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Mx F or NB The Silent Protagonist's Fantastic Fiction: Stories, GM Plots, and Harems! (UDed: 1/7/20)

Nov 1, 2014
Important Information
New Year New Me and that means a New Thread. No I don’t know why I capitalized all the New Words it’s pretty stupid thinking back on it but hey, hindsight is 2020.

Now that I’ve scared off literally anyone who would actually read this, let’s get started. Welcome to my Fantastic Fiction thread! My name is The Silent Protagonist. My friends call me Momo, though Silent Protagonist, SP, and Sir are also acceptable. I've been RPing for uh… 20 years now? (Through game systems and story writing. Adult RPs have been about ten years now.) It's always great fun. I've learned a lot about myself, undergone a change of personal viewpoints, and made some amazing friends as a result. As such, I'm always eager to see what new adventures await me. Now with that said, there is a small list of things that I consider important for my RP partners to know. Please read through this if you want to RP with me.

I am going to mention this here outside of the spoiler. If you want to plan an RP with me, then please do so by sending a PM, not by replying to this thread..

1. I like original settings, or doing alternate universe versions of established worlds. In other words, while I might play an RP in the Hogwarts, don’t expect me to play as Harry or Draco, just like I won’t expect you to play as Hermione or Luna. There are some exceptions to this, usually involving AUs. It won't be very common though. On that note, my thread does have a list of Alternate Universes I’m most interested in using for stories.

2. I only really do MxF/NB. Sorry, MxM isn't for me, and I'm not usually a fan of playing female characters. The exception to this is if we're doing a story where we each play multiple characters. Then I tend to be more open to exploring different sexualities and gender identities among them.

3. I will not RP in threads. No exceptions here, I'm afraid. My preferred method is Discord but docs, emails, and PMs are fine too.

4. Comments, criticisms, concerns, and feedback in general is always appreciated.

5. I enjoy chatting OOC, so big plus if you do as well. Really, this is almost a must. I’ve found it’s really difficult to maintain interest in a long term RP if there’s no connection with the other person.

6. I prefer first person but am willing to do third if that's what my partner wants.

7. I usually like replies to be around 300 words in length. A couple of paragraphs tends to work really well. It's subject to change depending on partner replies and context. Intros for instance will usually be longer. I do not have a minimum reply requirement. Just make sure there is enough information to work with, really.

8. My F-list is not set in stone. Nothing in it is absolutely required for the most part, and even potential kinks listed for each story aren't necessarily needed. I have my hard limits (no scat or death), but tend to be pretty flexible about what kinks I'll include in a story to fit my partner's likes and dislikes.

9. No God-Modding or having a character that is constantly one upping all other characters.

10. I'm ditch/ghost friendly. Weird thing to advertise, I know. Basically, I get how life can get, and I also get why some people may decide to ditch. While I do prefer getting a message I won't raise a fuss if you don't. Maybe one or two messages asking or seeing if you received my last response but aside from that, things go how they go. I will usually try to send a message saying if I can't continue an RP for any reason. My own schedule is pretty crazy. I try to update a bare minimum of once a day, but sometimes even that isn't possible. As it is, expect very slow replies on weekdays, but weekends tend to be better for me in terms of repli
Quick Questions
Please answer these in your first PM to me. It really helps find out not only what story we can write together but how compatible we are.
  1. Which of the stories do you want to do?
  2. Would you want it to be consensual, non-consensual, dub-con, or some mix? I usually like romance to be worked in, even with a relationship going from non-con to romantic.
  3. How old will your character be? How will she look? (I have a preference for redheads and glasses though neither are required. You can use a face claim if you like. I usually describe my characters but if you have a picture you'd like me to go with, throw it my way.)
  4. What kinks do want to work into the story?
  5. Are there any other kinks or ideas you want to work in?
Sizzle Scale
The color used represents how much I’m craving a story.

