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My plot ideas

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Jan 14, 2009
Here are some ideas i would like to try.

1. Having grown tired of his constant trouble making the parents send their 15 year old genious of a son to live with his older sister. While there he discovers that his sister his the local heroine known as Ms. Marvelous and with this knowledge uses the info. of her idenity against her.

2. Having grown tired of the collateral damage caused by heroes and heroines the government passes a law requiring the heroes and heroines to register their ablities. You play a mercanary hired to hunt down those that don't.

3. After spending time on earth an angel finds love in the arms of human. The angel finds out that the human she love has made a deal with a demon/demonness. In order to save the human the angel travels to the demon/demonness world. The demon/demoness listens to the angel's plea and makes a deal with the angel. In order to save her friend the angel must give herself sexually to the demon/demoness without the use of her angelic powers. If she can survive without being tames the angel and her friend would go free. I was thinking of adding a twist to it where the human(prefer female is actually a minion of the demon/demonness.
4. Misty Scott's husband a brilliant scientist is convicted of a murder he did committ but before he's arressted he injects her with an experimental drug that gives her the strength of ten men as well making her bulletproof. Upon learning this she takes on the role of Ms. Marvelous trying to clear her husbands name. During her investgation she learns that a woman names Mistress has evidence that will clear her husbands name. Mistress agrees to give Ms. Marvelous the evidence only if Ms. Marvelous gives herself to the Mistress for one night.
5. Chris Vanderjet is not your normal 16 year old boy. He is grown up in a life of privelage and has used this have his way with the women of his school and the city of Megoplis through either the threat of their job or by blackmail. To show how devious one time he paid a classmate to hide under a teacher's desk to play with her during class. One of his victims though happens to be best friends with Detective Misty Scott. Wanting to bring him down she goes undercover only to find herself another victim of blackmail.
I'm no longer doing idea 3 but I do have an idea to replace it that is if anyone is familar with the t.v. show Dark Angel starring Jessica Alba.
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