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Mx Any Friendly Guy Seeking Partner for DM/GMed Games (Seriously Naughty Ones)

Mech Pilot

Oct 3, 2011
Hello there, Bluemoon.

Considering the fact that my usual RT isn't getting a lot of interest, maybe for how generic it is, I decided to make a new one with a couple ideas (maybe more, later) I have for these games. Perhaps this way attract more interest from this great community if I'm a bit more specific. But first a not-so-short preview.

About Me: I'm a lawyer from Brazil, with a fairly busy daily life, but with plenty of time to spare during most my evenings and late nights as well as weekends. During these times I like to immerse myself in different worlds, playing superheroes, knights, monster hunters, vampires and other interesting beings with interesting lives. I've been roleplaying for almost 20 years now, mostly tabletops, but a good portion of it online. I'm an avid Movie, Series, Anime, Manga, Comic and literature fan, and I know a whole lot of different fandoms and settings. Some which I'd like to roleplay in, some not so much. But I'm fairly familiar with all the main tropes, that's for sure. I'm extremely Geeky. If you're looking to geek out with someone, you came to the right place.

Roleplaying Systems I Know: Storytelling (Vampire 3ed or 2th Aniversary ED, Werewolf, Mage 20th Aniversary ED, Street Fighter), D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, GURPS 3ed, Mutants & Masterminds, Hero System 3ed, Cortex. Though honestly, online I prefer to play freeform. But I can be convinced to throw some dice in as well.

What I'm Seeking: Someone to GM/DM games for me. Capable of playing multiple characters (some that I'll create attached to mine) and creating new ones, guide the plot and create the whole world around my character for me to explore and immerse myself, in a sandbox style adventure. That is and will always be my favorite kind of roleplaying. I'm looking for someone who can play a few sessions a week at least where we can meet, chat about everything and anything and roleplay a bunch. Plot to Smut ratio would be from 70/30 to 50/50, depending on the specific setting. We can always discuss things in depth.

What I'm Offering: Of course, I'm more than willing to double the games so we can both satisfy our cravings, and so I can repay you for your work juggling so many characters and creating a whole plot for me. Or if you prefer some other kind of game, like a more traditional forum 1-on-1 we I can play that for you. My idea may seem daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it's possible to do four or six of these at the same time really. Been doing it for a while, so I'd know. ;)

What I'm not Seeking: The whole Dom/Sub thing that seems so popular in the erotic roleplay forums, especially being exclusively one or the other. If we double, I'm willing to GM characters that are more or less submissive or dominant at points or sometime exclusively, but I'll always be a GM creating a whole plethora of characters with different personalities, likes, dislikes and conflicts. I find the Dom/Sub thing a bit too black and white most of the time, not to mention egotistical at points. Sex is a give and take deal, so let's share the love. I'll create a world around your character with different nuances and some might fall into a sub or dom category. Most will switch. But 1 on 1 games, that whole dinamic kind falls apart for me.

Playstyle: I'm looking to play this in some kind of IM. I'm a fan of mIRC (Since I'm that old) but Discord has been proving to be just as good for the purposes of roleplaying so I'm willing to do that. I'm looking for fast paced roleplay, multiple replies in a short span of time so we can make the most of our sessions. I'm ok with anything up to two paragraphs, of text, to one, to even script style (though we should always strive to write them properly, of course) but I'm not one for the "Heavy Lit" style some here prefer. I want more roleplay and less novel writing, so to speak, with a much faster pace than a post a day, couple of days or a week. I like to play one or more different scenes per session. I can be convinced to play on a more conventional forum roleplay, with longer posts and slower pace, however, if a particular idea appeals to me. Has happened before, definitely.

Non-Negotiable Kinks: So, the following kinks are the ones that have to appear in the games, to hold my interest:
Heterosexual sex, gay sex, lesbian sex: All three of them. Sex is beautiful, and I like to both take part and watch all kinds, finding all of them hot. I'll usually play a male character that is or will be bisexual.
Incest: Parental, sibling, distant relatives, even grandparents. My games will certainly, almost always, feature incest of some kind.
Anal: Plenty of it, in it's most varied forms. Be it rimming, fingering, penetration, pegging, all of it. For both male and female. I love bisexual guys that like to take it even more and go silly when they're fucked in the butt.
Femdom: Not something that has to show up all the time, but it bores me when the guys are always the ones dominant in a relationship. Switch it up. Get some pegging going. Maybe get the girl gagging the man. Variety is the spice of life.
Ageplay: My characters will usually be younger than the rest of the cast, and I like them to get involved with older characters. So that's a must.
Oral: Plenty of oral action. Fellatio, cunilingus, anilingus, kisses, nibbling everwhere, all the good stuff.
Group Sex/Orgies: Several people fucking together, in several groups of two, three or four people, or even everyone at once, in a mass of wrigling flesh and pleasure, with cum and pussy juices flowing freely. Awesome.

