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Closed My Weird Craving Idea/Plotish Dump

Closed - no longer seeking
Nov 18, 2011

Nocturne here. I've got some weird and random pairing ideas that popped into my head. This is going to be their dumping ground for now. Stuff that I'm just craving to death. None of it is without some amount of fantasy, so strict realism is right out.

TL;DR: I like smut-heavy roleplays with awesome crumbs of story inbetween, with lots of screwing between two really awesome/badass characters. When they're not tangoing, I want the air between them to near catch on fire. I like playing full Switch -- mashing it up between male and female dom. Even then, I prefer non selfish maledom, with intentions focused on making their partner orgasm (and feeling oh-so-adorably smug about it). ALL LINKS MAY BE NSFW IN NATURE. PLEASE BEWARE.

some rules,
1. I am not my character. Please do not refer to our roleplay ideas as these happening to me. They are happening to my character. Do not conflate them. While I am happy to be personal and amiable, I am not interested in being flirted with. Please treat me with respect.

2. Less a rule and more a note. I can take a while to respond to posts. Great times can be once a day, but slow times can mean once a week, and horrible times can be once a month. I want to make sure that I am honest and forthright with this. If this makes you anxious/impatient, then I am not for you.

3. Be good with high fantasy and crazy fantastical shit. It's not the only genre I do, but it's what I'm typically asking for. I like bonkers anything-can-happen fantasy.

4. My characters are real characters. Even though our role-play may be entirely wish-fulfillment, I take time to develop my characters. I think on them a lot. I give a shit about them. I invite you to do the same. Let's have awesome characters screw a ton.

5. I am typically looking for anywhere from short term to long term role-plays. Please specify your intentions in your message. (If you're not sure, include that.)
-> When we are finished with a particular couple, I would be more than happy to continue with another set of characters if that's what you're looking for. We can always come back to our previous set of characters if we have a particular story idea.​

6. For eroticism, please include what you'd like to see (kink-wise), so that we can properly negotiate.

7. As for length, I typically like my posts girthy. Ask me for post examples and I'm more than happy to provide.

8. I only role-play via private messages. Please contact me this way.

some character notes,

Your Characters:
It is important to note that I like big, hunky, sexy dudes. I am not looking for purposely unattractive characters. I love, love, love the absolute fuck out of beast men and anything pertaining to teratophilia (so shifters are fantastic if you want him to have a human form). However, you are under no obligation to play as such in this request. I love most personality types, love tattoos, piercings, sharp teeth, all sorts of shit. Please let me know all about your guy in your message.

Other shit I happen to like but is not necessary to be included: weirdly shaped/monstrous cocks, anything that glows, and holy shit, fit men in suits.

My characters:
Can be short, tall; slender, muscular, curvy or lean; all skin colors; all hair types; all eye types; with all their limbs/eyes or not; with magical powers, with physical powers, etc; with piercings; with tons of tattoos or few (there will probably always be some). If you have an issue with anything, please tell me right away. There are few things that I limit my character to unless you tell me. Do you prefer a small spitfire? Tell me! Do you prefer a muscular barbarian woman with a sweet submissive side? Let me know!

I can play humans, elves, tieflings, goblins, and some mix of shit inbetween. I also typically resort to size difference with a smaller sized woman, so again, please let me know if you were maybe thinking something else.
F-List here.

An overview of what I like to see. Vaginal, anal, and oral is all good. I like sexual acts focused more around the female character than the male (including forced, if it comes up). I like male characters intent on female pleasure, even if their lady is unwilling at first (this does not need to be included). Please note, I like to play gentle femdom now and again with the female in charge. I am not open to pregnancy between characters. (I can be convinced otherwise if we are closing up/ending their story.) I am not open to extreme abuse, sexual gore, vore, watersports, scat, similar intense play. I don't like playing virgins. I love varying types of simple bondage, especially of a biological type (on male or female), or even pinning (against walls or otherwise, maybe after wrestling, whatev).

In your message, please let me know your dealbreakers and I'll tell you what works and what doesn't.

my weird and sudden cravings,
As these are sudden and vague ideas, you are encouraged to bring what you wish to the table. Add to it. Tell me things you'd like to see with it, things you want to explore.

+ fantasy: a big, hunky cleric/paladin, a teasing little witch who uses her dark arts for good, and both are totally head over heels for each other ;; he might be a handler for her or they may have fallen in together as a duo through comedic mishap (would love the role reversal of her having saved him).
+ fantasy/science-fiction: a crafty engineer makes a machine to keep her safe in a perilous world, but it seems he has wants and needs all his own. The machine could be any design you'd like him to be, with fantastical elements to biological ones, though I have a particular soft spot for anything resembling the ones from Robots & Lace.​
* I have an unused starter for this plot!
+ fantasy/fantasy modern: placed into an arranged marriage with a literal monster, she's determined to show the world that soft, sweet side he normally keeps just for her. Love love love interesting monster designs, like almost anything from somanyfangs.​
+ fantasy: a mostly aquatic world where a drifter/pirate/adventurer meets a merman/adapted individual in some manner ;; maybe he saves her, maybe a storm throws her ship and she wakes to his oasis, maybe she accidentally fished him up. Might be interested in their sexual contact slowly transforming her or something.​

that's all for now,
This is pretty bare bones. Please feel free to ask me questions. I'll be more than happy to answer.
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