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The Island - Fff - D/s, BDSM, Incest, reluctant, blood

Island Gwen

Oct 11, 2020
The Island - In a universe with no Corona virus, on an undefined island in the Caribbean sea, a small circle of kinky people find themselves making a way together. Based loosely around Belize's Ambergris Caye, the island has a local airport, a private school and a public one, a thriving resort scene, a bustling beach town and two towns more focused on locals.

Beyond a life of ease in paradise, there is no plot or overarching narrative. Just lots of steamy mostly D/s sex. Also, no superpowers, robots, aliens, or demons. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But, this is our first foray into play by post, and we are starting out slow.

The story so far:
This story was begun where we met - through real time roleplaying. Consequently, newcomers are joining midway through chapter two. Our story began with Gwen spotting maddie from her balcony while looking out over the beach at the ocean and the rising sun. The latter was invited up for coffee, which began a February - April relationship between the two. Between torrid sex scenes, Gwen has taken the seemingly discarded young woman under her wing, getting her enrolled in private school, setting her a daily schedule, a meal plan, encouraging the younger's creativity and fashion design. maddie has also been enrolled in dance school which meets after school.

keri has finally been convinced to come to the island to check in on her daughter, ostensibly to meet maddie's new 'mentor' in Gwen and tour the school. Gwen and keri met for the first time when she and maddie picked her up from her beach house and took her out to dinner. There, through an emotional appeal and some emotional manipulation, Gwen convinced keri to kneel to her there in the restaurant. While there, she signed several documents which surrendered her parental rights and transferred ownership of her beach house, South Carolina house and car to a trust controlled by Gwen. Also at this time, maddie used her knowledge of keri's accounts and passwords to collect much of her liquid assets and turn them over to Gwen.

The story begins after that dinner and a drive up the hill to the jungle house.

Jungle House

The jungle house sits on a verdant, emerald hill, accessed by a gravel road put in to service the cellphone towers at the hill's apex. On a clear day, the coastline and its azure water can be spotted, and at night the faint glow of the town can be seen to the south. But the true draw of the Jungle House is the vivid greenery that surrounds it, and the complete privacy it affords. A vehicle gate bars the way up the drive, automatic when detecting the owner's cellphone or with a keypad entry.

The house itself is made of glass, steel and concrete despite the Owner's preference for natural and local works. But the architect and engineer insisted, to better withstand the damp of the air and the weight of the hillside pressing against it. Gwen quite enjoyed the end product, owning more to the look of a city's skyscraper than local housing. But the place was breezy and spacious, temperature regulated through the floors and the light and views unbeatable.

Jungle House

Gwen pulls the white Mercedes SUV into the garage, the door closing behind them. She gathers her purse and documents bag and unlocked the mud room/laundry room door for herself and her guests. She kicks off her wedges with a grin at maddie before unlocking the door to the house proper. She cocks her head towards keri, holding her palm out to the other woman. This too will be another interesting test.

"girls are not allowed to wear clothes in this house." She inclines her head towards maddie, sure the younger woman knows what do to. There is a pause here, while the keri decides for herself what happens next.

"maddie, give keri a tour of the house. I will meet you shortly in the main bedroom. Please help keri drag the round doggie bed over from the guest bedroom."

With those instructions leveled, she turns to head down to the office to put the documents in the safe and make other preparations, barefooted and smiling.

Looking at my Mother while she can not look at me. Always a shy little girl, mostly alone all her life even when her mother was there. A few months ago i could have never have imagined any of this. Now naked in front of my mother at the home of the woman i adore. And never more comfortable, now that the day has finally arrived where my mother would learn her new fate. And i will finally become Gwen's. Almost feeling sorry for my my mother who is visibly struggling with it all. Knowing her world has just ended as she knows it. Thinking of all the things Gwen must have found about her personally and professionally. How she made her daughter hate her so much that she would do this. She finally looks at me. Seeing a little smirk on my face waiting to see what she will do. This powerful Woman who has always got what she wanted no matter what it took. Now faced with her new reality.
What in the world just happened, and where am I? Keri’s head is still spinning as she tries to come to grips with the events from earlier at the restaurant. Who was this Gwen, who has seemingly pushed her way into Maddie’s life? Keri has never been to this part of the island before and this house, who could afford this?

Glancing back down at her daughter, now standing naked in front of her with what appears to be a smile across her lips. “Maddie, what… what has happened to you? Cover yourself up before someone sees” Looking at her, then quickly away, shaking her head in disgust as she gathers herself.

She and Gwen need to have a serious talk about the inappropriate behavior of Maddie and this entire relationship. How could this possibly be normal for a girl her age, to be living with an older woman, and beyond question some abuse going on. And those documents clearly must have been forgeries, but why on earth would Keri agree to sign them so willingly?

Clearly this is all some big misunderstanding, she convinces herself, smoothing out her Versace dress and fixing her hair before making her way into the house. Her tall, black Louboutin heels clicking on the file floor as she makes her way slowly down the hall, her hand tracing along the wall, red manicured nails contrasting to the pristine white paint.

“Gwen… Gwen honey, are you there? We need to talk, I think there has been some kind of serious mistake” She calls out, her voice echoing in the large, modern villa. “Please, I need to collect my things and go”.

A thought quickly rushing back and overwhelming her, Melissa… how on earth did she know about Melissa?
Gwen pauses in the entryway, a faint smile playing over her lips as she turns back towards the older woman. She cocks her head to the side, eyes running up and down keri's clothed form.

"keri, I thought I was clear on this. girls must be naked in the house. Its perfectly natural. And as you showed in the restaurant, that is exactly what you are." Her tone is strongly disapproving, disappointment written across her face, seeing the woman so blatantly ignoring her first rule.

