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The Scroll of Orcas (D&D 3.5 Based) Group 1

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"I suppose that's her choice, little one. Though I concern myself more with the artifact and how little we actually know about it." Ariel said, as she had her journal opened, and recorded down the details of this little quest. She drew a rough picture of what the item was, even though she didn't have much except of a vague description of it. The priestess looked at the short person and just tried to muster a smile. "Don't worry little one, I doubt we can fall into something completely deadly, lest we have a run in with some trolls or angry orges."
Yanos simply shrugged, and took another drink. "As he said, he's hiring us. So it's his call who we'll be working with or not." He glanced back over to the rough looking elf, "Besides," He grinned evilly "I always like having a nice wall of meat between me and my target." He looked back to others "No offense, but neither of you appear particularly suited to fill that need".
There was a loud crash outside, and soon enough, there were screams coming from out there. A woman tried to run into the bar, just to have few goblins run in and grab the girl, then pull her back outside, where her screams could be heard quite audibly.
Yanos sighed, pushes himself to his feet and stretched."I hate goblins" he murmured "Well then, time for some target practice" He sounded almost chipper as spoke with a grin as he walked toward the door. "Anyone that cares to join me can. Just don't get in the way of my shot." And with that he stepped out, searching for a target, left hand already crackling with dark power (Spot check 14)
There are plenty of targets for you. It maps out like this... you have three goblins currently mugging and molesting this poor woman to the right of you, to the left of you is about four goblins currently engaged in combat with the local guards, and you see there a few humans right in front of you, kind of hiding behind the guard.
He raised his left hand, palm out, and casually aimed at one of the three goblins attacking the woman. Less of a chance of something fouling his shot. Collateral damage in the form of dead civilians tending to cause trouble.

The dark energy that has coalesced around his hand shot outward to the closest goblin (10+5=15 ranged touch, gotta love ignoring armor. Damage if hit=4)
Liniona glances over at the door, aiming to use her abilities as a gnome. As soon as she concentrates the sound of men on horses fighting goblins pervades through the tavern (Ghost Sound). Lini aims to intimidate the goblins maybe into surrendering, the sound of sword on goblin flesh and high pitched screams of goblins keep coming through the door, seemingly from outside. As she makes the noise she gets behind the bar for cover.
The goblins did seem intimidated, but they then just started to laugh a little and one of them retreated while the others stayed.

The Bard decided to leave the barbarian and pulled out his violin. He started playing his music. (+1 to attack, lol, big help, I know.) He then puts the violin to his side, and pulls out his rapier and moves out. Time to impress them and lull them into a false sense of security... He thought to himself.
The goblin that the warlock strikes falls backwards and dies. Soon, however, the loud sound of giant foot steps is heard down the pathway.
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