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Dox Paradox

Jan 13, 2009
Zanex university was the premiere college in the entire eastern hemisphere for medical degrees, and it was this college that Dox had traveled to in order to aspire into a general surgeon which was his life's dream. But what was not included in the school website was the population. The school and the city was inhabited by a ratio of 80% neko's with the other twenty percent being only the best drawn in from the world. This fact was not an easy blow for Dox to take as he was essentially of canine decent, and being surrounded by what was considered a dog's natural enemy did not bode well for his happiness. Truth be told, Dox had nothing against neko's, and held no racial or particular hate for any species but that soon dwindled and died with the first few months at college. The neko's here seemed to have a fondness of challenging anyone other than their own kind, and the fact that Dox was something of an albino made him stick out like a sore thumb due to the stark white of his hair, ears and tail along with the eerie dark crimson shade of his eyes. And worse yet was that he was no small individual, standing 6'10 and weighing well over two hundred plus pounds he could be spotted anywhere at anytime.

His love of medical science and an instinct to care for the sick and infirmed drew him to the medical field, but that softness was taken for weakness the instant someone found out, and he had long since forgotten who it was as the faces of his... victims blurred together. Physically Dox looked to be cut from granite due to the heavy training he put himself through in an attempt to calm his ever growing rage, and yet it was never enough to ward away the cruel. Everyone seemed to have something to prove in fighting him, and it was true he had a notorious reputation for beating the ever living hell out of every single person who ever attempted to physically harm him. And it was never against a single person as it seemed the neko's always traveled in their own little groups so he'd end up fighting an the minimum three at a time. Because of this he was given a dorm room alone for fear of him beating his roommates to death, and yet he still could find no peace.

Glass could be heard shattering under an excessively heavy impact from outside of the mens bathroom, and more than a few groups of neko's scurried away knowing whoever was in there wasn't in a pleasant mood. Dox ground his teeth and shook his bleeding knuckles before wrapping his hand carefully in his own personal med kit that he was forced to take with him due to the recurring fights, and tried futily to calm down. His teacher, another neko had blamed him for his groups failing score, and though he explained that he had done his part flawlessly and that the others refused to work with him he was failed, and his group members were passed instead. All the fur on the back of his tail stood out on end as he panted heavily before leaving and heading towards his dorm, hand still weeping little drops of blood to mark his passage. He hated this place and everyone in it.

Maria loved the school she was in and she smiled some knowing about the half wolf half human breed and she looked at him as he walked past her. She loved him but she showed it in a different way she teased and poked at him knowing that she could get on his nerves. Biting her lip as she saw him with a bloody hand then her frends told her that he had broken the mirror in the boys bathroom she looked back at him and sighed. Going to the office she smiled some and sat down " I think I should move in with the half wolf half man person seriously..let me try and help him out you know how nice I am and I have cured alot of peoples tempers and I think it's time to do another one". She didn't know if the princapal would allow it but she hoped he did knowing that he knew her well and that she had even cured his own temper some. Smiling some as he said yes but she would have to only take her beding and laptop but nothing else out of her room as just incase she wanted to go back.

Looking at him she grabbed her bedding and grabbed her laptop then she went to the room and knocked on the door. When no one answered she sighed and opened the door looking in at hikm she smiled lightly and started to go into the room. Closing the door she went over to the bed that wasn't being used and she made her bed then sat down and looked at him as she opened her laptop "So whats your name bitch??". She smirked some and looked at her laptop not knowing what his reaction would be. Biting her lip she shook her head and sighed some not knowing why she was doing this "Come on tell me your name..I'm your new roommate so you have to be nice if I be need help with your temper and I can help if you let me". She smiled some and put her laptop going over to him and opening the bandage out and started to bandage it up better making it so the blood didn't even come through. She looked at him then smiled some kissing his neck and nipping it lightly " I like guys with tempers give me a chance with you and you might be able to heal..only if you do though and only if you want to".
Dox wasn't in the mood for humor, and as soon as he slammed his door shut he flopped down on his bed tiredly. Two fights, and yet the most damage he received in the entire day was by his own doings which made him smile bitterly. They were driving him so insane he was doing what they had always dreamed of doing to him for them. He was dead tired, and it seemed to be only a few moments in lying there before he heard the knock on his door. Who in the name of hell would have the balls to disturb him when in such a homicidal mood? But before he could move to both scream at them and then lock his door it opened to his dismay. Turning his head ever so slightly he glared at the individual with every ounce of hate and malice he could muster balefully out of one eye when he noticed it was some girl.