"As for your things, all that I can think of is your passport, which I was going to hold for safekeeping. If you feel you must leave, and can manage it through the ride back down to town, you can sure have it back." Gwen purses her lips. "But where will you go? The beach house is mine now," she holds up the portfolio with its legal papers, shaking it a little, "and its entry codes have been changed. Your bank accounts are empty. Your lines of credit closed. You will have only yourself, that fabulous dress and whatever cash I decide to send you away with."

Gwen tilts her head to the side, pondering. "That would be enough for a night in a hostel. Hopefully by then you would have been able to use my phone to figure out your next steps. Do you know your friend's phone numbers by heart? I know I sure don't!" She laughs lightly, thinking about the position keri is in at the moment.

"What other things of yours do you need, before I call someone to drive you down the hill?"

Keri still can’t believe what she’s hearing from this woman she just met, the nerve of her trying to continue to play out this charade she’s created for herself. Gwen certainly had some unexpected knowledge about Keri’s current and past life, but that was something Keri would get to the bottom of another day.

Staring at Gwen at the other end of the hall, feeling her powerful, judging gaze moving over Keri, causing her to shift nervously from one heel to the other.

“Gwen, can we get serious for a moment? I’m not some young, naive girl you can bend to your will. And let’s not even get into the inappropriate relationship you have going on with my daughter just yet.” glancing back down the hall at Maddie, staring at the two women and listening to their discussion.

“How would you possibly have gotten control over all of my assets, with those fake papers that you clearly had someone create for you” pointing to the folio in Gwen’s hand.

“Besides my attorney would never allow something like that to happen, and you have no idea who she is in the first place!” crossing her arms over her chest defiantly, straightening her back, cocking her hips to one side.

“But I’m happy to call her if you like, but I’ll need my phone back first” smirking at Gwen, holding out her hand.

“I’m not going anywhere until you return all of my things at once. And I’ll be taking Maddie with me”
"These papers? With your signatures, your assets were placed into a trust. This is commonplace, done for estate planning purposes. And that trust is controlled by me. These papers were drawn up by my lawyer. I have no doubt that they will hold up in court." Gwen shakes her head sadly, as though pitying the older woman.

"As for your lawyer, does she know you hired a private investigator to verify her background? That you had her followed, and pictures taken of her dining with her husband, spending time with her family, and vacationing on the beach? And that those pictures of her in her bikini have been viewed over fifty times? I wonder how motivated she will be to pursue your interests, absent of payment, once she knows how thoroughly you have violated her privacy?"

Gwen shakes her head dismissively. "But all these things, they don't really matter. We both know what is in your heart. Your secret heart, that you hide even from yourself during the light of day. Only when night comes does the heat and the passion win the battle inside of you. When you can be your true self. You felt it, back there in the restaurant. You know you want to feel it again now."

Gwen looks past the woman to maddie, where she has taken refuge huddled against the door jam. She looks into the younger woman's eyes, joining two fingers together and pointing at a spot on the floor near her feet. The conversation stands paused in that moment, waiting for her response.

“No, no, you’re wrong. Why would I want any of this?!” Keri replies in what she expects to be her normal, icy tone, but her voice is cracking, barely an audible whisper. Deep down she can feel it, that heat that Gwen somehow found out about, managed to unlock back at the restaurant. That desire she is so ashamed of, that she worked so hard to bury deep down inside, her burden to endure when the night comes.

This cannot be happening. Keri can feel her internal struggle, trying to come to grips with the new reality that is facing here with these accusations. Placing her hand on the wall to brace herself as her fierce posture begins to falter. This isn’t happening, there is no way she can know these things. How could she? No one knew about any of this, not even her therapist. Keri never spoke to anyone about her desires, about Melissa, certainly not about Rebecca.

Rebecca was an attorney she had found online, and the relationship had been nothing but professional. But Keri’s interest in her became so much more than that although she was never able to admit it, even to herself. What started out as a standard background check turned into an obsession. Needing to know more, to see more of this beautiful, powerful woman. And somehow, Gwen knew about all of it.

"Please, Gwen, it doesn’t have to be like this.“ Glancing back at her daughter, young Maddie standing in the doorway watching the two women, watching her typically stoic mother being dismantled before her eyes. "Maddie can stay with you." She says quietly, sounding defeated. "I just want my life back and I promise not to say anything about the two of you, not to anyone. You’ll never have to see me again.”

Keri's blue eyes widen, her body frozen, heat rising from within, recognizing the pointing gesture from the younger woman. She watches Maddie, almost in slow motion, smiling and eagerly moving over to Gwen to where she points.

What in the world is happening to me?
“No, no, you’re wrong. Why would I want any of this?!” Keri replies in what she expects to be her normal, icy tone, but her voice is cracking, barely an audible whisper. Deep down she can feel it, that heat that Gwen somehow found out about, managed to unlock back at the restaurant. That desire she is so ashamed of, that she worked so hard to bury deep down inside, her burden to endure when the night comes.

This cannot be happening. Keri can feel her internal struggle, trying to come to grips with the new reality that is facing here with these accusations. Placing her hand on the wall to brace herself as her fierce posture begins to falter. This isn’t happening, there is no way she can know these things. How could she? No one knew about any of this, not even her therapist. Keri never spoke to anyone about her desires, about Melissa, certainly not about Rebecca.

Rebecca was an attorney she had found online, and the relationship had been nothing but professional. But Keri’s interest in her became so much more than that although she was never able to admit it, even to herself. What started out as a standard background check turned into an obsession. Needing to know more, to see more of this beautiful, powerful woman. And somehow, Gwen knew about all of it.

