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Haunting Relationships

Jan 28, 2009
Renna sighed as she got up out of her bed in the single bed, boarding school dorm room. It wasn’t a sad sigh. Quite the contrary It was notable happy sigh. And this general mood of cheerfulness continued all during her morning routine. While brushing hers teeth; showering, eating and going to class. Renna’s happiness was due to the fact she had gone a whole week with out having to be afraid of going out into the halls of the school. There to Be a bully at this school that made life quite difficult for the poor young girl. Constantly picking on, and tormenting her. For two years this had gone on. But over the break the bully had died in a freak car accident and Renna was free to enjoy school.

Roy was a cute young girl, and it wouldn‘t be going to far to say she was quite sexy. She as bright young thing; wearing square frame glasses and having long brown hair with matching brown eyes. She wasn’t particularly curvy; but she had a good bust size with a lovely tush and legs that were to die for. She was a gymnast; making her in good shape and very flexible. She also had some of the highest grads in the school.

The day went by rather quickly; it was now the last class of the day. Sitting quietly and taking notes. Little did she know she was being watched; that his life was about to change and that some times bullies just don’t know when to leave you alone. Even after the are no longer among the living.
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