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Fox and Demon (Balmung & DigitalSiren)


King of bones with a coral crown
Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
It was so much less ‘formal’ in the human world than it was back home. For Esumi Naoko, it was the best place he could let his hair down. At one of Tokyo’s many night clubs, the man blended in well… At least, in a sense. But between a tall and athletic build, with amber flecked eyes that may well have held the color of molten gold, and an athletic build all meshed together to make sure that anyone who saw the man would be caught off guard by his appearance. Clad in a dress shirt of dark black and matching pants, the man looked quite striking altogether, sitting at the bar of the club with a drink in one hand, and his head in the metaphorical clouds. Human drinks weren’t quite as powerful as Oni alcohol, but they certainly held up as far as flavor and taste went. For now however, he sipped idly at his drink, the pounding and rhythmic beat of the dance music filling the air and giving the air an energetic ambiance that he relished.

Oni were somewhat rare in the mortal world nowadays, and they were no longer savage beasts like Ibaraki-doji or Shuten-doji, no. They had become far more civil, far more organized, and as the years changed japan, so too did the supernatural world change – not just Oni. Yokai of all kind banded together in their own ways, seeking to survive in a rapidly changing world. Of course, two ‘families’ rose to higher prominence than most of their ilk. Oni… And Kitsune. The two held a bitter rivalry over the years, seeking to gain control of the underworld that was Japan’s supernatural scene, and had been embroiled in a cold war for the last century. As one of the scions of a prominent Oni family, it was expected for Naoko to throw himself fully into the family business, settle down with a female Oni, and prove that he could help run the ‘empire’ as it were. Of course, given his relative youth and desire for something more, Naoko found himself naturally rebelling against such a potential life. For now, he elected to enjoy the mortal world and supernatural world as best he could, and if that meant coming to a human nightclub and savoring the world of man, then well… There shouldn’t be a problem with that, right? He’d get back to the family business soon enough, knowing that the eyes of both his mother and father were upon him, and they both saw great things in his future.
Lifting a hand to her hair, silken strands of deep blue slipped from her fingers as she waited for her friend outside of the club. Golden eyes scanned the line and she shifted on her heels. The wine red of the suede heels matched the red of her dress, the sequins picking up the streetlights, making her glitter like the night sky. The feeling of butterflies dancing in her stomach made her shift again. They wouldn't find her and what was the harm in trying to have a little fun before being sold off like a prized mare?

It was thrilling, breaking the rules. Nanami was normally a good girl. Raised by her father, she had been brought up in a rigid system, the expectations for her quite clear. Had she been any Kitsune, Nanami might have had options. As the daughter of Hideaki Inari, the leader of the Inari. Unlike foxes, Kitsune had more than a dog, vixen and their cubs. The Inari family ruled over most of their kind, with only a few strays and errant families not falling in line. It was one of the reasons the Inari held so much power. Yokai spanned multiple races over the generation and while there were still multitudes of races, clans.. two stood out at the top. Oni and Kitsune. Both vying for the resources of the other, leaving the other clans to fight over their leftovers.

Thrilling and terrifying. Nanami couldn't say she was afraid of the humans, even docile as she was, Nanami still had fangs and claws. It was more of being spotted, or of her father or brothers finding her bed empty and coming searching for her. They'd be furious. She was furious though! They had decided to marry her off. An arranged marriage, to further strengthen their prestige and power. A soft, feline growl slipped from her. She had always done as she was told, always been the perfect daughter and they were just going to marry her off, as if her own thoughts, dreams didn't matter.

It had been that anger that had made her agree to going out with Rei. She could be allowed to see the world before being locked up... Shaking herself she looked up, catching sight of her best friend. The pair sauntered to the front of the line, admitted without issue, the pair found themselves within the darkness of the club. Music slipped around them. Nanami could feel the pulse of the music in her bones and it made her feel.. alive, free.. Silly, wasn't it?

Golden eyes slipped to the bar. Before she danced, she'd need a drink. It wouldn't get her drunk, but Nanami would accept just a slight buzz, anything to take the edge off her nerves.. Nanami could count on one hand how many times she'd been in the human world and this was her first visit to a club.