"Please, Gwen, it doesn’t have to be like this.“ Glancing back at her daughter, young Maddie standing in the doorway watching the two women, watching her typically stoic mother being dismantled before her eyes. "Maddie can stay with you." She says quietly, sounding defeated. "I just want my life back and I promise not to say anything about the two of you, not to anyone. You’ll never have to see me again.”

Keri's blue eyes widen, her body frozen, heat rising from within, recognizing the pointing gesture from the younger woman. She watches Maddie, almost in slow motion, smiling and eagerly moving over to Gwen to where she points.

What in the world is happening to me?
Standing in the corner terrified. These two Lionesses sizing each other up. This was all suppose to be so easy. Gwen would explain what was going to happen and keri would leave our life's forever. Gwen who now has total control of my body, mind, and soul sends me to my knees next to her just by pointing. Unable to stop it if i wanted to. Looking at my mother as i kneel. Seeing the disbelief in her eyes. Seeing a look in her eyes i could have never imagined. Fear and Defeat! Her world crumbling around her in moments. Could i actually be feeling sorry for her? She looks so pathetic. This powerful woman i thought could never be hurt in any way because she had no morals. Countless nights alone crying in my bed at yet another boarding school. Each one seemingly farther and farther away. Going weeks on end with out a word. Alone and scared always. Seeing the other girls visiting with family on the weekends and holidays. Keri would just send me to the Island and then come up with some excuse that she could not make it. Knowing that everything i needed could be charged to the resort her villa is part of.

Trembling, kneeling there next to Gwen. Gwen controlling everything. Every time keri tries to fight back her submissiveness is so obvious. Gwen pounces. Telling keri what will happen next and only she will decide that. Seeing my mother break down before my eyes. The way she looks at Gwen it as if Gwen has already taken control of her. And Gwen seemingly enjoying it so much as well. Now beginning to question what is all going on myself.
Gwen's eyes travel slowly and down maddie's naked form as the young woman comes to her. For a moment, the world passes away and all she can see is the toned muscles, the tan without lines, the eager eyes of the girl so ready to please. As maddie sinks to her knees with a practiced ease, Gwen reaches out and caresses her fine flaxen hair.

Her head tilts as she pets maddie, looking over at keri. "Of course maddie can stay with me, where else is she going to stay? In that empty, gilded prison that is the beach house? With no one to guide her and encourage her? Direct her to the best life she can have? For all your successes, you have failed her so completely." Gwen's face wrinkles, as though tasting ash, her voice full of disappointment.

She looks over at the older woman. "You have failed yourself, as well. How sad and empty your life has been, discarding the one, good thing you have ever done," her eyes flicking down to maddie before looking back up, "and turning away from Melissa. Or someone like her. That is what you need in your life, even if you aren't ready to admit it to yourself. No - I know what is best for you, as well. And you know it."

Gwen looks over at keri, eyes blazing, pulling maddie's head against her thigh and holding her there.

Gwen was right, about all of it, and deep down Keri knew it. As painful as it was to hear her words, she was a failure, she did fail herself and worst of all, she failed Maddie. How could she have let this go on for so long? It was so easy simply to rely on her assistants to take care of everything, including making sure Maddie was taken care of. When was the last time Keri even asked about the girl?

But Maddie seemed so happy, so content with this woman there was no denying that. No longer the little girl that Keri always remembered, but clearly blossoming into a beautiful young woman. Keri took pride in never being jealous of anyone, but Gwen, something about her aura was intoxicating. Her confidence, reminding Keri so much of that long lost relationship. Yet another failure Keri’s that she just could never seem to keep locked away.

“Mellissa, how did you find out about her?” her voice trailing off as she asks Gwen. “She was… special… to me… "

Keri’s internal battle was still raging, but she was losing and it was starting to show. Her shoulders slumping slightly forward, eyes cast downward as she absently started to remove one 5” heel, stepping down, placing her bare foot onto the cold tile floor. One hand still holding the wall, with just one heel on now, fighting against her own urges to simply give in to her desires.

Blindly stepping down out of the other heel, feeling so small standing barefoot in the large hallway, her 5’2 frame seemingly shrinking with each passing moment.

“I… I need help with the zipper…” slowly motioning to the back of her little black dress, the request barely a whisper.
A small smile plays across Gwen's lips as she watches the struggle pass over keri's face. The results had been a foregone conclusion, but it was still fun to watch. There was just too much stacked against the woman, too many forces building up inside her. She sees the once proud woman crumble bit by bit, going to a more basic state. She looks down at maddie, giving her head one last caress, then nodding towards the older woman.

"madore, go help keri with her dress. It seems she has found herself at last. When you are done, take her by the hand and show her the house."

With a satisfied eyes Gwen watches the pair of them, finally working together towards a common goal. She takes a moment to appreciate the flesh of the older woman as it is revealed. She has age on her, there is no doubt. But she has worked hard to fight off the years, and to keep herself fit for her new Melissa. Something Gwen is sure she will appreciate when the time is right.

Taking it all in. Could this really be happening. While I always hated how she resented me. I still had this huge admiration for how she controlled everything in her life perfectly. I listened to her take control of meetings with some very powerful people. Her style and beauty could make her stick out in room full of the most beautiful women. Yet there she was confused, scared, and broken.

Looking at Madora as I get up from my knees. Seeing the pure enjoyment in her eyes. Walking over to keri saying nothing. Keri just turns her back to me unable to make eye contact. Gently moving her silky golden hair from her zipper. The same beautiful blonde hair she gave me. Her perfume beautiful. Unzipping her I notice how deeply tanned she is with barely a tan line. Just another painful stab after she told me she was too busy to make it to the Island. She must have been too busy on some other island in the middle of winter. Pulling the zipper down her beautiful body till it gives a little glimpse of her still toned butt. When I am done, I help pull the straps off her shoulder. The lace of the dress like nothing I have ever felt. Only imagining what it must have cost. Then seeing the look in Madora’s eyes knowing she wants the pleasure of seeing keri finish undressing.