Iffy on this idea. It's there and possible but I'll need convincing and usually requires doubling up with another idea or some twist to make interesting.
Still a bit iffy but more willing to do it. Just don't expect this to be my favorite if there's multiple ideas you want to do.
Where I start to get into cravings and the ideas I really have plans for and want to do.
This is if I have multiple ideas, or it's a recurring element I want in a lot of my stories. Usually also means it's one I rarely get to do anything with.
Yes, please, I would love you forever for this! This is about as close to necessary as anything can get. It's not a must but like, yeah if given the option it'll be included.

Preferred Personality
I play almost exclusively dominant men, but the form this takes varies depending on the story. I can play caring and gentle daddies, or sadistic masters. I tend to favor playing a somewhat more manipulative character who's usually in control of the situation. I also love to give them a realistic flaw that adds to the story. For instance, making one so hot headed that he loses focus on everything except for what's straight ahead, causing him to not realize the danger he might be in.

When it comes to looks, I'll usually make my characters look like an idealized version of myself. They'll be 6', hefty build, Arabian features, black hair, dark brown eyes, and either clean shaven or have a trimmed beard. This is assuming that my partner doesn't make a request for how my character looks. The thing is, the looks are mostly for my partner, so I am more than happy to change up superficial aspects to suit one's personal tastes, and I love when partners do the same for me. I occasionally use anime pictures as reference for characters, since some partners prefer that, but I will not use real life people for this purpose, whether celebrities, or someone the person knows in real life. I consider that off limits.

For my partner, the one thing I have to say is that I don't really want a passive submissive. That is, ones who just have things done to them without participating or even reacting. I'm a huge fan of brats and rebellious subs, but even shy, reluctant, and compliant ones should be actively doing something in the scene, I feel. The rest of what I want would depend on the story. One thing I'd love is playing with another Arab or Muslim, so please do hit me up if that's the case.

Current Cravings
Slow Burn - I really a long term story with a lot of build up. I don’t expect for there to be some sort of switch that suddenly turns your character from conservative to slut. Keep in mind it may be a very long time before any outright sex actually happens (though there likely will be plenty of sexual build up).
Nonbinary Characters
- I don't get the chance to play opposite nonbinary characters and partners very often, and it's something I've been wanting to do lately.
Arab/Muslim/Middle-Eastern - I don't often get to play opposite another Arab or Muslim character, so it would be great to do so.
Multiple Related Characters - Lately I've been wanting someone willing to play two or more characters who are related. A pair of sisters, a mother and daughter, etc.

Sultry Settings
This is a list of settings and fandoms that I like doing RPs in which we could work for stories. The list is in no specific order. Bonus points if you can find ways to mix and match different ones. I separated it into groups, and included canon settings I'd like to play with. I even listed some canon girls I like to consider. They could be put in (aged appropriately), or they can be used as inspiration for other characters.

My Hero Academia: Uraraka, Sue, Momo, Pinky
Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, Temari
Full Metal Alchemist: Winry, Hawkeye

Bleach: Rika, Orihime
Love Live: Hanayo, Umi, Ruby, You
No Game No Life

Konosuba: Darkness, Aqua, Megumin
JoJo: Trish
Land of the Lustrous/Houseki No Kuni: Phos, Dia, Red Beryl

Sword Art Online

Persona: 3’s Protagonist, Yukari, Algis, Fuuka, Chie, Rise, Futaba
Final Fantasy: Tera, Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Rinoa, Silfie, Garnet, Yuna, Rikku, Ashe, Vanille, Serah, Lunafreya, Iris
Kingdom Hearts: Kairi, Namine, Aqua
Smash: Peach, Daisy, Palutena
Zelda: Zelda, Shiek

Fire Emblem: Bernadetta, Sakura
Overwatch: Tracer, D.Va, Brigette, Mei
Danganronpa: Aoi, Celestia, Chihiro, Junko, Komaru, Kyouko, Sayaka, Touko, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mahiru, MikanPeko, Sonia
Trails of: Laura, Fie, Emma