Some girl indeed, he had seen her more than enough times to hate her thoroughly for poking at him at the worst possible times knowing full well he wouldn't physically beat a female. He sat up on his bed hearing her little barb and was about to show her just how pissed off he really was when she kept prodding him for his name. She had to have known it but she seemed to want it out of him, though he was far from sure about trusting her at all. It was when she took his hand and bandaged it better that made him pause, and the slight kiss and nip to the back of his neck was more enjoyable than he would have admitted but it made him more wary. She said she was his new roommate, and how much of that was true he couldn't be sure either but he wasn't about to flatly trust her when so many others had attempted to coax him into friendship only to embarrass him even more when the time came.

For now his glare subsided, and his large ears dropped again with fatigue as he reached down and jerked the bandage off his hand. Making his way past her, he went into the bathroom and closed the door with a snap before stripping and turning on the shower. Sliding the glass door to the side and stepping into the torrent of hot water, he sat tiredly on the roomy little bench inside the shower letting the hot water roll over his head, back and heavily muscled body as he picked the last few bits of glass from his hand. Could he really trust a neko? And that thought made him smile bitterly again. He would have never asked such a profiling question like that before but now it seemed that he had no choice.
Maria looked at him and sighed some not knowing what he was mad about but she would soon find out. Biting her lip as he glared at her so hard and looked like he was about to beat the shit out of her she just shook her head and glared back at him even harder knowin that soon they would get along. She had always wanted to be the guys bitch but she could never have told him that straight up she was to scared that he would reject her and then kick pick on her cause of it. Biting her lip as his glared subsidded she looked at him as he tore the bandage off and she growled deeply "DO YOU NOT GIVE A FUCK WHO CARES FOR YOU YOU GOD DAMN ASSHOLE BITCH". She shook her head and went back over to her bed sighing some she layed down and looked at the ceiling as he left to go into the shower.

When she heard the shower going she closed her eyes and turned on her side looking at the wall that her bed was against. She was sick of getting picked on by the other neko's so thats why she wanted to make friends with this guy or even be his bitch and lover. Sighing some she opened her eyes not knowing if she should make the first move or she should let him. Biting her lip she shook her head and looked at the bathroom door. She didn't know if he had locked it but she wasn't going to bother him right now he needed his time to calm down and relax and get those muscles untense. Looking back up at the ceiling she shook her her head and slammed her fist into the wall and she sighed some. Why did life have to be so hard and why did she get picked on so god damn much???

She didn't know the answer but soon she would soon and soon that wolf man would be her lover and she would be his bitch. She is determined to do this stuff to get on his good side and be his best friend or best lover she can be. Sighing some she looked at the door then sat up getting on her laptop and wondering what she could do. She had an assignment but she didn't want to do it right now she was to stressed and to bored right now so yeah she would have to be good and all that shit. She is a straihgt A student and she knows mabye thats why everyone makes fun of her cause she is like the teachers pet doing everything and anything the teacher says even though it's nothing sexual. Looking back over at the door she wondered when he would come out she wanted to get to know him better and soon she knew she would.
Dox mind slowly muddled into nothingness as he let the shower relax him. He hadn't expected an outburst like that but it still needled him to know that this bitch was actually going to be staying with him. The more he thought about it the angrier he got, and soon he was boiling once more as the shower still poured over him. But a thought occured to him that wasn't there before, and soon flooded his mind with quite a different train of thought. She might have been a little bitch but she was alone with him in his room, and the walls of said room had been sound proofed at his demand as some of the other little shit's use to have a thing for blaring music to keep him up at night. She was far from being unattractive, and the idea of that cute, round ass sliding down length and listening to her moan and even purr soon had him hard and throbbing. Looking down, he realized that she was quite a bit smaller, and he might have been a little to big for her to handle comfortably but he simply smirked and went back to thinking of stuffing her. She'd be able to easily take his length with a bit of lube, and after a while she'd be able to take it without as well.

