his hands cuffed together then returned to the room. He saw the good set out of him and before saying anything he went over to the table and began to eat; He was very very hungry.
Aria came over to join him, with her computer of course. She held up the sheet for him to see her tally marks. "In the past hour hours it looked like you came only 20 times" she announced looking a little disappointed. "Really...I thought you could do better than that," she said as she started typing away on the blog she set up for this fun.

While he ate she read to him about a few comments people posted. How they were excited about getting the results and they were really curious about how THEIR princely jock would hold up. If only they really knew it was in deed their Star Captain. "You don't have an away game next weekend do you?" she asked looking up from her typing.
He tried not to pay attention to her; he just wanted to eat in peace. Though it was hard to block out her teasing and taunting. Though he guessed at the moment; as long as she didn’t keep him from eating she could talk all she wanted. He finished up the food and looked up to her as she expressed disappointment with the number of times he came. “You know, being aboule to hold out for longer is normal a good thing.”

He wondered who would actually read this blog? Were there really such sick minds at his school? Or was he just such a legend that people were starting to make stuff up about him or fantasies about him. He looked up to her as she asking him about the his game. “No, our school is very centrally located; so most of our games are home games.”
Aria glanced up from her computer and looked over the rim of her glasses. Something she only wore at school and when she was on the computer. "Well, that is good. You'll have plenty of time to come up with a reason to be absent that weekend from your parents house. I'll expect you here right after school Friday night..." she inform him coolly.

Closing her laptop she looked at his finished plate. "Did you have enough?" she asked not really caring if he did or not. He should be happy that she even bothered to feed him at all. "Well...there isn't really anything more I need you for tonight. I think I'd like to get some sleep so..." she stood and indicated for him to follow her.
Roy sighed softly to himself; he was very tired. He had more physical activity today than he ever had in his life. Between the soccer practice and the several hours of sexual torture that he had gone threw had taken their toll on him. He looked away as she talked about him making excuses and telling him how he had to come over right after school every weekend

He nodded his head slightly as she asked if he had enough; out of habit more than friendliness. He looked up as she motioned to follow her. He stood and walked after her; like some animal. She really was trying to treat him like a pet. Though chances are he hadn’t seen anything yet. He was hoping this would be on the weekends only; or did she plan to abuse her power over him during school as well.
His mind was certainly on the right track, only school wouldn't be so...obvious. She didn't want their identities to be discovered as it would hinder her project. But she was cooking up a few ideas for during the week also. Arista led him to another room...the door opened onto a rather large sided cage that would comfortable house a full grown man. Large enough for the man to sit up tall on his knees and even stretch out long ways laying down. It was laid with a small air matters along with a blanket, pillow and of course a peeing cup (how degrading, yes?).

Arista did not go to undo this cage though. Beside it was a much smaller one. Ont that would require entrance only on your hands and knees...that was so small there was no room to lay out. It was this one that she went to unlock. The only thing on the ground was newspaper, nothing more. The top of the whole cage also opened, giving her easy access. "In you go, pet," she commanded swatting his ass to get down on all fours and craw in.
Roy fallowed after his blackmailing mistress; not truly having any choice. But to walk after her; with the threat of releasing the little experiment of theirs onto the internet was to great of a risk for him to disobey; it would ruin his plans for life; no collage would ever take him after finding this stuff out. She had his future in the palm of her hands and he had to do everything he could to keep it from being crushed by her anger with him any all he had done to her over the years.

He fallowed her to a room; another one he was rather sure the parent’s didn’t know anything about. He saw the pair of cages; wondering where on earth she got stuff like this. But once again; it wouldn’t surprise him if she had made it herself. Hesighed; what ever; he assumed he was getting the big cage. Well you know what they say about assuming. His eyes widened as she unlocked the small cage. About to protest; he was cut off by her slap to his perfect ass. He bit his lip as he go down on all fours and crawled into the very cramped space.
Arista was going to make his first stay as uncomfortable as possible. Perhaps if he started to show her a little more respect at school he would graduate to the larger cage. Opening the top of the cage she stepped in and sat down on the edge, her feet resting on his back. She attached a set of cuffs to his ankles, no slack. Leaning over she undid one of the cuffs and ordered him to put his hands behind his back.
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