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Alluring Secret ((Deathonater&Siren))


Jan 25, 2009
Morgan had been living in the small one bedroom house for over 6 months now. It was a cozy sort of home with warm colors and wooden furniture. In fact a large chunk of her Inheritance went towards in before she started collage earlier that year. She was a slender thing with dark auburn hair and eyes as blue as the summer sky, and currently she was preparing to go visit her next door neighbor. The reclusive being was one of her closest friends.

Sighing softly she smoothed out the light gold tank top over her full breasts and slipped on a pair of black boots to go with the worn jeans. It was technically still winter, but here they were more like mild summers, so she didn't really have to wear a jacket. In one hand she held a plate of her special home made cookies and in the other her purse. Quickly she stepped out of her house and locked the door before walking the full 30 feet to the house over. Knocking she called out to her neighbor. "I brought cookies!" she called, such a domestic gesture. But they both loved her cookies.

Testing the door knob she let herself in and set the cookies down on the kitchen table. She heard water running no wonder no one had answered the door. Hopefully she didn't mind the fact she'd just barged in here. Morgan had however done it before, and figured she'd just wait until the water stopped before calling out once again. Until then she'd just sit tight and enjoy a few of her delicious treats.
When Selena turned seventeen, she graduated from highschool and was accepted into a pre-law program. It was around that time that her grandmother living next to the presitious university died, leaving her a large fully furnished house. Of course, the girl whose parents and scholarship fully assumed the costs of her tuition took the occasion to move into a city she loved for quite longer than the time it took her to complete her studies.

By the time she turned twenty-five, Selena graduated from the law school and was almost instantly hired by a company, charged to take care of criminal and civil cases. A year later, she had enough money to almost fully renovate the house and at present it was as close to her dream place as possible.

Outside, it displayed the complexity - and style of a Victorian house. With two stories, a small tower-like attachement on the second floor, a triangular roof and uneven levels it stood out quite a bit from the rest of traditionally American neighborhood. However, the colors of the wood used for the wall matched quite a bit that of most of the typical houses and added a touch of modernity. A wide parking way led to the garage, a spiral ladder made of clear stones up to the porch, nothing but two careful round bushes and green law decorating the front yard.

On the inside, the house was quite different. The floors were made of dark wood, a large rug resting in the living room underneath a large table made of glass. Most of the house was a mix of classic and modern styles - older restaurated pieces of furnity were mixed with newer paintings and technology such as a wide plasma television and an impressive sound system, resulting in an elegant and spacious place.

Somewhere on the second floor was located a large bathroom, that of the master bedroom. It was made of creamy colored marble, with a large tub, a careful shower and a large mirror. In front of that mirror stood the twenty seven years old woman herself. She looked slightly younger than her age due to her fresh, beautiful face yet wouldn't be mistaken for a teenager due to the intelligence and seduciveness that lay in her wide, striking green eyes surrounded by long thick lashes.

Slowly, her careful hands slid to the strap that held her silk robe together, letting it drop to the floor, uncovering her fully naked body. At the first glance, she was one of the girls men stopped to gawk at, yet there was a flaw to her - on a hairless groin area, where nothing was supposed to be rested a large, edging ten inches in soft state, thick penis. It was her curse and her gift.

As far as she knew, she was the only one in the city like that, although of course she couldn't be sure. No one knew about her secret, or almost no one. For years, she has had very few relationships - most of her sexual intercourses being one night stands. If it was with males, she simply got on all fours from where her dick wasn't visible and insisted to keep on her skirt. If it was with girls, she had more luck and managed to have fun once in a while. At present though, it has been close to a year since another girl's body caressed and pleasured her male part, and it was starting to drive her crazy.

Otherwise, she was stunning; rich, voluminous waves of shaggy dirty blonde hair, a skin with a light tan, plump pink lips and aristocratic features consisted her beauty. A flat stomach, slim waistline, small height and complexion, round ass and large, almost D cup breasts consisted her appeal.

Finally, she stepped into the shower, quickly washing her hair and body. It took her quite a while, since she hasn't done anything about her morning problem, yet when she stepped out of the shower again it wasn't even visible from underneath her clothes. Of course, just in case her neighbor passed by, she pulled on a pair of short shorts-like panties and pulled her robe back on without bothering to put anything else, her hard nipples visible through the light fabric.

