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Mx F or NB A Villain's Lair of male-preferred plot ideas

Honourable Villain

I should be at church but I'm raging on a Sunday
May 15, 2018
An elevator speeding down to EEBY DEEBY
Do not post here. PM me pls and thank.
Then here is a little bit about 'ole me, I guess.


  • First off, I'm a 25yr old female and I go by she/her pronouns, lemme know if you go by anything different!
  • I'm a very experienced writer/role-player, just about 10-11 years doing it. As for writing style, I prefer to write in 3rd person.
  • Fairly active, I can reply daily if work doesn't run me down that day. If anything, 2-3 replies a week.
  • I'm ditch friendly but I prefer to keep up with communications. Although I admit I can get pretty bad at replying because I'm a reclusive and introverted disaster... But if we vibe pretty well, you wouldn't have to worry about communication drops. I'll probably end up showing memes or send things that I find funny or something that reminded me of what's going on in the RP.
  • I.. love to joke and keep things light. I can be a bit of a shitlord on a good day.
  • Anywho, bare minimum, expect 2-3 paragraphs at the least in terms of post/reply length. I can write male, female, and non-binary characters, depending on what the story calls for. Story is very important to me and I don't mind filling in spots for NPCs or assist in world building. I'm a baby D&D GM and could honestly use the practice lol I can also play multiple characters if need be. I love doing so.
  • Story over smut, anytime. But.. I really love smut, so it is very much desired. Although, I don't like the whole.. one and done kind of smut. Gimme that juicy romance and a hearty helping of spicy sexual tension pls and thank. I'll love you forever.
  • I do not play canon/fandom characters, I do OCs only! I am very bad when it comes to trying to play off as something that has already been done previously. I feel like I could never live it up to the original thing and crash it into disappointment. If I'm going down in a dumpster fire let it be from my own design!
  • As for limits, I don't like getting into the daddy/teacher kinks, pet/master, incest, watersports/scat, hyper/macro, vore, humiliation, and inflation. Normally, I give a hard 'no' to rape/non-con but am willing to step into it if it is done tastefully. I haven't written anything pertaining to it before but will only do so in certain situations.
  • If it matters that much to you, I can easily provide my flist if you want more details on what I like/dislike. It's not a wishlist! Just a guideline, so if you see something in my maybe or no list, don't fret!
  • I'm pretty chill with any pairings but I'm not very good at MxM. Not my thing. I'm fine with FxF depending on the story. I'm kinda picky on it.
  • MxF is my favorite and I'm flexible with either role.

Still with me?
I got a few plots/ideas.


D&D styled Original Plot

Medium/High Fantasy, D&D themed... mainly Pathfinder but this can change.
Using Pathfinder as a placeholder for now.

Desired Elements;
Violence, becoming villains, dark themes, Assassins/Thieves Guild, poly relationship, multiple characters
Hell, maybe a group of heroes/adventurers band together to try and stop them?

In this world, there are many gods and each of them stand up for different aspects. For this story, we're following the assassin's guild, a sect dedicated to a particular goddess for guidance and protection, Calistra.
(Yes, the Pathfinder Goddess. But this can change! I'm just using her as a base for now)

She represents lust, trickery, and revenge. Oh, how she loves revenge! The more extravagant the better! She takes great pleasure in making those who wronged her suffer and enjoys it when he followers indulge in such paths.

All was well except for a long while, the guild hasn't been.. Prospering. Less successful. Decent contracts were becoming harder to come by, mainly because their reputation has tanked, and the number of guild members started to dwindle, either dying off or getting caught on the job. What could be wrong? Clerics and the devoted plea with their goddess, asking what they could do to earn her favor once more. She replies that this guild has lost their way and grew soft. Everything seemed.. Bland. Boring. A champion of her choosing will arrive soon and give the guild another chance, help them get set back on their path. If not, the guild will fall and a new one will take its place.

The entire guild is split on the news. They want to keep their traditions, some even think they can be without the goddess! All they liked was the pay. The rest were willing to throw themselves at the first and only chance the goddess was going to give. The champion was was then chosen, and everything then comes to a head. There were outcries on why they weren't chosen, those who denied him, and the rest wouldn't follow him.
Only a selected few became his followers. Either reluctantly or willingly.