Xenoblade: Fiora, Melia, Pyra, Nia

Disney: Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, Mulan, Tiana, ElsAnna, Rapunzel
Harry Potter: Hermione, Ginny, Luna
Marvel: Ms. Marvel, Spider Gwen, Mary Jane, Kitty Pryde
DC: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Supergirl, Terra, Starfire
Avatar: Katara, Ty Lee, Azula, Korra

Power Rangers (Includes Kamen Rider and Super Sentai)
Star Wars: Rey
Magic the Gathering

Modern Fantasy
Sci-Fi/Science Fantasy

Medieval/Dark Fantasy
MMOs/Virtual Reality
Card Battle/Game Worlds (Magic, Yugioh, etc)
Tabletop RPGs (D&D for instance)


Incest (forced or consensual)
Bull/Wife Stealing
Corruption of Innocence
D&D/Conventions/"Nerdy" Activities
Alternate Universes
This is less a standard idea and more a list of potential settings to use for various stories. We can put canon characters into these or use OCs.

Arabian Nights AU: I love Arabian/Arabic settings and myths, so this is a big heart from me.

School AU: Our characters tossed into a school or university.

Modern AU: Take the characters from a period or fantastical setting and put them into the modern real world.

Idol AU: A setting where the characters are school or pop idols.

Cosplay/Convention AU: Our characters are... okay this is a weird one to explain since it's similar to my Magical Costumes idea but basically, our characters are at a convention and cosplaying as the characters from a series and they end up going through the story of the characters. So let's say as an example, our characters are cosplaying as Romeo and Juliet. They learn their parents own rival companies and as such aren't really supposed to be seen together but they meet in secret anyways. Something like that.

Card Game or No Game No Life AU: A setting where games determine everything that happens and that's how all disputes are resolved. I’d love this with a betting/gambling prompt (see Wanna Bet? And Healer’s Gamble for examples).

Bad End AU: Setting where the villain wins.

Fantastic Fiction
Now here is my collection of fantastic stories. That is, ones not set in reality. They can be fantasy, magic, sci-fi, or anything else that may strike my fancy and isn't a mundane modern setting.

Healslut/Stuck Annoyingly Online - Sword Art Online and other MMO shows inspire this idea of getting trapped inside a game. The healslut community has piqued my interest in a prompt for a good girl learning how to properly heal.
Mohammed Montaz, or Momo as he was known by his friends, didn’t quite stick out among the other MMO gamers. The 30 year old was on the bigger side at six feet tall and having some heft to him. His tanned skin, short black hair and trimmed beard gave away his Arabian origins, which was about all that let people tell him apart. What most people can’t tell at first glance is the fact that Momo runs one of the largest guilds of Sahara Online. While he’ll go on dates or hang out with friends, logging in most nights is how the gamer enjoys spending most of his evenings, especially after a long day at work.

The moment he’s home, Mostafa wastes no time getting the game booted up in case of a patch. After a quick dinner, he hops in. The VR headset fits snuggly on his head. As usual, he’s presented with a character change coupon he’s been rewarded but has yet to use. At the moment, the guild master is perfectly happy with Dire. The character is a larger than life version of Momo himself. Towering at the maximum height and possessing a body thick in all aspects, giving him a strong size. The hair was wilder and the eyes a slightly lighter brown, but otherwise he looked similar. Sword and shield in hand, the player and character return once more to the setting they love.

The virtual world of this game is always a joy to jump into. Rolling fields filled with strange and usually dangerous beasts. It’s a real sight to behold, even if it is all just computer data. Taking a moment to stretch and make himself comfortable, Momo wonders what to do today. He has his dailies, but other than that, there’s no real plans in mind.

Looking over it, the heavy armored warrior is a bit disappointed to find that his friend list is showing mostly offline at the moment. Apparently most of the other guild members were either still at work or otherwise occupied. That’s a shame, but he figures this is a good time to just take things easy, enjoy some of the content that he can solo, help new players get caught up, hang out with other members in the guild, or just kill time in general. With no other goal in mind, Momo heads over to the guild hall as he decides on what else to do.