With that, Selena walked downstairs to her kitchen in order to get something to eat. It was the weekend, which meant a rare occasion to fully relax and get the tiring work out of her head. However, as she entered the kitchen, she almost yelled at the sight of someone.

''Morgan,'' she sighed, her voice deep and melodious. ''I thought a robber entered or something,'' she shook her head, brushing her fingers through her fan-dried hair. ''What's up?'' She wondered, uncovering her snow white teeth in a feline grin. She appreciated her friend, even more than she should have, especially as her frustration due to a lack of sex grew.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." she said smiling slightly. "I should've called first." she couldn't help but let her eyes linger on those large swells before shooting back up to her face and shaking her head slightly. "I brought cookies, I know they aren't much but I wanted to visit with you before I left to the city to get a few things. I'm short on supplies for my art course and I need to go shopping for some new cloths."

Morgan had never really considered herself interesting, and saying that just confirmed the fact yet again. Aside from her hair and eyes she didn't even consider herself supremely attractive. Her body was slender and willowy, narrow hips and breasts that almost brushed C but not quite. Compared to Selena she was terribly plain, it was one of the reasons she admired the older woman so much.

The pair had met when she first moved in; the blonde had spied her struggling with several large boxes. She'd offered her assistance and between the two of them they managed to get everything inside before dark. Since then she'd come to visit her on the weekends for a short time before continuing on with her day. Once or twice they'd had dinner together, or gone to catch an odd movie. But most of the time they stayed in Selena's beautiful house chatting about this or that.

Giving one of her most flattering smiles she handed a cookie to the older woman before speaking once again. "If youâ??re busy I can come back later, I forget you have you own life and I don't really fit in well with it." After all she was going to collage to be an archeologist, the other was a lawyer. Their worlds were quite different indeed, and occasionally she felt like the younger girl who always tagged along with the popular ones even though she didn't quite belong. "So how'd that case you've been working on turn out?"

Last time she heard the perp had practically handed evidence to the blonde of his own guilt without really meaning to. Not the smartest thing in the world to do when facing one of the cities best known lawyers.
Selena clapped her hands, looking more like a young teenager than a female with a master's degree and an office. With Morgan, she occasionally allowed herself to act in that fashion, simply because she felt like she could be herself with her - well, almost. Taking a seat, she motioned the girl to do so as well, still smiling. ''Oh, honey, it's alright. You know how much I love your cookies,'' she chuckled, leaning back against the chair, her hips hidden underneath the table, just to be safe.

She simply adored Morgan, and was glad that she spotted her the day she was moving in. She found her to be amazingly beautiful and smart. In the eyes of Selena, her neighbor was perfect; frail, slender, she made the woman want to protect her at all costs and at times she had a hard time restraining herself from simply grabbing her and pulling her close.

She equally admired her for her courage: while Selena was priviledged due to her family's ability to fully pay for her tuition and food, and due to the inheritance Morgan wasn't quite as lucky, living in a small yet extremely cozy and cute house. She was right on the fact that their words were quite far apart, yet it didn't prevent Selena from being deeply attached to her and viewing her as an equal, not a child.

''Please, don't say that, you know how much I love you,'' she said, genuinely sorry to hear those words. It was then that she brought up the topic of work, causing the girl to light up. She worked extremely hard, and most often the results were good. ''We won,'' she grinned, shrugging. ''The court session was held yesterday, I meant to pass by and tell you but your lights were off so I figured you were gone or asleep,'' she continued, picking up a cookie to chew on it. ''Therefore, I invite you to celebrate. Pass by my house in the evening when you come back? If you can, of course,'' she finished, looking at her friend with hope filling her eyes.
"Oh congratulations!" she exclaimed positively beaming with happiness. "I'd love to come by; I shouldn't be gone too long." Morgan had almost completely forgotten about the negative statement when she made when she heard the good news. "I should only be gone for about three hours or so. I never cared much for shopping you know." The only reason she needed new cloths was because most of the others were stained with some sort of paint or dirt. Both her chosen careers tended to be a bit messy.

Standing she gave the blonde a slight hug minding that she was dressed in only a robe before sitting back down. "I was probably asleep; I went to bed pretty early last night. I was busy finishing my midterm projects the day before." as she spoke she grabbed another one of her cookies and munched on it half-heartedly. The two spoke about several things over the next half hour before she finally had to leave.