My heart pounding as I watch. Wondering what is happening. Keri should have been gone and out of our life’s by now. Happy she no longer has to deal with me. Surely even after losing everything she would build it all back up, and we would all be happy. Now what? She is undressing and submitting to another woman. Is she my equal now? My mother still? Or could we both be competing for Madora’s attention.

She stands there looking at the floor humiliated. Taking her hand. “Come, let me show the house” As I take her upstairs, we never make eye contact. I just give her a tour as if I was a real estate agent. When we are far from the ears of Gwen. I awkwardly try to say I am sorry it happened like this. Both of us knowing none of it matters now. It is what it is, and only Gwen will change anything.

After showing her the expansive beautiful home we return finding Gwen with a little smirk on her face. Seeing her looking us over. As if we are her new trophies. A Cougar and her kitten.
After a tour around the palatial jungle house, Keri finds herself back in front of Gwen, feeling the younger woman’s eyes move over her now naked form. Standing barefoot on the cold tile floor, one foot crossed over the other, Keri crosses one arm across her now naked, 34 D breasts, her other arm hanging down with her hand at her pubic area, covering herself, feeling totally exposed, still clinging to some semblance of decency and pride. Her daily yoga and pilates routines evident by her toned muscles, her breasts still firm and round, not so obviously fake yet a gift to herself just prior to graduate school.

Surprisingly, given everything that was going on around her, Keri couldn’t help but to feel a sense of pride in her daughter as she was being shown the beautiful home. Maddie had always been so sheltered as a girl, perhaps due to the fact she really didn’t have any role models to look up to. Keri herself was far to busy with her career, rather than focus any time on her young daughter to realize what may be missing in her life. She found herself looking over the young girl’s naked body, her slender curves, seemingly so comfortable in her own skin and clearly at home with Gwen.

“You still never mentioned, how you knew about Melissa” Keri finds herself quietly asking. Shifting her focus back to Gwen yet being sure not to look the younger woman in the eye, years of training and conditioning guiding her involuntary movements now. Looking down at her dress and heels in a small pile on the floor.

It all started during Keri’s freshman year in college, her first year away from home and such an exciting time for her. Melissa taught art history at the university, a class Keri just happened to sign up for as one of her electives. Keri was immediately impressed by the older woman, strong, confident and so very smart. Before long Keri found herself clamoring for time alone with her professor, discussing the day’s lecture, artists of interest or special displays they just had to go visit.

Keri had no idea where this would all eventually lead, but it was clear she was out of her depth with Melissa. What started out as admiration, quickly turned into infatuation, and unquestionably, into depths unknown...
(OOC: What follows is details of the house, which might be boring for some. There is no characterization or plot development. Feel free to skip down to the next message.)


The lower floor is a mostly open space, containing a room being used as an office, an area with workout equipment and an informal living space with a large TV. In the back is a room for the utilities. A set of sliding glass walls open the viewing area to the grotto.

The grotto is a small outdoor area, shaded by the house and the ridge to the side, where many low light plants and flowers have been placed as decoration. It has informal seating and a low table, cool in the breeze and shadows. It opens into a section of grass exposed to the sun, well cared for. Below that is a garden with flowering bushes, small trees and small plantings on the ground. A few cut pathways head down the hill into the dense jungle.


The main floor holds the entryway with the front door has a closet, stairs up and down and opens to a large open formal living area on the right, with a bathroom and kitchen on the left. Beyond the kitchen and island is a dining table with chairs. On the table is a vase with fresh cut flowers. Glass walls are on all three sides, revealing the nighttime jungle, save for the west side with a patio and an infinity pool.

The patio and pool looks out over a leafy green tree covered valley, with stairs on the left that cascade down the hill to the grotto.


The upper floor is the master bedroom with its large bathroom with a well built four poster bed, a large walk in closet and huge, well appointed bathroom with an enormous shower room. Also on this level is a second bedroom and a small bathroom. Windows abound, showing off the greenery.

Gwen enters the main bedroom with a smile, looking from one fidgeting girl to the other, then over at the doggie bed which they have drug to a corner, nodding her approval.

"Kneel here, facing each other." She points at the floor off to the side of the bed, her tone one of flat command. She waits for them to start moving. "Put your knees five inches apart. Kneel up, off your haunches, so that your thighs are at a right angle to your calves. Put your hands on the other's waist."

She grins at them, directing with a pointed finger, eyes dancing. Once they are set, she give her final command.

"Now, look no where but into the other's eyes."

While they do this, she moves to the corner of the bed. She gathers the top sheet and the fitted sheet, wrapping the corner around a tennis ball, then using a shock cord to hook it back against the corner of the bed. After a few minutes, she pauses, looking from madore to keri.

"keri, is there anything you would like to say to maddie?"

She waits, curious to see what this will bring, then reframes the question to the other girl.

"maddie, is there anything you would like to say to keri?"

She continues adjusted the corners of the bed three more times, until the sheets are taunt on the bed, able to bounce a quarter. Once done she turns back to the girls, focusing on their conversation.


@Fancy Jessica and @Sweet Summer for a real time dialog.

maddie: *Doing as told. Kneeling across from keri. Looking into her eyes so awkwardly. My little hands on the soft curves of her hips. Uncertain what to say*

Keri: *nodding my head slowly as I hear Gwen's commands, kneeling down with Maddie, trying to stare into her eyes, her young naked body exposed before me*
Maddie, I... don't know where to start *my hands holding your tight hips, our naked bodies mere inches apart now*

maddie: *As we try to look into each others eyes we continually drift to look at each others bodies. Could this really be happening?*
It is my fault Mom. I should have never let it get this far. I thought you would be happy I was with Gwen and you no longer had to worry about me. And after you met Gwen you would happily leave us to be.