Thrilling and terrifying.
Naoko continued to sip from his drink lightly, humans knew how to make a good tasting liquor and it helped to make him feel much more relaxed. While hardly a drunkard like the stereotypical idea of an Oni, Naoko still enjoyed a good drink now and then. Normally he’d enjoy a drink of two, perhaps singing some karaoke badly and perhaps walking away with a friend or perhaps something more for the night… But something felt a little unusual about this evening and he wasn’t sure why. Well, at least at first. As the Oni set his drink down, his yellow toned eyes flicked across the bar, eyeing the patrons of the club a little languidly. While at first nothing stuck out to Naoko, it was not much longer before he was able to pick up on the faint though unmistakable hint of magic, one that was different from his own. It was subtle at first, but it slowly and steadily got stronger as the Oni tried to hunt down the source of the odd sense, though it wasn’t until he noticed the woman approaching the bar that he finally found out the source. ‘Ah.’ as if in silent understanding, he noticed Nanami approaching the bar, the woman’s heels clicking slightly against the floor of the bar before he noticed the aura of magic emanating from the younger looking woman.

Standing up and giving a very light stretch, it wasn’t long before the casually dressed Oni began to approach the Kitsune woman, certain that this was the source of what he was sensing. “Evening.” His tone was a casual one, a small wave and a smile offered to Nanami. “It’s not often I see one of your kind out here, or… Anywhere, really.” While the rivalry between Kitsune and Oni was an infamous one, Naoko held little real anger or hatred towards the other Yokai clan, even though he was the heir to his family. To him, Kitsune had the same sort of rights to exist in the modern world as Oni-kind did, and they fought for survival just the same as any other supernatural creature. “Mind if I buy you a drink?” He asked with a light tilt of his head as he leaned against the bar. “I mean, I’d love to know why you’re out here, if you don’t mind telling a story… But I will say you’re not in any trouble here.” The magic that disguised his horns and other subtler Oni features was different from the magic of a Kitsune’s, slightly weaker in pure magic ability but still quite potent. While Oni could not hope to match a Kitsune’s magical prowess, they made up for it in other ways such as strength and hardiness, and what magic they did have allowed them to hide their features almost as effectively to mortals. Still, magic could sense magic.
It was odd to not be surrounded by the gentle hum of magic. It was so constant on her family estate that the lack of it was almost startling. She didn't normally notice it, like the hum of the cicada. So normal, it faded into the background. It was only when the sound faded that she noticed it now and the magic was no different. Humans had once had more magic within them but it had faded and Nanami could barely remember a time where it had thrummed in their blood or a time when she'd been around so many. The push of bodies was warm, almost comforting to the Kitsune, but it lacked something special as she slipped between them, heading towards the bar.

She didn't probe the crowd, it didn't occur to her to do so. Even within their realm, she didn't venture out much and when she did, she was flanked by bodyguards, the perk or curse of being what amounted to Kitsune royalty. In this human club though, having slipped her guards and brothers she was free and that freedom, so unusual, made her risky, though she wasn't trying to be. She should have kept some sort of guard up, she might have felt Naoko as she approached the bar.. instead it was the warmth of his voice and a smile that caught her attention.

Surprised eyes rose to meet his own, their golden hues like honey pools. A shy smile curled on her lips and her magic flared a little, brushing against his own. Oni. Nanami's father and brothers touted the dangers of his kind, what they were capable of among other things... Most seemed to be some sort of unfounded prejudice. A sweet flush of color spread to her cheeks and she shifted some, looking to her friend. Rei it seemed was wrapped around a human male and after a smile and a shake of her head in her direction, her eyes met Naoko's. "I'd like that," Laughing softly she shook her head, this time at him, the wealth of her hair shivering with the movement. "No real story," it was a lie, but she knew enough to not spill her life story to a stranger.