"I'll call you when I'm on my way alright?" she said smiling once more her blue eyes alight with happiness. "Iâ??m looking foreword to tonight, it's been awhile since we've spent the evening together." well not awhile per say it'd been about three weeks, usually the younger female spend most of her time doing school work in the evenings, and she had a lot of school work. Standing up she grabbed her purse and after another hug she was out the door.

Morgan would spend the next several hours shopping for some new cloths and even pausing to pick out a nice skirt and top to change into before she went over to her Selena's house. The tight fitting black skirt and white blouse had been a last minute purchase but they'd looked gorgeous with her knee high boots. Once in her car she called. "I'll be there in about 45 minutes. I have to change before I come over." she'd said as she pulled into the street. Traffic was unusually light, so she might be home even sooner then she thought.
Selena enjoyed the conversation with her neighbor, nodding to her explanation about the previous night. ''It's all good, hun,'' she replied with a smile, watching the girl in a slihtly confused fashion. Certainly, they were pretty close - very close, even, but the happiness in Morgan's eyes was undeniable. Selena had to admit that she almost envied the pureness of her friend, and it only made her feel worse about herself, about her thoughts and feelings.

She couldn't help but often get hard at the mere thought or sight of Morgan, and really wanted her in bed more than anything. Of course, she loved her friend - in a wide range of ways, yet those thoughts constantly brought guilt upon her. Finally, they hugged and Morgan left, causing the female to let out a soft sigh.

Leaning her face against her hands, she brushed the hair away, thinking about highschool and evoking some of the horrible memories from her past to calm down her throbbing erection that hasn't been pleasured in so terribly long. Standing up, she walked up to her room, running through her wide wardrobe.

Finally, she ended her choice on a tunic made of black silk, with a series of intricate white and golden designs that looked simply beautiful on her tanned skin and with her careful black pump she bought at a ridiculous price at Brown's - which wasn't too far, as was New York. Finally, she set everything on her bed and walked up to her desk, starting her work.

A new cases - even a few of them, came up, the quantity of work augmenting as did the crisis. Murders, robberies and such were all caused by the increasing poverty. Once done with that, she pulled off her clothes, stroking her masculine part. Almost instantly, it grew rock hard, the woman wincing slightly from the light pain caused by the speed at which her dick turned erect.

Resting in the living room, on the soft carpet, she turned on the television, turning on a porn channel. Watching the men and women, she moved her fingers around herself, slowly moving her hand up and down, tightly holding on to the skin. Meanwhile her other hand pushed a vibrator into her vagina, turning it on. Approximately then, her friend called. ''Alright,'' she replied lazily, snapping the phone shut. Fourty five minutes, with traffic usually resulted in an hour so she had all the time in the world.

Her breath quickly growing heavy and rapid, she twitched slightly as her body was overcame by the sensations caused by the vibrator. Her other hand meanwhile grew faster and firmer, squeezing her penis and driving herself crazy as the image of Morgan replaced that of the girl on the television.
Amazingly traffic had been unusually light; it seemed everything was in her favor. She got every light green; there were no accidents or road work. Due to this though she ended up getting home almost half an hour early. Usually she'd call but Morgan wanted to surprises the other woman tonight. Dashing into her cozy little house she quickly unpacked her purchases before beginning to change into the skirt and top.

The top was cue just low enough to give a glimpse of her firm cleavage and it clung to her narrow waist showing off how fit she was. Technically it was classified as a camisole. Smoothing it out she grabbed the soft black skirt and slipped it on. It stopped several inches above her knee, giving her a classy but sexy sort of appeal. Her boots were the last touch, a rather expensive pair she'd splurged on some months ago.

Pausing by the hallway mirror on her way out she took her hair out of its customary bun and let is hang loose. It framed her face giving her a simple but elegant hairdo, despite the natural wave that tended to bug her so much. Smiling she grabbed her keys and locked the door, making sure to leave the porch light on.

Morgan paused at the door her fist and inch away from knocking before she simply tried the knob. It was unlocked, smirking she turned it and let herself in pausing when she noticed Selene on the couch doing something...."Oh my." she whispered her eyes widening and glazing over when she saw the proud erection her friend was sporting. So intent the auburn haired woman was she didn't realize that her keys had fallen from her hands and hit the floor with a loud thud.