Keri: I never meant for any of this to happen *saying quietly, stealing glanced down at your perky young tits, having not seen you for years, and now your blossoming body is naked before me* It's not your fault honey, I should have known something like this could happen

maddie: I just never knew about all these other things. *Her beautiful breasts still so firm. Unable to keep my eyes off of them. Noticing her nipples swelling. Could I be turning her on?*

maddie: *My hands getting sweaty as I hold her. OMG am I getting turned on by this. Not noticing how much my young nipples have swelled as well.*

maddie: I am sure Gwen will let you leave when you want. All you have to do is sign the papers.

Keri: Maddie, sweetie, you know none of this is right, don't you? *unable to tear my eyes away from her young puffy nipples, realizing they're hardening in front of me, disgusted with myself as my eyes are drawn down to her young bald mound, my body betraying me, my dark pink nipples thick and erect now*

Keri: *my grip on your hips tightening slightly, caressing a bit, feeling your firm body*

maddie: *Feeling you holding me tighter. My heart starts to pound. Seeing it in my young little chest. So many emotions exploding in my young body. Unable to think. Getting an uncontrollable urge to kiss you*

maddie: Mom I know it is all wrong. But we are both so far past that. I understand if you hate me now.

Keri: Don't say that Maddie, I could never hate you, I've missed you so much, I never knew how much until I saw you here, with Gwen, and being so close to losing you *my eyes locked on yours, my tits rising and falling as I breath heavier now*

maddie: Thanks Mom. And for what it is worth, while I always resented that you never really wanted me. I stll loved you and just wanted a Mom was all.Sorry I ruined that now.

maddie: *Unable to stop my self I lean forward and up kissing you. As I do I feel your beautiful full breasts against mine. Our nipples gently kiss*

Keri: *kissing your glossy lips reactively before pulling back a bit* You didn't ruin anything sweetie, it's been my fault, for leaving you alone all these years *smiling as I lean in and kiss your cheek this time, just at the corner of your mouth* You'll always be my daughter and I love you

Keri: *my nipples throbbing from feeling yours on mine, my hands moving around your lower back*

maddie: Thanks Mom. *I move closer and brush your hair from your face. Then kiss you on the lips again.* I do love you Mom.

maddie: *holding you so tight now. Our breast pressed tight together*

Keri: Mmm, Maddie *hugging you tight against me, feeling your aggressive move to kiss my lips again, not resisting this time, my lips parting, tongue searching for yours, your young perky tits pressed against mine*

maddie: *Running my fingers through your hair. Our tongues dancing as your grip tightens. No longer a Mother/daughter kiss, but that of two wanting loving women.*
*As you start to say something i put my finger to your lips* shhhhh. *Then I suck on my finger and then return it to your lips

Keri: *my long manicured nails digging into your back as I hold you tightly, moaning into your mouth as we kiss, so hungry for each other, licking at your tongue as I start to suck it, my fat tits pressing into yours*

maddie: *You notice the new confidence Gwen has given me. Our kisses trying to make up for the years apart*

maddie: *Feeling your nails in my back sending shivers through me. So much a submissive now it makes my young body tremble feeling them digging in*

Keri: *kissing you wildly now, my head tilting back as you slide your fingers through my blonde hair, not recognizing this confident young woman, forgetting about the young timid girl I raised*
*my body simply reacting to your aggression, my bald cunt getting so wet as we make out*

maddie: *My other hand gently cups one of your beautiful breast. Rolling the nipple through my fingers as I kiss you like a Woman. Deep and Passionate.Gripping your hair tight. Sucking on your tounge*
*my mind totally loosing this battle that tells me I should stop this*

Keri: UUnnnhhhhh *groaning as you slurp on my long tongue, my hands sliding down over your tight young ass, my head pulling back as you grip my hair tightly, my nipple so thick and hard between your fingers, throbbing, aching for you*

maddie: *Kissing my way down your neck to your swollen nipple. Gently taking it in to my soft lips sucking on the nipple. Swirling my hot little tongue around it. Hearing your soft moans*

Keri: Mmmmm, that's it baby *groaning, panting as you wrap your hot wet mouth around my puffy hard nipple, your tongue teasing it as I push it into your mouth, my hands caressing your hair as you suck on my tit*

maddie: *Now both hands on it holding it as i suckle. Then showing the other one the same love. Going back and forth as i gently knead them.*

Keri: Mmmm baby that feels so good *my nipples throbbing, aching for your mouth, feeling so right having you suckle on my tits again*

maddie: *Every so often leaving them to kiss you softly on the lips. Looking up at you with new found loving eyes and smile*

Keri: *Kissing your lips so deeply, no longer seeing the young girl, but this new, strong woman in front of me*

maddie: *Part of my mind telling me this is wrong for so many reasons. Could Gwen have really wanted this to happen. What would she think if she saw us now. Or was this what she did want? So many things running through my young mind. But all I can do is continue to enjoy everything about this beautiful Woman*

Keri: *My mind so lost in everything that has transpired today, forgetting where we are, but just needing my body to be against yours, moaning into your mouth as I hug you tight against me, probing into your mouth as I press my body against you*

maddie: *Our kisses deeper and more passionate as we melt into each other*

*The door bursting open again as we’re pulled back to reality, Gwen standing over us, scowling down at the scene at her feet*

Gwen barks a quick laugh down at the two love-birds, hands on her hips, her face a mix of bemusement and wrath. "That was quick! I figured the making up process would take much longer than that. But no one said you could kiss!" Her voice rising, she takes both girls by the hair and separates them by pulling back slowly. "No one said you could move your hands!"