Negotioable Kinks: These do not need to necessarily appear everywhere, but are a huge bonus and greatly appreciated. I love them.
Watersports: I really like some golden shower, and piss play, in several forms. From being in the bathroom while a woman relieves herself all the way to the more extreme sides of the kink.
Bestiality: Not something my characters engage in a lot, but that I like to happen to showcase the depravity of certain characters. Though I do indulge in the fantasy now and then. Would be glad to see it show.
Monsters: In fantasy, superhero roleplays especially some non humanoid monsters (Slimes, tentacles) raping the character or teams of heroes can be really fun.
Light Vore: With the aforementioned monsters. Maybe some Great Old God the heroes are facing, or a slime pulling the player into it to fuck it thoroughly. But never leading to pain/mutilation/gore.
Mpreg/Oviposition: As a result of rape by the monsters mentioned above, that can be really interesting to play out as well.
NTR: Not a big one, but sometimes it can be nice to add some drama. I especially like it if it happens to an MxF couple, via either gay or lesbian cheating. The character just couldn't hold back their interest for the same sex anymore. That's the good stuff.

What I'm not into: Pain, suffering, gore and snuff, in terms of sex scenes. I'm ok with fight scenes being as bloody and gory as needs to be. But I'm not roleplaying sex for the pain. I'm doing it for the pleasure. Even when it's non-con/dub-con, I want it to feel so good, the characters lose themselves in it. Even if they're humiliated and abused, it should be end in a mind-blowing, if unwanted, orgasm.

All that said, if I'm the one GMing a game for you, in case we double, none of my kinks need to appear in your game if you don't want it, and I can definitely add those that I'm not into. I can detach myself from my own likes and dislikes when GMing, quite easily.

So, if you got this far, now you know a bit about me (and I'm sure I just alienated at least 70% of the people here by this point. Heh.) Thanks for coming this far, anyway. In case you're still interested, you can find a few ideas that I'm currently very interesting in playing.


Superhero Parody. Heavy Smut.
Themes: Open relationships. Drug Abuse. Celebrity Lifestyle. Public Relations Management.
Kinkiness Level: Extreme
Indispensable Kinks: MxF, MxM, FxF. Ageplay, Incest (Parental and Sibling), Traps/Femboys, Group Sex/Orgies, Watersports, Bestiality, Monster Sex, Preg/Mpreg/Oviposition.

Premise: Being a superhero is a great way into fame and riches. Superheroes are the celebrities of the setting, the rockstars. So much so, some heroes don't really care about saving people and doing good. They're just in it for the money it brings. The Wardens, however, are different. They are one of the biggest group of Superheroes in the world, based in NY. Composed by Juggernaut, Mindstar, Songbird, Medea, Pyromancer and Windcaller. They have saved the city, the country and even the world a few times. People love them. They're regular on talk shows, they have tons of fans. Of course, they also have a very hard working PR team, because behind close door, they are sex and drug addicts who make a complete mess of their personal lives. The team takes part in huge orgies, among themselves and with other superhero teams, and will bang anything that move. And some things that don't. They're high more often than not, and patrolling the city with sex toys under the costume is not unthinkable to them. How far are they from their own scandals, that has brought disgrace down upon so many other super teams, heros and heroines? Can they solve all the PR nightmare their lifestyle causes? To which point they can even be called heroes anymore?

My Character: The son of Juggernaut and Mindstar, my character is Apex, an idealist starting hero, together with his slightly older sister Flux and their best friend Arclight, the son of Pyromancer and Windcaller. Having developed powers, the three of them are now entering their parents world together, becoming superheros and part of the Wardens, having to learn to deal with fame, with danger and excitement of the super hero life and with the wild lifestyle their parents have behind closed doors, as they're dragged down the into it by their big, extended superhero family.

Important/Attached NPC's: Juggernaut and Mindstar (Parents. Medea and Songbird (family friends). Pyromancer and Windcaller (godparents). Flux (sister) and Arclight (best friend).


Isekai Anime. Fantasy and RPG Hentai Elements. Meta.
Themes: Gaming. Monster abuse. Relationships.
Kinkiness Level: High
Indispensible Kinks: MxF, MxM, FxF. Ageplay, Incest (sibling), Traps/Femboys, Group Sex/Orgies, Monster Sex, Preg/Mpreg/Oviposition.

Premise: A japanese classroom of students is suddenly torn away from reality and sent to a place between realities, where they are forced to fill a character sheet, with Race, Class, Stats, Skills and once they create their characters, they show up in a fantasy world. A very violent, world, yet abiding by the rules of your usual Hentai Game or Eroge. Trying to turn every trope on it's head and sexualize everything that can be sexualized. Monsters want to rape. Best friends are pushed into bisexuality. Couples are just asking to be NTRed. Hentai tropes abound. Of course, the entity that took them there did so for a reason. They need to adventure through this world, gain levels, gain more skills and fulfill some great objective. Some might get there. Some might die. Some might break and become a vampire's sex pet, or a monster's breeding cow. Who knows what this class of normal japanese teens (and their teacher) will have to face.

My Character: Souta, a boy that has been ignored and bullied since his high school life started, together with his friend Hikaru, a trap boy, very feminine. While they're nobodies in the real world, online, they are legendary players that can Min-Max any build and able to win any challenge. Being transported into this world is a dream come true for them. While the rest of the class fumbles their builds, Souta and Hikaru min-max the hell out of it and go from zero to hero in the press of a few buttons.

Important/Attached NPC's: Hikaru (best friend). Saeko (sister). Two other Girls (Saeko's best friends), Classroom Teacher.


And those are the scenarios I have for now. Hopefully, they're interesting enough for us to start a roleplay. But maybe not.

In any case, if you ready up until this point, I thank you for your attention, and in case this isn't the idea for you, I hope you'll find what you're looking for friend.

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