She froze at that her eye widening and focusing on the other woman and a blush covering her cheeks. â??Guess I shouldâ??ve knocked.â? She muttered flushing even more.
The woman was so concentrated on pleasing herself that she hadn't even noticed that the door was pushed, and therefore didn't even have enough time to do anything. Snapping the television shut as she heard the keys fall, releasing her dick before reaching out for her robe on the couch, throwing it over her bare body.

Selena's cheeks grew bright red, the female on the verge of tears. God, how could she have been so reckless? She inwardly cursed herself, yet assumed that at least it was better for her to have discovered it like that rather than seeing her grow hard at her sight. ''Fuck, Morgan,'' she let out helplessly, pulling the robe over herself before standing up.

The shock had caused her to go limp, nothing visible underneath her robe - or almost nothing. ''Guess you should have,'' she sighed, studying her awkwardly. She didn't know what to do next, she didn't want to find Morgan yelling and screaming before storming out of her house as her high school's best friend has done years before when she stayed on a sleep over an the morning came.

''I'm sorry you had to...see that,'' she murmured, approaching the girl.
"No, no it's fine. Like I said I should've knocked." she looked up at the tall blonde woman and smiled slightly. So her neighbor had male parts as well, shocking yes but very interesting as well. "How come you never told me? I think you're lucky." and so very big the unheard statment echoed in her mind making her bite her lips and stifle and every brighter flush from covering her pale cheeks.

In her own mind images of the two of them floated around her brain. How would Selena feel inside her? Her mouth, her pussy, her ass? In away Morgan had always been attracted to the other woman, at least in her own way. She loved spending time with her, and often found herself daydreaming about the time they spent together. But now having seen that proud penis, it solidified it for her.

While Morgan wasn't exactly a virgin, she had very few experiences with men due to her conservative nature. There had been a few in high school and one very short term relationship the first 3 months of collage. "I think you're beautiful." she said softly closing the distance between them and embracing the tall blonde much more intimately then before. She continued to speak softly not breaking the hug. "You're a wonderful person and I'm not going to run away. Youâ??re still the woman who helped me move in and listened to my cry about my bad days. Nothing is going to change that." smiling softly and kissing her cheek before she pulled away and stood before the older woman.

"I hope this isn't going to ruin our plans. I got all dressed up to come and spend time with you, not sit at home and watch TV." she gestured to her outfit and laughed slightly. "Do you want me to leave for a bit while you finish getting ready? I wanted to surprise you, traffic was really light today. Next time though I'll call before coming over okay?" as she spoke her eyes lingered on her body noticing she hadn't quite pulled the robe closed before shooting back up to meet her own and blushing once again.
Selena blinked as the female stood there speaking instead of running away. ''Lucky?'' She replied, genuinely surprised. ''Believe me, honey, I'm far from lucky. I'm not a man, yet not really a woman,'' she stated, shaking her head. ''I have a hard time wearing certain clothes, and have to go around fearing that someone will discover my secret,'' she stated, shaking her head. Was Morgan trying to make fun of her? She bit on her lower lip, pained.

Shaking her head, she sighed, about to turn around to leave in order to go get changed as she heard further words. She blinked, arching her eyebrows. ''Thank you,'' she replied softly, her hands resting on Morgan's lower back during the hug, stroking her slender body gently. Perhaps instead of ruining things, this would be a push for their relationship to develop in a different fashion? She wondered about that, yet found herself shaking the thought away as she realized that her neighbor was quite conservative which would normally mean that she would want nothing to have to do with her - at least in a sexual manner.

''I'm glad,'' she replied with a smile, resting her head in her neck, enjoying the soft scent she emanated. At that moment, she found herself longing for Morgan more than she ever had. ''Of course not,'' she nodded, noticing where the girl's eyes landed. So, it would seem that the girl enjoyed the sight more than anticipated.

''Give me a moment,'' she nodded, disappearing up the stairs to return moments later, once again dressed and glowing like a real woman. ''Alright, all ready,'' she grinned, approaching the door. This time, when they left she made sure the door was shut. Taking a seat in her black BMW, she turned on the music softly, turning on the engine to drive off towards the restaurant located in the center of the town.
She nodded in slight understanding, not that she could ever understand completely. It must be hard to be the way she was sometimes. Wrapping her arms a round her herself briefly in thought when Selena left. She was getting ahead of herself, who was to say that the blonde was even interested in her? After all, Morgan was used to most people thinking about her as the 'little sister'

"You look beautiful as always." she said smiling brilliantly as she walked beside her friends to her car. The two stayed in perfect step until they separated and she slipped into the passengerâ??s seat of the BMW and buckled up. All things considered, while she wasn't acting as though the incident with her keys hadn't happened. Morgan seemed perfectly comfortable with Selena just like she always was. "So where are we going? You know I can't stand surprises." her blue eyes turned to the driver excitement shimmering in them.