It’s a short trip to the town for him. He knows his way there easily, and could probably just use the fast travel to do it, but he enjoys the journey. The game world is a ton of fun to walk around in. Plus, he loves the looks of admiration and envy he gets from other players as they stare longingly at his armor. Getting a full set of top game gear wasn’t easy, but definitely worth it for someone who enjoys the attention earned as a result. It’s even more fun when that attention comes from the ladies, of course.

One thing that any online gamer was used to was the whole idea that anyone playing a girl in online games was actually a dude. The idea of this has died down considerably now. Partly thanks to people just being more accepting in general of others being allowed to play what they want, and because the trend of lady gamers had gone up. The MMO being VR also helped matters. It became easy to tell how closely matched someone was to their offline selves based on how they walked, and the voices that came out when they talked. There are still a few differences, for instance, Armisiel sounds lower and gruffer than Alex, but for the most part, it was very similar to his own.

All that in mind meant that Alex has had his share of fun in this game outside of the dungeons. A powerfully built, handsome looking character who takes the lead and clearly knows what he’s doing tends to be well appreciated. There's also fact that he is a tank. The relationship between them and healers was always a close one, and for those who are aware of it, there were certain other aspects between the two roles included within the game for those who wanted to and knew how to access it. Alex had enjoyed his time with a few girls already, but it was always a short term thing. Rarely did it last for more than a couple of dungeons, and up until now, he’d never met any of them offline. Still, it was fun, so he had no complaints. Maybe he can try to find someone to occupy his time like that today.


All of these are meant to be long term ideas with build up to the sex. While the prompt intro was written in 3rd person, I do like 1st as well so that can be easily changed.

The intro for this is long but most of my posts tend to be a few paragraphs usually around the 300 word range. I'm looking for this to be a long term RP, and we can go over details and story direction together.

Healslut: With the advancements in VR, players are able to feel like they’re actually there in the world, fighting monsters and going on grand adventures. It was even discovered that using the biometrics and data collection on the helmet to confirm you are of legal age allows a player to access certain adult features, giving them the ability to bring many of their greatest fantasies to life. This has caused a rise in the concept of healsluts and sexual play within MMOs in general. This is the setting your character finds herself in now. Perhaps she is unaware of what goes on in the mmo, and what a healslut is, or she knows but doesn’t care for it because it just seems wrong and stupid for someone to degrade themselves like that. Sooner or later, she finds herself caught up in being one.

Stuck Annoyingly Online: For whatever reason, we're now trapped in the game, stuck as the characters we’ve been playing. Days pass by but it becomes clear we can't just leave or get unplugged. With no other choice, we are forced to live our lives inside the game, doing whatever we can. For most players, that means continuing on with their adventures and leveling up, but now treating it as a job and way of life rather than just a hobby to pass the time. People start forming all sorts of relationships, making new friends, and even finding love as a way to cope with these new hardships. Others take more cruel routes, suddenly feeling like their actions no longer have any consequence seeing as nothing is real anymore. There's a lot of interesting and fun situations we could explore with this. One could be similar to the plot from SAO II where two characters are related but don't know it. Whether the characters suffer permanent death or not is another more story related one that could be discussed, since there’s a lot of ideas to draw from both sides of that .

Both: Not really a separate concept but rather just marrying the two together with the relationship developing and becoming one of a healslut and tankdom as a result of the situation our characters find themselves in. One fun but kind of darker variation is my character is a GM or otherwise has some control over the game and is responsible for trapping yours in it. He starts using his influence to manipulate your character (her clothes, abilities, etc) which forces her into doing what he wants.


Potential Kinks/Ideas (These don’t need to be included, but can give an idea of some concepts that might be worked in):

Virginity/inexperience - Pretty straightforward. She has never done anything sexual, even in real life, so this is all new to your character. I love being the experienced guy who’s teaching the girl new things.

Religious girls - This is just a favorite kink of mine, corrupting and making a slut of the good girl who always went to prayer and takes her religion very seriously. She never expected this MMO to test her religion like it has now.

