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Fx F or NB Reign of Terror (cw: non-consent)


Dec 21, 2020
Greetings, and welcome to my request thread! Before I get into the actual request itself, here's a little bit about me as a roleplayer:

- I prefer to roleplay through PMs. I don't plan on ever going off-site (I really value my anonymity), so please don't ask. Sorry!
- All post lengths are acceptable, and I'm also pretty lenient on grammar- just make sure your responses are legible and move the story forward.
- I usually post around 2-4 paragraphs (averaging around 3 lines each, though I can do more as needed).
- This goes without saying, but OOC consent is rule #1 of any rp for me, so if something makes you uncomfortable let me know! Vice versa, if I say something is over the line please don't try to push that line unless I explicitly tell you it's okay to do so.
- Finally, here's my f-list. Feel free to check it out if you want to get a better idea of what to expect when roleplaying with me!

Anyway, that's it for the housekeeping stuff, now for the meat of my thread:

Nestled in the middle of three large and ancient mountains is the kingdom of Soran, a small nation-state ruled by a seemingly lazy and reclusive princess who is rarely seen outside the castle walls. Between the picturesque, rustic town that radiates outward from the palace and the beautiful mountain vistas that give the kingdom its name ("Soran" translates to "beautiful stone"), it's hard to imagine the fear and superstition that haunts the kingdom.

Soran is afflicted by an ineffable evil- though all manner of peasants travel through the thick forests that surround the castle for any number of reasons, this somehow doesn't change the fact that countless young women have gone missing from the spaces between trees. It is said that something supernatural prowls the woodlands- a disgusting beast, a vengeful spirit, an utterly indescribable demon, what it is depends on who you ask. No matter which of these explanations is correct, the danger is very real, and every so often that special blood-curdling scream that lets you know something unspeakable has occurred echoes through the trees and chills the peasants to their cores.

In truth, the evil of the forests is the princess herself- an unassuming beauty, often in dark robes that she can easily navigate the underbrush in. She is a rose with invisible thorns who lovingly takes her victims under her wing with promises of safety, a feigned injury, a disarming smile, or any number of her favorite tools of deceit, only to turn their trust to fear when the time is right, dragging them somewhere dark where the only warmth they'll find is that of flesh forcefully pressed against flesh.

In this dark, depraved setting, I have a few ideas for stories we could write together. Some of them are smuttier than others (what can I say? I like sex), but all of them can be re-tooled as needed. I especially like exploring the fucked-up psychological landscape that MC both occupies and cultivates in her victims. Of course, it would be negligent of me not to clarify one last time that pretty much all of these rps are predicated on feigned non-consent, so feel free to completely disregard me if that makes you uncomfortable. In any case, here's a list of ideas for a roleplay in this setting:

=====Story-Heavy Roleplays=====​

Escape the Psychopath: YC has been trapped in the princess's dungeon for a long time now. She has seen the depths of the princess's madness and has given up on all hopes of escape-- utterly broken by the years of torment and abuse. But she finds new hope when she manages to slip out of her cell. What began as an inescapable darkness suddenly turns into a game of cat-and-mouse while YC sneaks through the castle, trying to avoid the princess and her forces lest she be caught and dragged back to her place of torture and darkness.

A Fall From Grace: Several years before kidnapping her first victim, MC is a kind ruler with a hidden darkness inside her. YC is close to the princess, serving both as her bosom companion and only support as the cracks in her kind façade begin to rear their ugly heads. As MC begins slipping down the spiral of her own ambition and trauma, slowly turning from a genuinely kind woman into the utter sociopath that haunts the rest of these roleplays, YC fights to keep her from falling to her inner demons. (This one's good for fans of tragedy if you couldn't tell)

How Far Will You Go? (cw: potential incest): Diplomacy in the kingdom of Soran is more than an opportunity to resolve conflict peacefully- additionally, it represents an opportunity for the princess to hunt bigger game than mere peasants. A war of wits ensues whenever beautiful ambassadors or even visiting monarchs enter the palace as the princess tries to pull her guests down the path that she went. Perhaps it begins with an indulgent feast or subtle flirtations (she particularly loves making members of her own bloodline and house squirm with the latter), then perhaps it goes to a kiss shared in a secret hallway or a conversation that is more than it seems. In time, this mad path leads to a dark room underneath the castle where the diplomat is restrained and trapped until at last a new treaty is agreed upon, a letter is written to the foreign land they call home, and a new toy is added to the princess's collection.

The Liberator: One of the peasants has either guessed at or outright discovered what goes on behind the princess's closed doors and plans to stop her in her tracks. In her quest to stop the princess, she unwittingly draws the attention of the more powerful woman and thus a trap is slowly laid as yet another battle of wits ensues. The intrepid liberator tries time and again to breach the castle walls as the princess tries time and again to capture and break her, but the hunt isn't so easy when your prey knows what you are. (There is no need for this or any other rp to end in victory for the princess, by the way- I actually find the idea of having the victims escape and exact revenge on her (without killing her) pretty exciting, as well as other scenarios of that ilk).

=====Smuttier Roleplays=====
A Botched Rescue (cw: incest): One of the victims' family members decides to brave the woods in search of her lost sister/daughter/cousin, unaware of the regal menace that prowls through the trees. After a brief chase, the princess finally pounces and decides to give her new pet the reunion she was looking for. How far will the princess's victims go to avoid her wrath? Boundaries mean nothing to the villainess on the throne of torment and rape- perhaps the bigger question is how far will the princess take her prisoners?

The Hunt: This is the rp that let me first explore my sadism, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. Legends tell of the unspeakable horror that stalks the woods around Soran castle, as you are already well aware. YC is aware of these legends, but at the same time must go into the woods for something- firewood, food, water, any reason works. What she doesn't know is that the princess is watching from the underbrush, and though the princess puts on a friendly face when she eventually steps out of her hiding place, the dangerous machinations of her lust eventually trap and bind YC in a hidden dungeon where no one can hear her scream.
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