In truth the auburn haired woman loved surprises; it was the waiting that got to her. She shifted in her seat keeping her legs crossed at the ankle. The skirt was almost too tight for her to cross her legs fully without gaping it, and letting the whole world she her not so conservative undergarments. What was there to be said? Morgan had a streak of kinkiness in her that was hidden more often then not. After all she never had anyone willing to experiment with her, and she was constantly worried of being laughed at.

Turning her gaze from Selena to the window she noticed they were getting closer to the center of town. It must've been quite the victory, they only went here every once in awhile. Now she was quite glad she changed her cloths, her usual attire was far too casual for this area.
Selena flashed her friend a smile, taking the time to actually study her attire - the situation previously didn't quite allow her to do so. ''So do you,'' she stated, biting on her lower lip gently. Those luscious bare legs and beautiful classy clothes that fit her so perfectly were enough to make her want Morgan more than anything - which would result in quite an awkward situation.

Driving towards a place they yet hadn't been to simply because it was impossible to get a reservation in time, she shrugged. ''You'll see,'' she replied, finally pausing in front of a stunning building. People paused to simply gawk at it, the rich crowds making their way in.

''Here we are,'' she grinned, stepping out of her car and leaving the keys to the valet. She waited for Morgan to get out of the car before entering the building, the couple led to a small yet comfortable booth, almost in complete intimity.
"Oh wow." she muttered her eyes going wide with shock and interest which was quickly schooled into a look that would make even a millionaire jealous. However the over all look was ruined by the flush in her cheeks from the compliment before they left. It had made her stomach flutter pleasurably and it hadn't quite stopped. Morgan always took whatever Selena said close to heart, and now with her secret out it meant even more.

Coming from a small town, she remembered what it was like when she first entered the city. Everything had her staring open mouthed like a tourist it was only after the first month here, when the blonde had taken her out. She managed to keep her expression one of bored amusement as though she saw those kinds of things every day. That way the other woman didn't look bad, even if she didn't consort much with high society, or at least not that she knew.

Smiling thankfully to the waiter she sat across from the older woman and smiled speaking softly so as not to disturb the other diners. "This place is absolutely elegant, I've passed by it before." it was even prettier from the inside and Morgan felt special that Selena had chosen to take them here.

Letting her hair rest across one of her shoulder she picked up the menu that had been presented and started to browse it, her small town upbringing giving her away. Everything was so expensive! Shaking her head she turned her attention to her dining partner. "I'll trust you to pick us out something to eat. I don't even know what half of these are." flushing she hid her face behind the menu once again.
Selena walked gracefully, giving a brief smile to the people that passed her by as she knew quite a few of them - when being a lawyer one had to have ties with the upper class, otherwise business was really quite slow. Once they were finally seated, she studied Morgan with a soft smile. Although she had quite a high income, she didn't usually come to such expensive places and when she did, she enjoyed spending the time with her neighbor.

She came from an upper middle class, and truth to be told the entrance into the higher levels of society was quite stressfull and new to her. She had something - just as Morgan did that allowed them to fit in almost perfectly. ''I'm glad you like it,'' she replied softly, her voice deep and seducive.

Somehow, ever since the moment the girl discovered her secret, Selena had quite a hard time not thinking about it. She wondered why was it that Morgan acted as though nothing has happened, trying to understand whether her friend wanted something or not. She wondered if they would both return to her place that night, if somehow she would manage to get lucky and finish her night with the loveliest female she has ever met.

''Alright,'' she replied with a smile, ordering a bottle of Chardonnay white wine and malaysian pork tenderloin, pairing of duck breast and scalopp and steamed manila clams. The dishes were fairly simple from the way their titles sounded yet were exquisitely made there. ''So, what do you want to do after?'' She wondered, her hand resting on the table, carefully slipping over hers.
This was her chance, she could insinuate that she wanted to go back home with Selena. Or she could go home and forever wonder what it would've been like to spend one night with her. The thought process could easily be read from the way her eyes seemed to flash from dull boredom to something akin to sexual excitement.