This began the fall of the guild. A great massacre. The criminal underground just witnessed one of their greatest guilds collapse in on itself. Only a few have survived, rising from the ashes to start a new guild reborn. But they can't do it without the champion, they need his guidance as the goddess only speaks to him, for now. Not until the rest prove themselves worthy of her attention.
Despite the main goal being the reestablishment of the guild, the Champion has another goal in mind. One that he keeps close to himself. Not even the three Aspects of Calistra knows.

The Aspects are followers each representing the very things Calistra stand for.
Lust, Revenge and Trickery.
I had a few ideas for the aspects already but if you have ideas of your own, please do not hesitate to throw it my way. But if you would like to see what I have already, keep reading below.

For Lust, the original idea I had for her was a Teifling that was first generation succubus, her mother being one. Once she got old enough, the demoness sent her to the material realm as to have her not impede on her own territory. So the Teifling did what she thought was best and joined a brothel, somehow climbing her way to the top the become The Mistress. A powerful figure that runs a healthy establishment, a brothel that also acts as a temple, and is very close to her chosen goddess in her own way. She was somehow recruited by the Champion and together they agreed to work together in the name of Calistra.

For Revenge, I created a dhampir that was born and raised in a small village dedicated to Iomadae. His mother was found by a lone villager that lives a little too close to the woods and took her in, as she was covered in blood and desperate for shelter. She was attacked by a vampire and wasn't going to live through the night. But at the current time, she was pregnant. Beofre passing, the woman went into labor and gave birth to a dhampir. The villager, already being a half-elf outsider, tried his best to raise the child. Being a follower of Seranrae, he believed the boy's race would not define him and treated like his own son.
The village thought otherwise. The child was a monster and should be culled before it grew a taste for human flesh. Despite this, the half-elf took it upon himself to keep the child and prove everyone wrong. Maybe help them learn that people shouldn't be judged for their race or looks.
All was well, or at least well enough, save that the boy was continuously bullied by both adults and children alike. But he didn't raise his fist nor his words, he kept to himself and help take care of the now older half-elf, practically an old man at this point. They did their best to husstle and grind for the funds to move away from the village so they can be at peace but this dream was shattered.
On one fateful night, the dhampir couldn't take it anymore. While being ganged-up on by a group of kids his age, he accidently snapped a boy's arm in defense. But this was all the village needed to round up and send a mob after him. The dhampir ran home but knew he couldn't stay. If he did, they would both be killed. So he instead took his father's horse and ran for his life, not to return until he was older and inducted into the assassin's guild. Taken under the Champion's wing, he became his apprentice and sought revenge of the bloodiest kind.

Last but not least, there's Trickery. The Champion ran into her in the dwarven city inside a mountain. Mistaken for a Fetchling/Kiyal at first, but was a Drow in disguise. For her own survival, she butchered her own ears after being tossed out of the Underdark. Her coup to overthrow the current Matriarch went... poorly. Her and her sisters were discovered and promptly dealt with. Thrown in the path of a dwarven patrol in the mines, she used her wits to fool the dwarves and be taken into the city above where she has been scarping by ever since.
Having now been found, the Champion offers her a partnership to help her get her on her feet. Having a Drow around to help supply the guild was a valuable asset and in return, she would be given a place to stay and help expand her abilities. Eventually, she decided to dabble back into her flesh-weaving magics.. having the idea to create a network of her own. She would kidnap those who wouldn't be missed and slowly starts creating clones of herself. Each of them having her face but none of them would be her. She could use this little group of lookalikes to create her own system of information, another valuable resource for the guild. Slowly though, the Drow was rediscovering herself again. The hunger for more power started to grow and the idea to rule the surface world could eventually be a reality. All she needed was to bide her time and continue her work, and eventually she will be Queen. And this time, it'll be bigger than the kingdom she originally tried to overthrow.

In the end, these great forces would come together. Each of them with their own goals and methods, but somehow get along just enough to get things done and become a terrifying team. If not dealt with, these villains would rattle the foundations to shake the heavens. With the Champion having a goal of his own.. to become a God.
And for this, much to his dismay, he needs faith and followers. And what better way to get that than by looking at those he already works with? Can he still succeed while under the watch of Calistra? she pointed him in the direction to these people and now he has to make due with what he has.