She steps back from the pair, nodding towards the four-poster bed. "keri, go stand facing the bed, midway down, thighs pressing against the side of the bed. Spread your legs. madore, there is rope there under the bed. Tie her ankles to the bedframe." Gwen rises and steps near keri's back as she gets into position, her blouse rubbing on the woman's bare back, breathing in her ear, resting her hands on the woman's hips. "Put your hands on the top bar." As she does so, Gwen ties first one wrist, then the other, to the top frame before drawing back. She grins down at maddie, locking eyes with her when the girl looks up at her, beckoning her close with a crook of her two fingers.

Gwen: *tilting my head as I smile at you, beckoning you closer*

maddie: *My eyes never leaving yours. Walking up to you looking up at you*

Gwen: You will be punished later. For now, undress me madore *smiling down into your eyes, my navy blouse rubbing agaisnt your small tits, the dark slacks belted by black leather*

maddie: Yes Madora *Nervous and worried but knowing that is for later. Smiling softly as i begin to unbutton your blouse. Revealing you beautiful black lace bra that is straining to hold your beautiful breasts in. Pulling it off of your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.*

Gwen: *touching your ribs, shoulders and arms lightly as you undress me, sighing as my large breasts swing free, caressing you as you strip me. The black lycra shapewear rises above my waistline, concealing something beneath closed-cell padding*

maddie: *Next i work to undo the leather belt. Unbuttoning, and unzipping you. As i begin tp peel off your slacks noticing you are wearing some type of shapewear not thinking nothing of it. Getting on my knees to take your slacks all the way down letting you step out of them.*

*looking up at you wondering if i should continue*

Gwen: *resting my hand on your head for balance, lifting one foot and then the other, the shapewear extending down my thighs* yes, this too, madore

maddie: *as I do a huge bulge appears in your panty confusing me.* peeling them off of you* uhhh should i continue? So curious what this is all about*

Gwen: Yes, I want us naked together *hissing, caressing your hair, as the strapless dildo comes free, swaying from its place inside me*

maddie: *Pulling down your panty, as it springs out looking in amazement. Wondering how it could be attached, then seeing and giggling a bit. Still on my knees it sticking out in my face*

Gwen: *laughing down at you, ruffling your hair* I have been wearing it all night, waiting! Stand up and kiss me

maddie: *Giggling. getting up from my knees. Looking into you beautiful eyes. My love for you so apparent*

*getting on my tippy toes and kissing you so softly with my young sweet lips*

Gwen: *one hand sliding under your armpit, holding you close and tight, my breasts agaisnt your tits, my other hand grasping the back of your neck, tilting my head down to kiss you so passionately*

maddie: oohhhh *letting out the softest little whimper*

Gwen: Mmm *aroused by your delicious response, pressing my body agaisnt yours, backing you to the bed, my hands pushing you easily back onto it, my chest pressed to yours, following you down*

maddie: *As you do I get a quick glimpse of Keri watching intently. Unable to look at her. Erasing her from my mind. Wanting my thoughts only focused on my beautiful Madora*

*feeling her full heavy breast against my perky young nipples. Already swollen.*

Gwen: *surging on top of you, pressing you further up the bed, crawling with you, kissing at you with rising passion, my legs moving between yours, the dildo brushing against your gash*

maddie: *Up against the headboard now with no where to go. Feeling your full weight on me.Your silky hair spilling onto my face as we kiss deeply*

Gwen: *settling onto you, panting my lust, my kisses on you enflaming me, my breasts draped down on you as I lift your jaw up, exposing your neck to my hungry mouth*

maddie: *Soft little purrs as my excitement builds. Feeling you move my long soft curls from my kneck as you beging to kiss it. Goosebumps covering my dark tanned skin as you do*

Gwen: *flexing my hips against you as I savor your neck, getting the dildo wet with your abundant arousal, shuddering with my desire to take you*

maddie: *Squirming under you as it rubs up and down against my young flower*

Gwen: *my thighs forcing your legs apart, half rolling on you and reaching down between us, taking hold of the dildo and rubbing it against your slit*

maddie: Oohhhhhhhh *My little cries growing louder. A steady flow of sweet girl juices coating it*

Gwen: Here it comes, madore *my voice thick with lust as it seats into you and I shift my weight more evenly back on you, shivering in anticipation*

maddie: *Feeling it pressing against my tight young petals. Almost breathless between the excitement and your weight on my young little body*

Oohhhhhhhh yesssss.

Gwen: *watching your face as I push down with my hips, pushing the dildo into your cunt, feeling the uncharacteristic resistance as it enters you*

maddie: Ohhhhhhhhh Godddddddd. Ohhhhhh *A grimice of pain as you enter me. Tears of joy, pain and pleasure running down my cheek. Both my hands in your beautiful hair. Holding your head. My loving eyes so deep into yours*

Gwen: Yes! *calling out, pushing through the rest of the way, settling my weight on you, watching your face move from pain to love and back again, never wanting you more than I do right now, my eyes locking with yours, delighted to own you*

maddie: Breathing deeply as it fills and stretches me. Feeling the ribbed head along my tight walls*

Gwen: *moving it in you slowly now, back and forth, shivering in my lust*

maddie: OOOhhhhhhh yessssssss Madora. *this battle going on in my mind between pain and pleasure*


*My young little body trembling under you*

Gwen: *shifting my elbows over your shoulders, using them for leverage deeper into you, taking you as deep as I can, my head near your ear, my breath coming in shuddering gushs* madore!

maddie: AAAahhhhhhhh yessssssssss. omg yessssssss

*unable to breath barely yet alone speak. Lokking at you as to ansew yes?