Eventually after much internal debate she came to her decision and let her thumb skim across the top of the blonde's hand in an affectionate gesture. "Well I thought maybe we could go back to your place for coffee and dessert, assuming you don't want to go straight to bed." her voice took on something like a light seductive purr barely discernable from her usual form of speaking.

Smiling softly she started to eat the food she'd been given her eyes darting up every once in awhile to see if Selena would rather they both go home separately. A semester break was coming up for her soon; the midterms had ended the previous Friday. It was simply a week off so she could pick her classes for the second half of the year, but considering she'd already said she would continue down the road she started. An archeology major with a minor in Artistic reproduction. She didn't need to sign up for anything more so she was free, for the entire week.

The meal of course was delicious and even though Morgan could barely eat more then half, she enjoyed it immensely. The two spoke of this and that, the auburn haired woman dropping several hints she was sure the other caught. Hints that dripped sexual promise, hopefully she wasn't sounding desperate. She really did want to stay the night with Selena not just for sex, but because they never saw each other for more then a few hours.

Yes she was being unusually brazen, but she refused to let this chance escape her grasp. When they were finished she took a final sip of wine and sighed. "That was delicious." she murmured. "Thank you." She sort of felt bad that it was so expensive. The younger woman hated it when someone spent a lot of money on her.
The blonde retrieved her hand from Morgan's one the moment she received her response. Although the words she said were far from perverted, yet the way in which she pronounced them let the woman know that after the coffee and dessert - if it even took place, something even more satisfying would end the evening. She had a hard time classifying her emotions; she wanted her neighbor, yet not only in a sexual fashion. She wanted sex, love, affection - a relationship, simply said. However, it was quite hard to say whether they would turn into friends with benefits, occasionally fooling around or into something more.

Heck, Selena wasn't even sure whether Morgan had anyone or not at that point since they haven't properly spoke for quite a while. She gave the girl a feline grin, nodding. ''Alright, you'll have the best dessert,'' she replied invitingly, obviously content that her friend was coming. She then leaned back, concentrating on the food and the conversation with the young girl.

The number of sexual connotations and such that appeared in the conversation stunned her, telling her what exactly was to be expected. At that point, she could barely wait, her member stiffening underneath her tunic yet luckily the panties she wore pressed it up against her stomach without creating a noticeable tent that would have been there if she wore a tighter dress or jeans.

It was hard for her - the more time she spent without someone else, the faster an erection former and it wasn't always good news. While the knowledge that Morgan knew about it eased the situation, the fact that they were in an expensive restaurant and she still had to drive back home didn't help.

Finally, the meal was over, Selena letting out a sigh of relief. The bill was brought to them, the woman simply leaving her credit card to prevent Morgan from seeing how much exactly she was paying. She knew that the girl didn't like for people to spend a lot of money on her, yet she couldn't help it - she felt somewhat like a man dating a luscious woman would have, eager to spoil her whatever the price. ''So, are you ready to go?'' She wondered with a smile, her eyes holding a mischievous glint.
"Of course I Am." she commented smiling brightly a flush on her cheeks making it obvious she was looking foreword to it. Standing she smoothed out her rumpled skirt and the two of them made there way out of the restaurant with little to know trouble. Without realizing it she too wanted a relationship, one with someone who liked her and didn't think she was an easy lay like her last 'boyfriend' had.

Once outside the restaurant she gripped the other woman's hand squeezing it briefly before releasing it. She loved the look in Selena's eyes it made her body heat up almost too quickly for comfort. Morgan was nervous now, she had instigated that she desired to sleep with the other woman, but what if the blonde changed her mind? Sure she'd seemed like she was quite pleased that 'coffee and dessert' was just an excuse so they were alone together. Still doubt lingered in the air even as they both got in the car and buckled up.

She was shifting eagerly in the seat now as the drove away from the center of town. Her eyes kept flickering over to Selena and she licked her lips softly. Taking several deep breaths she relaxed in the set her ankle's still crossed and her posture casual. The lingering excitement in her gaze was the only thing that gave away her eagerness. Crossing her arms across her chest she watched as the buildings passed and thinned moving from the city to the outskirts where both of them lived. It seemed to take almost twice as long to get back to her house as it did to get to the restaurant.