He wondered how he was going to go about taking her but decided that the direct approach was the best and stepped out of the shower, leaving it on as he opened the door. Poor little kitty, she was sitting on her bed facing the other direction on her laptop, and luckily leaving the shower on had covered the sound of the door opening but he knew she'd turn soon. The shower could be heard more easily with the door open but again it covered his movements as he plucked up a pair of handcuffs he was given as a bad joke from a cop. He'd been told to keep then so that when they went to arrest his ass again they'd have a pair just for him but what he was about to do would put them to good use. It happened in less than five seconds from when he leaned over her bed and over her to snap the first cuff along her left wrist, and since she had been typing even less time to snap it over the other. Now that she couldn't claw him to death, he easily pulled her back by the hips and carried her under his arm back into the shower.

The entire time he still hadn't said anything to her while he bent her over the counter top, glad that he had hand cuffed her in front so she could prop herself up and easily slid the good ten inch's of thick cock between her legs. The feel of her tiny shorts rubbing his length was good but the feel of her thighs as they pressed around it was even better. The little sluts sense of style was all the more arousing, and he soon got the vision of his own seed running down her legs to ruin those long thigh high socks she was wearing. "I wondered why you couldn't ever leave me alone." He murmured into her ear as he took her hips and pulled her firmly back to feel the press of that ass against his crotch. "Always picking and always prodding but the bandage threw me off." His right hand slid up her body to her chin where he tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes while his left hand kept her grinding hotly into him. "I wondered why you would do that, but maybe it was to throw me of anyways. It matters little now though since your living with me I guess this is my chance to blow off some steam."

Dox kissed her hotly, getting a taste of that scratchy tongue of hers before he let her go enough to turn back around and carefully plucked the bottle of soap he had as a spare on the counter. Popping the top, he dumped a fair amount all over her hands, and moved them with his right hand to his throbbing length. "Now be a good kitty and stroke me off. Remember the better you do me the less you'll have to take in a little bit." Dox licked all the way up her neck and temple until he nipped those cute ears of hers before his right hand took hers and started her stroking. Soon though he slipped his right hand back to her body and down the front of her pants, rubbing at her pussy with his soapy hand while his left hand went up her body to fondle her right breast and keep her against his body.
Maria had been talking to a freind and looking down not even knowing what he was thinking in the shower or what even she was thinking. Sighing some she shook her head as she looked out the window and she growled some as she saw her ex boyfreind there and looking at her from a field. Shaking her head she went back to typing out an essay and talking to her friends which was starting to become a little annoying because they were asking tons of questions. Like, Are you sure you can tame him?? Are you sure he won't hurt you?? What will you do if he does hurt you?? What if he kills you seriously?? All of them were stupid questions because she knew she could handle him no matter how hard he hit her or even if he was going to rape her she knew how to get out. Well unless he used her in bondage of put her in handcuffs that is and that thought started to make her wet as hell. Having a big bad wolf like him take her like an wild animal.

Smirking some as the thought she thought she heard the bathroom door open but she just ignored it she needed to get her essay done. Sighing off her messangers and her microphone she sighed and looked down at her book then started to type some. Before she knew it she felt that cold steel cuff go on her right wrist and she looked up at him glaring deeply "What the fuck do you THINK you are doing??". When he put the other cuff on her other wrist she yanked on them then kicked at him snarling some "Fucking bitch don't think you will get me or rape me". She looked at his hard on and her eyes went wide and she struggled some more. His musclar body and big cock turned her on but she knew she couldn't take him like that. Whimpering hard she looked up at him with a scared look in her eyes then she screamed some " SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE".