Gwen: CUM! *commanding a little too loudly in your ear, my body seizing up as the orgasm breaks over me, radiating out from my center through my limbs, releasing as I gush down onto your legs*

maddie: *Your words send my body to past orgasms with you. Unable to stop it if I wanted. My little body begins to shake under you. Then I start spraying you with sweet young girl cum. Squirting uncontrollably. My emotions, and body losing control as I cum so hard all over the dildo..*

Gwen: *gripping your head between my two hands, watching at your orgasm consumes you, shuddering as I feel your wet spray on my thighs*

maddie: Ohhhhhh yesssss yes yes yes Madora! OMG I love you. Crying now I am so happy and unable to control my emotions*

Oohhh Goddddddddddddddd *As I start another round of orgasms*

Hearing keri's moans as she watches us*

Gwen: madore! madore! ma .. *not able to resist anymore, but kissing you madly, with a deep love and sense of Ownership, wanting to consume you*

maddie: *Weeping uncontrollably*

Gwen: *hugging you now, my weight pressing you into the bed, the dildo buried deep in your cunt, nuzzling your neck and ear* Mine. You are all mine

maddie: Yesssss Madora. I am fully yours now. I Love You sooo much.

Gwen: I love you, madore, so much *kissing your ear, then shifting to kiss your lips fiercely*


Though she would rather lay atop madore for another hour or more, Gwen regretfully sighs and rolls them both to the side and up off the bed. She endeavors to leave the stains of their deflowering undisturbed.

She looks at her younger possession. “madore, strip this top sheet and hang it from one of the long lines in the laundry room. Try not to change that stain – I have plans for it. When you are done, come and do the same for the fitted sheet.”

“Yes, Madore.” The good girl nods her understanding and hurries to her task, not wanting to anger Madore further.

Gwen turns her attention to keri, bound wrists and ankles spread eagled to the bedframe, a reluctant observer of this special night.


@Fancy Jessica – paragraph plus with keri’s reaction to the scene played out before her.

Her face flushing a bright red as she hears the commands from the younger woman, Gwen’s authoritative voice taking control once again, keri reluctantly stands collecting herself and moving toward the bed as she was told. Breath catching as keri feels the younger woman’s large breasts pressing into her bare back, feeling Her hot breath in her ear and hearing Her growl. Dutifully raising her hands to the top bar as Gwen binds them tightly with the rope, maddie working on binding her ankles to each leg of the bed, forcing her legs spread wide.

keri’s jaw drops open as she watches maddie undress Gwen so willingly, urgently, the younger woman’s large breasts falling free, then she sees it. She gets a glimpse of the large, strapless dildo hanging and swaying between Gwen’s legs. keri’s eyes fixate on it, before shaking her head and clenching her eyes closed, willing herself not to look. She hears the creak of the bed as the two of them move up onto it, hearing soft moans, subtle words, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the sounds.

keri is bound by wrist and ankle, her movements restricted, unable to turn her body away from the large bed she’s pinned against. Tugging her arms, trying to shake her legs free, her 34D tits shaking as she flails, but the restraints are just too tight around her ankles. The bindings getting tighter the more she struggles, causing her to calm herself as best she can. No longer able to resist her deepest urges, her eyes slowly opening drinking in the corruption just in front of her.

Her young daughter naked on her back, legs spread as Gwen forces herself into her, stealing her youth, making it Hers. keri’s body betrays her once again, her dark pink nipples stiffening with arousal, her bald cunt getting so wet, leaking down her inner thighs, keri is unable to tear her eyes away from the horrid scene before her. Gwen thrusting her hips, forcing the large dildo deep inside her daughter’s wanton cunt. maddie’s moans so loud, eager, begging for it.

Gwen’s command, “CUM!” echoing in her ears, seemingly meant for both maddie and keri. Using ever ounce of strength she has left, keri is able to hold the impending orgasm at bay. Mortified at her reactions in watching her daughter defiled before her eyes, Gwen simply taking her and maddie accepting it willingly. keri hangs her head, almost in defeat, her body shuddering, breasts heaving as she pants from the exertion of resisting her animal like urges.

How had she allowed any of this to happen? And what had she allowed them to become?

Gwen: *I help maddie off the bed and to her feet, giving her orders and lightly patting her firm, tanned ass. Then I turn my attention to keri, naked and tied standing spread eagled at the side of the bed. Her hands bound to the top rail, her ankles to the bedframe*

keri: *clenching my eyes shut, shaking my head, trying to get those images out of my mind, but the seemed burned there forever. mortified how wet my pussy is, leaking down both my inner thighs*

Gwen: *I stalk to you, smiling, the strapless dildo moving side to side. I come up behind you, my breasts brushing against your back as I reach up to free one wrist, then the other*

keri: Aahhhh *sighing as my wrists are finally free, rubbing the red marks, feeling the blood flowing more freely now*

Gwen: *resting my hands on your hips to help you balance while speaking low into your ear* Bend and free your ankles

keri: Thank you Gwen *replies quietly, eager to be free of the tight bindings, bending forward awkwardly down to one side, untying my ankle, shifting to the other leg to free it*

Gwen: *stepping back away from you, pointing two fingers joined at a spot on the floor near my feet* Kneel

keri: I.... Gwen.... *turning to face you, still rubbing my wrists, remembering back to the restaurant*

Gwen: *reaching up to grasp you by the neck, my large breasts swaying side to side, urging you down* Kneel!

keri: Oww, ok, yesss *stumbling forward a step before dropping to my knees on the floor, feeling your firm grip on my neck, 34D tits bouncing as I drop down*