Incest (intentional or accidental) - Maybe my character is the brother of yours. This could be one of two ways. They play the game together and he gets sick of her screwing up, so they make bets and such, eventually leading to the situation. This would give the slow build up more reason too, instead of him trying to go straight to the sexual situation. In the accidental case, maybe one or both sides are unaware of the fact that they’re related, leaving it for a potential reveal later in the story.

Blackmail/coerscion - This would be later in the story, maybe when your character starts wanting to back out, or find other groups, he uses recordings and videos, possibly even having hacked her system to get dirt on her that forces your character to stick with it. Alternatively, that could be how it starts out before she is doing it of her own volition. That’s more for the healslut idea, though there is potential for it in the trapped online one as well.

Petplay (also, antrho/furries/nekos) - MMOs allow for some creativity here as the nonhuman races can have a lot of variation to them, allowing for catgirls, or something like Tauren from WoW. This can work especially well in the trapped online one where there might be several races that take on a pet or predator/prey angle.

For the MMO itself, I used an original one of my own making, but can change it to an actual one. I’ve played many of the big titles (WoW, FFXIV, SWTOR, WildStar, ESO, GW2, and BDO, even the superhero ones if we want to change the setting), but I figure we can just leave it generic and make up what we want, though if there’s a particular setting in mind, I don’t mind reading up on/working it in. I should mention that despite it being the source of one of the most popular Healsluts, I am not a fan of Overwatch. The exception there is squire setup (Reinhardt/Brigitte) The setting again does not need to be medieval fantasy. Sci-fi, superhero, and plenty others work well too.
Healer's Gamble - Two MMO players make a bet where the loser becomes the winner's healer.
“Alright we can do this. It’s the final phase! We know what it takes to win now!” I inform the group as we all move into position. The hulking behemoth bellows out a roar that causes us all to go flying back, the signal that the real battle is about to begin. He’s the current top tier boss in the game, so no real surprise that everyone in my party is starting to panic a bit. This is the furthest we’ve ever made it. As of yet, no one’s been able to beat him. I plan to change that today. I need to. Everything is riding on it.

Charging forward, I taunt him, pulling in the aggro and slashing again. He brings down a large stone pillar that I have to swiftly dodge. That’s quickly followed by a lash from his tail that my shield comes up to block. Even though this is just virtual reality, as my character is slammed by the attack I swear I can feel it. My legs buckle but I remain standing, taking the attack and retaliating even as the healers do their job of keeping me at full.

As the behemoth leaps in the air and lands in the middle of the arena again, I run to catch up to him, jumping to avoid the shockwave. I look around making sure everyone else has done the same. The battle doesn’t get any less brutal from there. If this were real life, my character’s large frame would be battered, his olive skin covered in scars from it. Luckily it’s all part of the game. “Here we go! We can do this!” Everyone shouts together, rushing in with everything they have. We refuse to give up here.

“Holy shit…” I mutter as the creature finally falls. As his body dissolves to nothing, only a treasure chest is left behind. We hear the triumphant music as we’re all rewarded with a new title. Slayers of the Beast. Even better, a message goes out to the server, informing everyone that we’re the first to accomplish this task. “FUCK YES!” I cheer loudly with everyone else. I still can’t believe it even as I’m going through the spoils of war.

Once back out of the dungeon, I send off a message to you with a picture attached. “Time for you to pay up.” I’m sure you’ll be in shock and most likely anger seeing that I did it. We’ve always been rivals. Pretty much since we started playing the game we’ve tried to one up each other. Everything came to a head with this bet. We’d each form our own team and take on the raid. The first of us to complete it would get the prize. In this case, the reward is the loser having to abandon their current character and become the winner’s personal healer.

I’m sure you’d have loved it if I had lost. You’d probably have made me select the smallest race just for the fun of seeing an older bigger Arab guy playing what amounts to a halfling. You’re out of luck though, and now all that’s left is you holding up your end of the bargain.

