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Fx F or NB Roleplay Ideas...


May 18, 2010
Looking for a female or someone who likes to play female for following ideas...

I try to post a least a paragraph per reply. I prefer to play either in PMs, Threads or Discord. If you are interested in any of the ideas below, please contact me by PM or through Discord. My Discord is Ryanmo97#1933.

MC kidnaps YC and keeps her in a small cell of a room. MC says nothing to her when she visits her to feed her and take her to the bathroom to let her shower. YC craves human contact of some kind and because of the lack of communication she eventual breaks and becomes MC's submissive lover.
YC is on business trip across the country. She stays in a small hotel in a rural town, and MC is the owner who decides to relocate her to the basement as her new sex slave
YC has worked hard all her life and now owns her own very successful company. She had done some things, some illegal, some immoral, to get where she is today. But, she is a complete bitch to her employees. MC knows everything about her shady dealings. And one day, YC pushes MC over the edge and she rapes her. Then, blackmails her into giving her everything including her body.
A rich couple is unable to have a child and they want a sex slave. So, they kidnap a young woman and make her their unwilling surrogate.
Every day, YC rides the train, the same one MC does, everyday YC stands in the exact same place and every day MC puts her hands on her. Feeling up her young firm breasts, wide hips and dampening panties underneath that tempting plaid skirt.. She never says a word, never screams or protests. Simply holds her tongue from moaning and leans against MC’s form... Day after day of this is driving MC crazy, each time they go their separate ways at the same station. YC seems like a good girl at first glance.. That they're at least ten years apart.. But her urges become too much, one day after they exit the train MC takes YC’s hand and leads her away, she doesn't fight or protest.. She knows YC wants it too.
Two people bump into each other at an outdoor market. They find a mutual attraction to each other so they decide to go have coffee. During their conversation, they learn that MC is looking for a sub, and YC is looking for a dom.
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