Finally after what seemed hours of images playing in her head making it hard to concentrate on anything other then the two of them. They arrived at her house and a slow smile caressed Morgan's full lips as she turned and slipped the seat belt off her shoulder. "Shall we?" she murmured softly eyes glimmering with desire. Tomorrow the younger female would smack herself for acting like a wanton vixen, but for now she just wanted to be with the other woman. Once both were out of the car she pressed her lips to the blondeâ??s before walking up to the door.
Selena drove through the night, aware of the doubt and tension in the air since both of them appeared to be sensing it. She was tempted to do something, yet was certain that she would lose control of the car if she acted upon her desires. Somehow, they managed to get back to her place without any incident or anything along the lines, since the trafic was light that night. She stepped out of the car, about to say something as Morgan suddenly pressed her lips against her ones, causing the woman to grow wide-eyed for a second, at a complete loss of words.

With a feline grin, she followed her neighbor to her place, pausing as she reached the door. She studied Morgan slowly, her gaze traveling up and down the woman's body, her large cock slowly starting to grow, pushing the panties and causing her a slight pain. Her hand slid to Morgan's side slowly, delivering it a gentle stroke until it came to settle on her lower back, pulling her closer to herself.

Slowly, the female leaned in, pressing her lips against Morgan's ones in a slow, sensual kiss, her bulge pressed up against her thighs. Meanwhile, her free hand moved to the door, pushing it open. She kicked off her shoes without breaking the kiss and pulled her friend along without breaking the kiss, before shutting the door.
She shuttered in pleasure her arms coming to wrap around Selena softly. Her boots came off along with the other woman's shoes with a bit more difficulty. The touch of a hand on the small of her back. Her tongue darted out against the others shy and unsure, the bulge pushing against her thighs made her moan softly. Her hands moved from her shoulders to her lower back and she massaged her with just her finger tips.

Eventually the need for air became a bit too much to bear and she pulled away breathing heavily. Her full lips were swollen and her skin flushed in pleasure. A moment later she was back to kissing the other woman bringing them to rest on the couch. "I...I'm not trying to push you." she muttered softly. "I want you but only if you want me too." it was her insecurity speaking out just to make sure she wasn't making Selena feel as though she had to.

Her blue eyes met the others and she reached her hand down and caressed the bulge softly. If this was any indication, then Selena did want her. The thought made her smile eagerly as her hand ran along the length of the bulge her own nipples hardening in arousal and pressing against the thin cloth of her blouse.
Selena shivered in pleasure as she felt the light vibration of Morgan's lips, before hearing the sweet sound that drove her simply crazy. Her own tongue eagerly met her neighbor's one, not quite as shy, although at first she took it slowly, probing her for more, seeing just how far she could go without Morgan pulling away.

She followed her friend and presently lover to the couch, finding herself trapped between her and the couch. She too was panting slightly, the overwhelming pleasure of finally feeling those sweet lips and luscious body against her taking a hold of her mind and clouding it with lust. ''God, Morgan,'' she whispered, trying to avoid panting, her voice deep and sultry. ''I want you more than anything,'' she murmured, letting out a moan as her sensitive member was grazed. Her gaze meanwhile darted to those breasts, noticing the way her nipples pressed against her blouse, causing her to move her free hand down to her breast, giving it a gentle stroke before squeezing it softly, her thumb pressing against the nipple.

''Fuck, it hurts,'' she whispered, shifting her hips slightly to push her panties down with her hand that was on Morgan's back previously. Freeing her member that now created an impressive tent in her light tunic, she pushed her panties to the ground. Her hand then returned to her neighbor's skirt, pulling it open to gently push it lower.
The younger female's back arched as that hand squeezed her sensitive breasts making pleasure shot down her spine to pool in her lower stomach. "Oh!" she nuzzled Selena's neck as one hand came to help her unzipping the side of the skirt and pushing it downwards revealing the lacy thong stark black against her fair skin. Blushing lightly she looked away for a moment before turning her gaze back to Selena.

Leaning down she settled herself straddling the other woman and kissed the side of her neck, worrying the skin leaving a small love bite before pressing their lips together once more. If one looked closely they would notice a wet spot dark against the blackness of her underwear. She too was clean shaven, and the tiny triangle of cloth did nothing but show it off.

