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Bloody Roar- A new generation (MrPenguin x KiKi)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
They were gaining on her. She knew it and yet she still ran. Almost out of breath Clara skidded around a corner almost tripping. She brushed her bright red hair out of her brilliant green eyes as she ran. God this was such a pain. She knew if she transformed she could outrun them but then they'd know for sure. As she ran she rounded another corner but before she could stop herself she had ran into a dead end. "Oh great..." She mumbled turning around watching the humans close in.
Ten different men holding guns to her step forward. "Your under arrest under the Zoanthrope crime law. You have the right to be..." A massive shadow fell over the men as what appeared to be the mix of a white Bengal Tiger and a human crashed into the middle of the group. Many people were scattered as this beast wore a stretched out White Tanktop with martial arts pants. In quick attacks he hit all the others who did not fall as it sent them flying. The beast looked at the woman with calm eyes. Looking back he notice the men getting up which he quickly lunged at the woman and picked her up in one arm. Then he proceeded to scale the wall onto the building above. He continued to run as he wanted to get much distance away.
Clara squeaked as the giant beast dropped down knocked down almost everyone. She backed up slightly when she saw him lunge at her. She thought about transforming but before she could she was up and in his arms. She cried out as he scaled the wall with her. "Oh come on..." She thought. "How could my day get any worse." She bit her bottom lip in a worried gesture.
Once they got safe from the enemy he changed. He now had black spiked hair with fierce eyebrows. "Well, I guess that is the kind of thanks I get for saving your ass." He sighed as he looked out to see the squad pass the building. This meant they were able to escape without them seeing them. "Names Zea." Zea said to her.
She sighed as he set her down. She looked at him for a moment straightening her black skirt. "My name is Clara. Nice to meet you Zea." She replied pushing down her fishnet top. "Thanks for saving me. But I could have taken care of it myself." She then went to jump off the roof as the squad passed.
Zea looked at her with a sighed as she left. 'Well...with that done I guess I better head off...She better not get into anymore trouble.' With that he walked off to a secret Zoanthropian hideout. Basically the one that issued him to keep her safe. Each of them had a tracker just to make sure they were safe from anyone trying to kill them.
She jumped down and landed in the deserted street and took off running. She stopped in front of an apartment complex and went into the alley figuring it would be best not to go in the front at this time. The squad might have informed the building manager of what she was. Scaling the fire escapes she made it into her apartment through the window. Once inside she went to the kitchen to fix something to eat.
In her room was a notice for a meeting for the group for her. She was afterall a member of the organization of Zoanthropes. Zea sat simply in the front of a small crowd. To some they might look human but, they were far from it. Zea sighed as he looked around. "Well, wonder if that girl....Clara was coming. Wonder why I never seen her before..Oh well."
Clara found the note as she was eating. She snubbed her nose at it and almost threw it away. But she stopped and decided that maybe she should go. Maybe that guy would be there. The one who saved her. After she finished eating she headed to the place where it said the meeting would be held. When she got there she saw a small crowd of people that looked odd. "That must be them..." She thought. She then wandered over to the group.
Zea was watching as the Leader began to advise them of upcoming dangers to their survivals. Like how they are introducing scanners that force Zoanthropes to change into their beast forms and such like that. Zea listened intently as he noticed her finally coming. "Took you long enough." Zea said to her as she went through the group.
"I'm sorry...." She said sarcastically as she made her way over to him."I didn't know I was late." Grumbling she sat down beside him and folded her arms. As she listened to the speaker she bit at her bottom lip nervously taking most of the black lipstick off. She then wiped the rest off on a napkin she fished out of her purse. "So this is what it's come down to...I didn't know the humans were taking these kinds of measures. Soon we won't be able to leave outside our own..."
"Sadly enough yes...They find us a danger and solving it in the only manner they know how. Violence." Zea said softly as he looks at her. "Though to meet them back with unneeded violence would only make things worse." The leader kept talking as he then gave bit of good news. It seemed like they are close to perfecting a bracelet able to render the user unable to change as long as it is worn. "Huh, normally that would be bad for us but, if we had it we could walk the streets without a care in the world."
"Right...That would be awesome. I really don't wanna live in captivity like an animal." She replied then she giggled at her own comment. "Wow that was ironic..." She blinked watching the speaker some more. Everyone in the corwd seemed to be in a happier mood since he announced that set of news.
The leader continue to talk till the meeting was over. Zea got up softly as he began to walk. Alot went through his mind from the meeting. 'Almost done eh...No doubt the police are trying to make an item close to this one to keep Zoanthropes in jail... Maybe...I'll check later.' Zea thought to himself as he began to walk closer to the door. Outside the building what would seem like a simple book store. It was the ruse to make sure no one suspected anything.
Clara followed him out and then looked across the street to her apartment building. The squad from earlier was inside speaking to the manger. "Shit..." She mumbled watching them as the manager seemed to be telling them where she lived. "Well I can't go home now...Stupid motherfuckers...." She then began walking away angrily.
Zea heard her as he sighed. "Hmm, that isn't good. Guess you'll have to live at my place...' Zea said to her. 'Well, this is gonna be interesting...' Zea thought as he looked at her. "Well, we better not stay here." With that he guided her through the alley and through a safe way to his apartment. Zea knew it was a safe secure place since the manager himself was of their kind. Zea finally got to his room as he opened the door. "Welcome to your new home." It wasn't much but, it was better than being outside. "Only got my bed or the couch." Zea said as he was going to take the bed of course. Though he didn't know what she was gonna try.
"I'll take the couch." Clara replied. "I wouldn't want to take your own bed. This is your place after all." She then looked around. She then sat down on the couch. This was just great. She didn't want to deal with all this in under 24 hours. How long was it before they would have to live closed off from the world.
Zea nodded to her as he then went off to turn on the Tv to see if there was any damage done to their kind. The news didn't give out too much info than they already knew. Zea noticed that they did a bit on the escape of Clara. Though after that was said and done he turned off the Tv. "So, what are you gonna do about clothes now?" Zea asked her as he knew that it wouldn't even be safe to use any credit cards she might have.
" Don't know..." She sighed looking at him. She bit her bottom lip nervously. This was somewhat of a situation. " I could always sneak back into my apartment tonight." tapping her lips with a slender finger she thought about this. "Other then doing that I have nothing."
Zea looked at her, "Bit too risky. I'll do it instead." Zea said with a smile. Zea placed his legs on the coffee table infront of them as he looked at her. "Oh, food and drinks are in the refrigerator." Zea then looked out the window for a moment as he wondered himself how long they could live like this. If only something could be done for the problem at hand.
Clara nodded but she only sighed slumping into the couch. " I just don['t know what to do anymore..." She said laying her head back. She was at a loss now. This was as worse as it could possibly get for now. It was only going to decline further as time progressed. After a while she got up and stretched.
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