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Blackmail the Bitch! ([[black_rose]]&Mr Incognito)

Jan 9, 2009
Richard woke with the sun, stretching as it's beams shone gently through his window. He smiled pleasantly as he got out of bed and began to dress. He lived in an apartment with his sister, with whom he shared the rent. It wasn't all they "shared" either. When he had gotten the chance, he had molested and raped her, all while filming it on his camcorder. Now she belonged to him under threat of blackmail. Even now, she was laying face down on the couch, forced to sleep that way with her ass in the air as her legs were forced apart by a spreader bar, her arms tied behind her back. He resisted laughing as he saw her like this when he walked in.

Leaving her alone, he went into the kitchen in order to make breakfast. He at least fed her well. Bacon and eggs with grits and pancakes were on the menu today, the smell wafting into the family room where his sister lay bound. No doubt she would love the food, but she knew the rules; if she wanted food in the morning, she had to craw towards the kitchen the way she was.
Maria growled some as she thought of the time her brother raped and molested her and that always went back into her head as he played the tape over and over again now it was stuck in her head. Whimpering some as she heard him come down she glared at him then started to move some knowing it was hard to but still. She felt so embarassed in this postion ready for him to fuck whenever he felt like it or whenever he had friends over then they could to. Shaking her head she glared at him as he resisted a laugh and she looked at the tv. This morning she wasn't hungry she just wanted to get out of this preditimic but it was harder then she thought. Whenever she ran away he always found her and brought her back then beat her into submission.

She knew now not to run away at all or the movie would be put out and she would probaly be beat so hard and so close to death. Whimpering even at the thought of that she turned the tv on and sighed some really really wanting to get out into the world and make some freinds of her own. She wanted freinds other then her brothers freinds that held onto her so tightly they made her have bruises so easily. Sighing some she looked at her brother then back at the tv getting her hands free then she sat down and took the spreader bar off. Smirking some she went up to her room getting some clothes on then starting for the front door. Looking back her brother was to busy making breakfast and had the music on so this was her chance. She opened the door then steped out looking at everyone around them some walking down the road like usal and some driving to work. Sighing some she started to step out then she heard her brother behind her and she whimpered hard "Bro I wasn't going to run...I..I...I was just going to get some sunlight and tan myself so the bruises don't show as much".
Richard heard his sister struggling out of her bounds. He had chosen to pretend not to hear as she tried to slip away with some clothes on. It was then that he had decided to make his move. As she went for the door, Richard stepped behind her, a look of disapproval on his face. He knew she knew the rules. Apparently, she thought she could get away with certain freedoms. Richard might have allowed something, but she had just ruined any chance of that happening for a while. Tugging her inside with a violent jerk, he ripped the clothes from her body as he slammed the door shut. Waving a tape in front of her face, he sneered.

"I don't give a rat's ass what you were doing! You don't move unless I command! You don't wear clothes inside! Hell, you don't even PISS without my permission. You do any of that, and I can spread this tape all over the web. Then you'd be just like you are now, only with no social life at all!"

Forcing Maria's hands behind her back, he cuffed them tightly, although not tight enough to hurt. Ropes were unreliable now, as she apparently knew how to untie knots. Leading her to the kitchen by grabbing her hair, Richard forced her to kneel, where her breakfast of bacon and eggs sat in a dog bowl. Sitting down at the nearby table, Richard began to eat his own breakfast.
Maria looked back at her brother and she whimpered some knowing not to move or he would spread the movie all over the next. Closing her eyes she opened them as everyone looked at her and saw the bruises on her arms and some on her face but when he pulled her inside she yelped loudly then she screamed some as he ripped her clothes off. She fell back on the floor as he slammed the door shut. Looking up at him she glared at hm the yelped as he forced her hands behind her back and cuffed them tight. Struggling some she moved her hands this ay and that but she knew she couldn't get free.

Looking at him as he waved the tape back and forth infront of her face she looked down tears coming down her cheeks "Why the fuck should I listen to you if you fucking do this to me..It's fucking not fair bro for you to do this to me and all this shit..You never know one of these days I MIGHT just get pregnant from one of your friends..then what are you going to do huh??".

When he grabbed her hair and drug her over to the table she whimpered hard and looked at him then at her food and she sighed some "I'm going to hate you so much for making me do this". She was about to lean down when she heard a knock on the door and she looked at the door and growled some "Don't tell of your to fuck me hard right?? Actally it would be called RAPE cause I'm fucking not consenting".
"Why yes, sister, you are right. Someone wants to fuck your tight ass, and so I'm letting him rape you. Don't worry about pregnancy; I'm forcing you to take that pill. Oh, and that will be filmed to. Now eat your breakfast!"

Walking over to the front door, Richard opened it to let his friend Jake inside. Jake was an unusual one; he dressed the part of the goth, all in black and with chains. He could be pretty dark, but he didn't really act depressed all the time like many goths were stereotyped to do. He was one hell of a sadist, and got his kick out of raping girls. So when he had heard Richard's sister was his slave and always offered up for a good fuck, he had talked with him about it. Richard had happily agreed for a price, not caring about his sister's feelings on the matter. Hell, if he didn't care that she hadn't pissed in almost a day, he was going to care about some stranger putting his dick in her. He showed Jake to the kitchen, who laughed as he saw Maria's naked form.

"You have her chained up good, bro!"
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