Gwen: *releasing my grip on your neck to play with your blonde hair* maddie has made a mess of my dildo. Clean it with your mouth

keri: Don't... make me do that....please... *gasping, my eyes locked on the dripping wet dildo in front of my face, my nipples stiffen, so erect now*

Gwen: I am not going to MAKE you do anything. You want to do it. You want her pussy juice and maiden blood in your mouth. You want to feel the bulk of the dildo moving in your mouth, don't you? *my fingers laced in your hair, moving your head side to side lightly*

keri: No, I don't... I would never.... *moaning out my words, leaning closer as you move my head, licking my pink glossy lips, eyes fixated on the messy dildo*

Gwen: *holding the dildo by the base, smearing it across your lips* You too. Lick it. Taste it. Taste HER

keri: Noooooooooo *groaning as it smears over my lips, my tongue darting out to lick it, tasting the mixture of fluids covering the rubber dildo*
*my pussy leaking down my thighs*

Gwen: Tell me how it tastes, tell US how it tastes *grinning at maddie as she comes and goes from the room, doing as she has been told with the sheets, forcing the head of the dildo against your lips*

keri: It's... sweet.... pungent..... *cheeks flushing so red as I answer, running my tongue over it more eagerly now, wrapping my lips around the tip*

Gwen: Suck it now *commanding you with a level voice, my hand in your hair urging you deeper onto it*

keri: *my hands moving up to hold your thighs as I take more into my mouth, sucking the messy dildo, pushing my mouth deeper onto it*

Gwen: That's it, you know what do to. You have been in this position many times before, haven't you? *putting both my hands on your head, moving you on it*

keri: Mmmmppppp *humiliated at how right you are, moaning onto the rubber dong as you hold my head, moving it, sucking harder, slurping on it now*

Gwen: *laughing down at you, my breasts swaying as my hips flex, taking hold of your head and taking over control. Making you take it deeper and faster, my eyes burning as nearly all of it disappears into your mouth now*

keri: MMppphhhh mmppphhhhhh *gagging hard as you start to fuck my mouth, drooling, slobbering all over it as you bury it down my throat, like I've done with so many men, usually needing something from them*

Gwen: *fucking your face hard, burying it full lenght into you, panting as I humiliate you* Yes, very familiar to you. I can see it in your eyes

keri: NNngglllllll mmmpphhhhhh *gagging so hard, slobbering all over it as you fuck my mouth hard and deep, my eyes watering, streaming makeup down my cheeks*

Gwen: *my ass shaking as I ram it into you, fingers clawing at your hair to keep you in place, grinning broadly at the joy of making you take it like this*

keri: UUUGggglllllllhhhhhhhh *gagging, slobbering, slurping as you assault my face, my cunt soaking wet from the mouth fucking, slobber dripping off my chin onto my tits*

Gwen: *stepping back, pulling it from your mouth. I step my legs wider, and slowly ease it out from inside me, sighing half in relief and half in dismay. I hold it out in front of you* Take this and let me see you clean the other end with your mouth

keri: *sucking in a deep breath as you pull it out of my mouth, watching you remove the dildo from inside you, panting, breathless, still dazed from the assault on my mouth, taking it from you, licking and sucking on the other end without hesitation*
*holding the long dildo with both hands as I work my tongue and lips around the other end, sucking your juices from it*

Gwen: *smiling down at you, petting your hair* Oh, I think you will fit in just fine around here, don't you think? *laughing as I watch you clean it*

keri: *my eyes looking up at you as you pet my hair, subtly nodding, surprised at how normal this is starting to feel, working the dildo in and out of my wet mouth*

Gwen: Good girl. Now, when you are done take it and yourself into the bathroom. Wash it properly and make yourself ready for bed *I point off to the bathroom.*

keri: Yes, Gwen *I say quietly, my will shattering to pieces, feeling my submission taking over, getting up off of my knees and making my way to the bathroom*

Gwen: *as you to, I make sure the large round doggy bed is in the corner. I padlock a plastic coated cable to the eyelet in the corner, then get the stainless steel and neoprene ankle cuff ready*

keri: *I clean the dildo in the sink before drying it off, placing it to the side. Getting a look at my messy face in the mirror, cleaning off the spit and makeup that has streamed down my cheeks. Cleaning the juices from my inner thighs, wiping myself clean before heading back out to the bedroom*

Gwen: *I await you near the doggy bed, pointing at it* Your bed for the night. Get down on there and present your ankle to me

keri: Umm, yes, of course Gwen *nodding, bowing my head in defeat as I crawl down onto the round doggy bed, moving to get comfortable before reaching my leg out to you dutifuly*

Gwen: *I bend down, padlocking the metal and neoprene cuff around your ankle, securing you to the corner of the room. Then I head over to the other room and bring back a short, flared brass pot, placing if off to the side* Have a good night, keri

keri: Thank you, Gwen *hearing the clanking of the chain as I move my leg back down onto the bed, seeing the brass pot in the corner, wondering how I allowed all this to happen, and yet seemed to be accepting it.


Gwen helps Maddie finish up making the bed, then together the snuggle up for some light kisses and a warm night in bed. keri, relegated to the doggie bed in the corner sleeps less soundly, but sleep finally finds her. In the morning, Gwen asks maddie to make breakfast while she cleans up in the bathroom then releases keri.

“Come sit with us for breakfast.” When both girls are present at the table, Gwen has something for them.

“These are two of my journals I would like you to write in. Spend the morning thinking and writing, crystalizing your thoughts about me, each other,” Gwen looks from one woman to the other, “and what you want your future to be like. We will meet before lunch to discuss. Oh, and – I expect you to be in different rooms and no touching.” She add the last with a smirk, thinking back to the events of last night.

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