This prompt is based off an idea I had where our characters constantly challenge each other (basically a variation of my bet idea). You end up losing the big one, meaning you’re now my healer. This does essentially amount to a healslut story but I want to build up to there. Yeah it's basically a mix of Wanna Bet? and Healslut prompts, but hey, it's still fun.
My Online World - An MMO of my design, and under my control.
Mimi Online has quickly become one of the most successful games in history, and I’m the man behind it all. Oh of course I had a huge team help with the development process, but it’s all built on the back of my ideas and my code. It’s my magnum opus, or at least it will be. Everything will be ready soon enough. The game is out world wide, players are working hard to clear everything, and the userbase is reaching a peak never before seen in any game before it.

It may seem like the game isn’t anything too special at first. It’s an open world MMO in virtual reality. While players gain levels and equipment, it’s designed that things can be cleared no matter what point they’re at. They have classes like mages or knights, and fit one of four roles. Damage, defense, support, and control. Perhaps the most unique thing about the game itself is the character races.

Instead of the standard elves, dwarves, and orcs, the game uses human animal hybrids. How animalistic someone can be is left up to them, from just being humans with animal ears and tails to being complete anthro versions of their animals, walking on two legs. The most popular races are the catgirls and the wolfmen but there are rabbits, sheep, foxes, and bulls. Every race has a favored role or class but for the most part players can freely mix and match as they please. While catgirls and boys may seem like natural rogues there’s no reason they can’t be clerics or knights. It’s these races and the freedom of the combinations that has allowed the game to soar in discussion and sell so amazingly.

I stand on a hill overlooking one of the starter areas and have a wolfish grin on my face. I appear to be a wolfman though mostly human in appearance. A tall, stout build with Arabian features, black furred ears, and a matching tail. The armor I’m wearing makes it clear I’m a knight. Of course, that and my username make me look like a regular player but that’s far from the truth. I can change all of this from my personal menu, and control most of the game’s functions while still inside it. This includes the main one I need right now.

“It’s time.” With a few swipes and taps, it begins. The message lets me know everything is a success. Log out functionality removed. Sensation functions locked. User life protections disabled. It doesn’t take long. Only a minute or two later the reports start to come in. No one can log out. They can’t turn down the pain from attacks or any of he other feelings. Characters aren’t reviving after falling to 0. “Let the real game begin.”

I run down toward the village, meeting with all the players getting a message in their inbox telling them to do the same. Soon my recording will play to everyone, and they’ll know. This is their new life. I hope they’re ready for it.


Now despite how this prompt is done, it doesn't actually require the animal characteristics setup. That's just something I included to make the game unique. The big take away is my character is the creator of the MMO, giving him unprecedented control over everything within it, including the other players.
Hogwarts Online - Witches and Wizards in MMO form!
It’s become the best selling video game in the world. Why wouldn’t it? A virtual reality MMO based on the Harry Potter universe? Honestly, the biggest mystery is why they hadn’t thought to make one sooner. Well, they really went all out to make up for lost time. A fully explorable Hogwarts campus where you run around as a student, casting spells, getting into duels, and competing to earn enough points for your house was already enough to guarantee pretty much everyone in the world wanted in on the game.

The devs didn’t stop there though. They brought back characters as older versions of themselves, most of them as teachers, put in a progression system so people could start teaching classes (a sort of mentor/tutor system similar to other MMOs), and added in “field trips” where players would go on quests in other parts of the world, like Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, and the Ministry of Magic. It’s no wonder the game attracted a very large adult audience as a result.

That’s why probably why they decided to put the 18+ only servers in place. The RPing was getting out of hand, but with the game being based off the universe it is, they couldn’t just let it become another Moon Guard. However they also realized trying to enforce a strict PG or PG-13 roleplay policy without anything else in place would be difficult. So a compromise was reached. The 18+ servers allow people to play out any fantasies they want.

