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Fx F or NB Power and its contradictions


Jan 3, 2020
(Edited with the help of The Goodman)

Alright, new RT time.

What I'm especially interested in exploring are power dynamics which are not a part of your typical everyday D/s scenario. I'm looking for something a bit more nuanced and fresh! The type of scenarios where the submissive appears to be in a powerless position, completely dependent on the dominant, but in fact has a lot more leverage than she lets on.

Possible examples of this type of scenario:

• Your character has mine captive and powerless, but your character has such a deep need for approval that she ends up melting like butter in the palm of my character's hand.​
• Your character is the only one who can give my character what she desperately needs, but my character always has the power to sacrifice everything and walk away. It'd be something she wields as a threat to get her way even though doing so absolutely terrifies her.​
• My character, despite having objectively more power than your character, bends to your character's every whim, does everything she wants enthusiastically... until YC stops giving her attention, at which point MC uses her considerable power to make YC's life a living hell.​

I've included some concrete examples at the end of the post, but if you message me with your own idea that fits the theme, I'll be very happy. You may also message me if you want a realistic slow-to-medium-burn romance involving transgender characters; I talk a little more about that in another thread

Only message me if you want to play a dom.

  • • My posts range from 3-7 paragraphs, depending on how inspired I am.
    • My reply speed is highly variable but I'll always keep you updated.
    •I'll be sure to let you know if I ever lose interest.
    • I can provide writing samples upon request.
  • • My character will always identify as female or some other feminine gender
    • By default, I tend to describe characters verbally, but I can do pictures if you like.
    • I can play with/ as characters of all body types, but characters who are a little on the chubby side are especially relevant to my current interests.

    In terms of characters' sexy parts, I'll rate several possibilities based on how much I would enjoy them:

    - Your character has a penis, my character has a vagina. EXCELLENT.
    - Your character has some sort of non-human genitalia, my character has a vagina. EXCELLENT.
    - Your character has a vagina, my character has a vagina. VERY GOOD.
    - Your character has a penis, my character has a penis. GOOD.
    - Your character has a vagina, my character has a penis. NOT INTERESTED.
  • Here is a small list of my turn-ons and limits. Don’t feel obligated to include something on the list unless they speak to you. I’m very open minded in terms of kinks that aren’t directly off-limits as long as you bring them up beforehand.
    -Anal, vaginal, manual, and oral sex, as well as sex involving sex toys are all good
    -Remote-controlled toys are especially fun!
    -Bondage is a turn-on, especially if it involves spreaders
    -Characters losing control of their own minds and/or bodies through supernatural effects
    -Magical changes to characters’ bodies, up to and including some degree of body horror
    -Characters bathing and/or showering together
    -Characters being naked in general while going about their everyday business
    -Copious, blatantly unrealistic amounts of semen and/or vaginal lubrication
    -Piss stuff? Especially characters wetting themselves

    -Scat. It’s just not my thing.
    -Eating ass doesn’t really do it for me either.
    -Body parts that are permanently huge to the point that I can’t imagine the characters moving through the world. Straining the limits of human anatomy is fine, straining the limits of physics breaks immersion for me. Body parts being TEMPORARILY oversized is fine, though, especially if played for horror.

    -Characters under the age of 18 or who physically appear to be under 18 by way of magic
    -Straight-up forced penetration (although dubcon is fine)
  • • I am looking for someone to play a dom role
    • I tend to prefer quality over quantity
    • I don't expect super speed replies
    • I don't care about your real-life gender behind the screen. You can mention it if you want, but it won’t really affect my writing style or enjoyment.

Example plots:

- Genie/jinn in a bottle: In a world where the logic of genies is a little more Arabian Nights and a little less Hollywood, your character finds my character trapped in some kind of bottle or oil lamp. In exchange for freeing my character, she becomes your character's humble servant, bound to use her considerable magical abilities to serve your character's every whim or else return to her prison. But if my character has been imprisoned in that lamp for thousands of years. If our characters don't see eye to eye, my character could retreat back into the lamp, knowing that some day, maybe months, years, or decades later, your character will want her sultry supernatural servant back, and will once again free MC from the lamp.

- Demonic possession: YC is a demon who has come to possess my character for the sake of enacting her dark schemes in the world of mortals. MC has become a prisoner in her own mind, seeing, hearing, and feeling everything, but unable to control her own body or speech. Yet YC needs to make sure no one suspects anything is amiss, and therefore needs MC to tell her about MC's life, friends, and career and help YC blend in among mortals.

- The Miraculous Sex Change: MC has felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction with being male her whole life, yet has never had the courage to act on it. Now, in her mid-30s, beginning to develop male-pattern baldness, she feels she could never successfully transition to living as a woman. Then, she hears that YC has a miracle elixir which can turn anyone into a beautiful young woman, with fully female biological functions, indistinguishable from a cisgender woman just out of college. But the elixir needs to be taken every morning for two full years before it becomes permanent, otherwise, the effects will quickly be reversed. And YC intends to use that entire two years to make MC her own personal live-in slut, demanding perfect obedience and humiliatingly micromanaging every aspect of MC's life. Will MC put up with it, or give up the body she's always dreamed of having in order to transition the normal way?

- Misfit toys: YC bought a realistic sex robot at a very low and lonely point in her life. The robot did whatever she asked, and took part in all her weird kinks. But eventually, YC decided she had had enough, putting MC away in a storage unit never to be seen again. Years have passed, and YC has a more fulfilling life, even a relationship with a real human being. But then, MC comes bursting back in, having escaped from her storage unit and needing YC's attention once again. While still willing to obey YC's every command in the bedroom, MC pops up at the most inconvenient times and demands to be used.
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