When he grabbed her by the waist and started to take her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter she looked at him as he started to talk to her. Growling deeply as his hard on slipped through her legs teasing her pussy she looked at the mirror at him then whimpered hard as he made her look back at him " Don't do this please I can't handle it seriously please don't do this to me". When he kissed her so hotly her body shook hard and her reaction was to kiss him back harder and thats excatly what she did. She leaned into the kissed hard and nibbled on his bottom lip. She hadn't had a fuck for a while and he was egging her on to making her want to dominant him but right now she knew he was the one to dominant and she knew he would always be dominanting her and she was totally happy about hat. Everytime she tryed to be on bottom the guy was either to insecure or was to scared and it pissed her the hell off.

Now having someone as big and as huge as him it turned her on so hard. Looking at him as he turned her around then started to put some soap on her hands then told her to stroke him she looked up at him then away blushing deeply. No one had ever asked her to stroke them and this would be her fist time and she didn't know how to do it but all well she would find out if she did it good or bad. When he was so forceful when she took to long and started to force her hand to stroke him she looked back at him then started to stroke with her own hand. Biting her lip as she felt how rock hard and how hot it was it started to turn her on even more. Whimpering some as he ran his hand up her body then down to her short shorts then slipped his hand in her pants she gasped hard and pulled her hand away from his cock trying to take his hand out of her pants "Please you have soap you don't need me to cum or even make me cum so I will be helpless against you". She started to stroke him and again and she glared at him then she whimpered a little bit.
The feel of her soft hands and the fact a good bit of his cock was still wedged firmly against that pussy of hers drew a very deep growl out of him. It wasn't an angry or frightening growl, but instead it was quite affectionate as he dipped his head to nuzzle her soft ears and nip gently at the base. Unfortunately for her, it left absolutely no room for her plea. He was intent on stuffing his dick into that tight little kitty, and nothing was going to stop him from doing so as he leaned back to slide his length firmly against her pussy and hand. Soon enough as he rubbed her now wet pussy he slipped his middle finger into her and smiled at how tightly she seemed to grip it and enjoyed her attentions, kissing and licking her neck the whole while. The way she whimpered and begged was so very cute, and the fact that he still fully intended to fuck her as much as he wanted was an evil that turned him on to no end.

"I like how your hands are working me too much. And the feel of those beautiful legs are a little to much for me to give up little kitty." He really wanted to just come right there, but he had lots of plans for his new little fuck toy and it didn't include wasting a load even though blowing one into those nice soft hands was so very tempting. He picked her up easily enough, and easily pressed her against the now really warm glass wall to the shower chest first. Loving the way her tits pressed against the glass, he unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down but not over her knees. The way she looked there with her pants down and pushed against the glass like that only made him throb painfully as he panted gently against her ear. "If your going to be living with me, you'll be taking my cock in however manner I want you to. But I'm not totally cruel like what I've wanted to be. I'll admit, I have a soft spot for you or I wouldn't even dream of fucking you but if you obey like a good kitty, I'll make it worth your while."

Pressing his cock against her wet hot pussy he licked her neck affectionately before his left hand came up to her cute little tee-shirt and smiled, pulling it up along with her bra to press those beautiful bare tits against the glass before pushing slowly into her. Placing his right hand on her hip he pressed very slowly into her, enjoying ever inch he sank into her knowing that it would probably hurt her the first few times but knew she'd adjust soon enough. Using his left hand, he turned her head to the right and kissed her fully, coaxing that scratchy tongue with his as he pulled her back with his right hand and fully stuffed her. He was amazed at the fact that he could fit his entire length into her, and yet knew it hurt like hell but he had to know if she could take all of it. As he broke the kiss, he slipped out of her and panted gently, letting her rest before he turned her around and pinned her against the glass.

Pulling her cuffed arms up, he slipped under them so she could hold him if she wanted to and fondled her ass. Pulling her pants down all the way, he didn't bother taking her panties off as he pulled them back up and instead moved them to the side before lifting her higher against the wall. Playing with her ass and tail, he moved himself to press against her entrance again before slipping into her but stopped before he got 3/4th's of the way into her. And there kissing her lovingly he fucked her against the wall like a slut, gripping her ass and taking her as he pleased but the whole time he fucked her, he never shoved himself as painfully deep as he had earlier, but slowly began to slide in and out so she could get used to his size. "Moan, purr, and come for me slut, and I may just empty myself in this cute tight pussy and let you sleep tonight."
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