For the RP, I'd like to start it off with my character being the known Champion (Male) and the rest being his first few followers. Starting with the 3 Aspects, or a few other characters could be added on the side than can be shared amongst ourselves if need be. Note that what I had described above is just a guideline, you can create your own thing and I would be more than happy to discuss things! I love world building and talking about the story, so long as my partner also enjoys themselves :3

This RP is story focused but can have smut as well, one of my ideas being that the champion could be in a relationship with any of the three followers. Although that doesn't mean it's a.. happy, relationship. Let there be jealousy! Conflict! Competition! Angst! This guild wasn't built by nice people.

If you'd like the Goddess herself is also a playable character, I'm more than happy to break Canon and let her be customized to your liking. I imagined her relationship with the champion is rather.. Fickle. She teases and enjoys how this man doesn't bend to her every whim, at least, not at first. He's fun to play with, it's nice to have someone around that isn't a total pushover. But he also has a bigger plan in the works, and he needs these followers to accomplish his goals. Can he handle them all long enough to do it?
That's all I have for now, if you have any questions or have any ideas of your own PM me! I'm open to discuss changes or adding on to what I have here.


Ancient Magus Bride-based idea
(I prefer to play as the Male in this story.)
-Male x Female preferably
-Older/Ancient Creature (Male/Non-Binary) x Human(?) woman
-Slice of Life, could have darker themes
-High Fantasy
-Possible multiple characters
-Highly story driven, though smut is very much desired

Like I mentioned before, I don't play canon characters. So I'll be making up my own for this. But I do like the general idea of the show/manga!
It could start off with YC being stolen from her home or sold herself into the salve trade, maybe she has already been through an owner or two? I'll leave YC's backstory up to you or we could come up with one together.
Either she can be found and bought at an auction or perhaps she found her way into the Otherworld and is finding every reason to stay and not go back home to the material world? Maybe she was found by MC then? Could he have accidentally attacked her or pitied her and brought her to his home? Would he convince her to stay or go back home where she belonged? Maybe deep down she has magic of her own that needs to be controlled or unlocked and could make her a potential apprentice worth teaching?


Not exactly a plot but here's some ideas I've been craving for a hot minute.

Dragon/Dragon-shifter x Human
I tried this idea before so I'll try again for a time.
Dragons are all but extinct and unfortunately have to rely on humans to save their race. A little shameless smut here but I don't mind playing off a tsundere male or female dragon for this. (Tsundere being that they act like they don't care about their partner, their opinions, and emotions, ect. but they actually kinda do) So they are probably just going to act like an asshole for a hot minute before giving a damn.
Sadly, I don't have much of a plot for this but I do be craving this kind of thing.

Pacific Rim inspired?
I recently saw the show on Netflix and boi I'm loving it. If not that then maybe similar to that from the movie? Just a bunch of mechs fighting giant monsters? Yes please.
Bonus points if one of them was a kaiju-shifter ;P
Hero x Villain who forgot who they were
A villain somehow gaining amnesia and totally forgot that they were a villain but somehow ends up in the hands of a hero.
If you're familiar with Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic, then yes, this is where this kinda comes from. Except that it doesn't have to be Star Wars? The genre is kinda up in the air, really. Shoot whatever ideas you have and we can see if we can make something happen.
Devilman Crybaby inspired?
A dude somehow gets tangled up with a succubus.. maybe his best friend got possessed by one? Or she came to him one way or another. Anyhow, she's tempting him to tap into his darker side and hopefully turn him into a thrall or maybe another demon? The end of the world is coming after all. Might as well save the ones you like and have them join the winning side. But despite letting him become a demon, he's still.. human?
Here's some other things I'm into;
Video-game based;
Halo, Destiny, Dishonored, and Warframe just to name a few.
Hero x Villain
Tsundere characters
Dragon riders/shifters
Adventure plots
Friends to lovers
Rivals to lovers
Tsundere characters
Tabletop based; D&D or Pathfinder
High Fantasy settings
Post-Apocalypse; Zombie or natural disaster style
Did I mention that I love Tsundere characters?
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