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NBx Any CCC - Cute Cat Cuntboys, at your service! (NSFW Links)


Aug 17, 2011
Hello there, howdy. My name is Winter.

At the moment, I am desperately craving playing a catboy (preferably a cuntboy). I don't know why. Or, wait, I do know why, and it's because I've found some [really] [good] [art] [that's] [inspired] [me] (ALL OF THOSE ARE NSFW SO TREAD CAREFULLY AND HERE IS THE ARTIST LINK).

I don't have a particular preference for the character I play against. I love m//, but I'm also intrigued at the idea of femdom. All are good.

I don’t ask for much in general— all I ask is that you have a good grip on grammar, write third person past-tense, and write multiple paragraph responses. I’m a writer before I’m a role player, and so I tend to lose interest in RPs that don’t give me an opportunity to really write my character (for example, one-liner responses). My preferences of medium are Email > Discord > PM on site. I'll do PMs but sometimes I forget to log in on site, so I'm just warning you. Email is The Surefire Way to get in contact with me.

Some kinks I’m particularly interested in for this are:
  • Interracial/interspecies. I’m playing a little cat but you can play really anything you wish.
  • Size differences
  • Non/dubcon
  • Weird unhealthy codependent relationships
If all of that is good with you, I have a few pairings with lil ideas attached. My character would be the bolded one.

Ship Captain and/or Crew x Traveler
When one spends long months on the high seas (or skies, if we wanna get really fantasy with it), the worst thing that can afflict a crew is bad morale. To solve this problem, it's not uncommon to waive the fee for certain attractive passengers if they agree to provide some 'service' to pent-up crew members.

I would play one such traveler. We could go one of two ways with this-- I would love to play a boy who is a first-timer who has no idea what he's signed on for and gets some good training. I also have the idea in mind for a traveler who's much more seasoned in the lifestyle, and has perhaps made a living out of using his appeal to win favors and passage on the most luxurious of trips, living as a high-priced courtesan. Both are good.

I especially like this idea because it brings up the possibility of some good fun worldbuilding and plot, as well.

The Harem
I am extremely taken with the idea of playing a young man who ends up in a harem/brothel/that sort of environment out of his own choice. Perhaps his family has sold him, perhaps he had to sell himself, but the end result is the same-- he finds himself in a world he has never even thought of before, and has to learn the ins and outs of pleasing customers, lest he find himself in an even worse position.

There are lots of possibilities for this one. I would be willing to play him as a single pairing against a particular customer (or maybe even the owner of the brothel), or against many characters. This also creates the possibility for a lot of doubling and fun side characters, too!

Master x Pet (literal version)
A lonely, rich man has been desiring of companionship as of late. He decides to adopt a 'pet', and so he goes to his local (-throws some darts-) catboy emporium to pick one up. A beautiful, sexy relationship blooms.

Master x Pet (figurative version)
I have several ideas in mind here:

- A boss is taken by his new catboy intern and tries to get him into bed.
- A catboy boss is taken by his new intern and wants to be destroyed by him, making for some wonderful power play
- Sugar daddy x sugar baby? Pampered pet catboy?

If you didn't see anything you liked here and have another idea in mind, I would love to hear it! I'm down for pretty much anything that will allow me to play this type of character, I'm just craving it super bad, lmao.

Thanks for reading my thread! I'm looking forward to hearing from you! ♥
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