"God I want you too." she moaned against the blonde's lips her tongue darting out eagerly entering the other's mouth. Despite the back she was straddling the blonde it was obvious the kiss was a tad more submissive then dominant. It was questing as she explored the other's mouth tasting her and mapping out teeth and gums, and moaning softly.
Selena's lips parted in a sensual expression, a soft moan escaping her lips. She glanced down at the skin she had revealed, a grin slowly making an appearence on her face at the sight. ''You're beautiful,'' she whispered, her gentle hands moving down to her bare ass, stroking the skin with her fingertips, allowing them to grow firmer, pushing into the skin and leaving barely noticeable traces on it.

She allowed her lips to trail over the girl's ear, licking it softly and delivering it a playful nip. However, she didn't manage to do that for too long, Morgan's attention to her neck provoking another sound of pleasure. She pulled away briefly, looking down the front of her body. Her fingers quickly worked on the blouse, pushing it off the girl, leaving her in nothing but her underwear while Selena's own member stood erect, the woman having pushed the silky fabric off of it.

Her fingers moved down to the panties, her index finger moving along the thong, over her clit and integrity of her sex. ''God, Morgan, look at how hard you made me,'' she whispered through the kiss, responding to the girl's gentle motions in an aggressive, fiery manner. Her hands finally came to a halt on the girl's waist, holding it steady as she aligned her cock to push it against the fabric of the thong, slowly moving her hips up and down, grinding against her pussy.
"You are too Selena." she responded flushing softly as her blouse was pulled over her head revealing her bra incased swells to the other woman's eyes. She let out a soft moan as fingers ran down her exposed backside a shutter of pleasure racing down her spine and adding to the warmth of arousal in her lower belly. Her breathing was already growing uneven causing her sensitized nipples to brush against the others every time she exhaled.

She refused to break the kiss even as her own questing hands moved downwards to wrap around her exposed erection stroking it with both hands even as the tip mercilessly teased her aroused clit. Morgan let out a gasp of pleasure as a flood of heat filled her core soaking the thin lace panties even more. Her back arched in pleasure while both hands continued to stroke from root to tip gathering the pre cum to lubricate the journey.

"What do you want?" she whispered as she pulled away from the kiss almost panting. Generally she enjoyed tasting her lovers before they were inside her, but she was so turned on she wanted all of Selena buried deep in her soaked heat. But still she couldn't help but lick her lips at the though of that pulsing shaft in her mouth.
Selena smiled, for a few moments not doing anything other than grinding her hips against the woman's heated womanhood. She didn't know where to start, so strong was her attraction; a part of her wanted to caress her breasts, taste her skin and lips, push into her and many other things.

Finally, she decided to start by freeing Morgan from the rest of her clothing and do the same for herself. She shifted Morgan from herself and stood up, pulling the tunic over her head and unclapsing her bra. ''There,'' she purred, fully naked only this time with her neighbor's consent.

She leaned over the girl, gently pulling on her hand to get her down to the soft carpet that most likely wouldn't burn their skin. She then got on top of her, unclapsing the girl's bra and pushing her panties down, the two of them fully naked. ''I don't know,'' she grinned slyly, leaning down to lick down her neck and suck on her clavicle. ''Would you want me inside of you there,'' she motioned, rubbing her cock now slick in her juices against her pussy, before pausing for a moment. ''Or in your mouth...'' she continued, grinning.
The younger woman bit her lip and as she lay bare before Selena, her over eager eyes running along the blonde's beautiful body. Her shy fingers stroked her sides and paused to pull and caress the harden nipples while she considered her options. Every nerve screamed for her to just offer her soaked pussy, but she wanted to draw it out just a bit longer.

Pressing softly against the older woman's shoulders she switched their positions pausing to kiss her eagerly. "I want to taste you lover." she purred as she started a slow journey down the other woman's body. Soft kisses were placed on her collarbone and the valley between her beautiful breast turning her hand to pause and suckle on each hardened peaks. Small sounds of pleasure escaped her as she investigated what she could even her belly button flicking her tongue inside the small dip.

It was at this point she was forced to pull away completely and kneel before her. Smirking she started to slowly lick the other woman's impressive cock from root to tip only to incase the broad head inside her hot moist mouth. Her tongue cautiously dipped into the slit before going to press against the sensitive underside while her hand stroked what was yet to be inside her mouth and throat. "Mmmmm" she moaned softly letting her eyes flutter shut as she focused on the unique taste of the other woman.
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