"That's good, I don't come here very often." While in passing anyone listening in might think she meant the club, the implication was clear between the pair. "What would you suggest to drink?" There was no fear in her face, no hatred, just a sweetness as she smiled up at him. A Kitsune more than willing to trust an Oni. "I am Nanami," she offered after a second her golden eyes dancing.
Naoko was use to the ‘mortal’ world. It was a great way to not deal with other Yokai and Oni, and humans had an energy to them that while not as strong or potent as the supernatural, still kept him entertained and appreciative of them. Were he one of his brothers or cousins he would complain about the alcohol being too weak, but he had never been a heavy drinker all the same. Having expected it to be a quiet night overall, the sensation of another supernatural being set the hairs on the nape of his neck on edge, and while his first instinct was that it was likely danger… The sight of the woman emanating the magic made him feel a little calmer, if only because she did not appear to be an immediate danger. Of course, that was just a first impression… But there was no need to be hostile, even to a Kitsune. This was neutral ground, and either revealing their natures here would have devastating consequences.

The fact that Nanami seemed to trust him did catch him off guard though. “We could get into a lot of trouble if we were found out you know.” Of course, he held little concern about that given that life without danger was a boring one to him, but, he wanted to give her the opportunity to back away if she so desired. This close, the magic that covered his supernatural traits was potent still, but for a trained magic user, the subtle aura about him flickered and wavered, the very vague silhouette of horns on his head visible for a split second. Mortals wouldn’t catch it, so again he seemed perfectly average to them. “Nanami, I’m Naoko. Pleasure to meet you.” It was a casual, if amiable greeting. “As for a drink, hrm….” Putting a finger against his chin, the Oni turned to the bar and flagged down the bartender during a free moment. “A peach fizz for the lady, please!” A brief exchange of money later, and the peach toned drink was put in front of Nanami. “I’m not sure what you’d go for but I have a feeling you might like this one.” The taste was a little sweet and certainly had a peach taste to it, but the subtle taste of liquor could be found in it all the same.

Of course Naoko had what he felt was a dozen questions to ask the Kitsune, but he didn’t want to push his luck with her just yet. “No one’s given you any trouble yet, right? I mean besides me.” It was a genuine question, even with a hint of levity sprinkled in to it.
Trouble.. Normally Nanami was so worried about being a good girl. Follow the rules, do what was expected of her. It left her feeling trapped, like a little bird within a cage. Able to see others of her kind flying free and she was always stuck behind the bars. She smiled softly and shook her head, her nose wrinkling. "I always do what I am told... Just one night of freedom." The last was more to herself as she looked up at him. She knew that their kind didn't along with one another. It was something that went back as far as she could remember for her history lessons. Yet, he wasn't like what she had been told about Oni. She bit her lower lip and smiled again, this one less shy, less unsure. "Nice to meet you Naoko." Her own magic could be seen just as faintly. The shape of her ears, the sway of her tail behind her, the faint lines along her cheeks shimmered in the lights.

Peach fizz, the name of the drink he'd gotten for her made her head tilt, an almost cat like movement. A sip was taken and she gave a small sound in her throat. A trilling sound of pleasure as the sweet drink touched her tongue, her eyes widening as she looked up at him. "Soo good! Thank you Naoko" She fought an almost childish wiggle of delight. Tonight was a night of firsts for the young Kitsune. For someone as sheltered as she had been, this was a thrilling night. Chuckling she gave a small shake of her head. "You're trouble?" There was a flirtatious purr to her voice and she lifted her drink to her lips, taking another slow sip. If her father or god forbid her brothers caught her with him, they would flay her alive and that would be kind in comparison to what they did to him.

The song changed and she swayed in place to it. Her body moving with fluid grace, eyes closing for a moment. "After your drink, would you like to dance?" Her golden eyes were bright as they opened once again. The liquid courage that burned through her stomach and in her veins. The intoxicating combination of her night of freedom and the allure of someone Nanami knew she shouldn't get entangled with. A small part of her wondering what his mouth would feel like. Something that the eighteen year old had never considered from anyone else before... At least not someone who might actually kiss her....
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