Even more additions have come to the game since. Quidditch, House Tournaments (similar to the triwizard cups of old, but designed to have the four houses compete), dragon rodeo, the scarf of sexual preference, and history quests where players could go through famous moments and fights from the books and movies. The biggest bonus though is Hogwarts University, an expansion to the setting that adds on a sort of college years quest line. It’s really become a one of a kind game that’s earned its place as a masterpiece and record breaker. I should know, I’ve been there from the start.

I’d actually worked on the game, which is probably why I’ve been playing since launch. I have more characters than I can count on my hands, allowing me to experience everything I want from the game. My favorite is probably my Gryffindor turned Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. That’s always a popular combination though, to the point where he borders on cliche. I’ve got my Charms based Slytherin and Potion Master Ravenclaw to keep things fresh.

And of course, I’ve got plenty to do thanks to the 18+ server. There’s always new ladies joining the school, and I can’t help but want to introduce them to all aspects of the game.
Star Wars - A galaxy far, far away but no less fun. Just your basic sith and apprentice plot, really.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself. Is it possible to learn this power? Not from a Jedi.

You: An impressionable young Jedi curious about the world and eager to learn more from those willing to teach.

Me: The senate A powerful sith lord A master who looks nothing like Ian McDiarmid and is in search of a young apprentice, and more than happy to take on your character, show her everything the Jedi wouldn't, and corrupt her to his side.

Kinks: Corruption, force, unlimited powa, senatephilia (but no seriously, my character will not look like Ian McDiarmid, he's going to be an OC and as such younger)

Of course this is just one idea. I do have other ones. One would involve me being a Sith and capturing a padawan who I decide to convert to my cause. Maybe I’m more noble than that though and it’s the opposite approach. I’m a jedi master who manages to defeat a Sith, and take on his apprentice as my own to train and make better. I’m open to hearing others as well.
Knight’s Squire - A young lady training to become a great knight, no matter the cost. (Unless it's a modern setting in some way.)
My character: A knight who's renowned throughout the kingdom for his skill and prowess. A handsome figure and the star of numerous tales, he shocked everyone with his choice of squire.

Your character: A pretty young lady, or so she should be. Your hair is cut short though, and you spend more time training to fight than you do learning to cook or care for a home. You can fight though, better most other squires. Now you work for me, and have to deal with everything that might entail.

Premise: The basic plot for both is your character is my character's squire, putting up with the hell he puts her through to eventually become a knight herself. It isn't going to be easy, since for him it's not enough for her to be good. She has to be the best. The differences come down to two things. Do other people know your character is a girl or is that kept secret? Will this be a romance, or a darker story? We can keep this grounded in reality or work in magic as well.
Academia Magica - A huge magical academy focused on the art spells and combat.
In a world much like our own, magic exists as sure as any other form of matter in the universe, and is capable of being manipulated as such. It takes on different forms, follows distinct rules, and is a valuable resource that is used throughout everyday life. Everyone has a specific form of magic, known as their inherited element, that they are most compatible with. It may be fire, water, air, earth, light, or darkness. For most, their inherited element is the only form of magic they are capable of using, and even then the degree to which this is done varies from person to person. Mastery of one’s inherited element, and the capability of manipulating the others in some way takes years of practice and training. There may be the occasional natural talents, but attempting to use powerful techniques when untrained is difficult and potentially deadly. The young, always prone to wanting to experiment with new power, are especially at risk. A system had to be in place for their safety and education. That is where the universities come in. Colleges all around the world were established to help those who come of age to learn to handle their powers beyond the basics they learn earlier on. Our story takes place in one such university.

Academia Magicka is considered one of the most prestigious academies available. It is home to those shown to have especially great talent in some form. Whether it be natural manipulation of multiple elements, using their inherited element in a unique and interesting way, or through sheer raw power. Potential students submit their application and go through rigorous testing, interviews, and background checks. Most who attend are heirs to the world’s elites, though of course, there are the students from the lower class who got in thanks to their abilities, but because of scholarships and lack of clout, these students often need to work especially hard to prove themselves. The classes cover general education, but also provide heavy focus on elemental studies. The history of elements, defensive applications, practical strategy classes, and more are standard on student schedules.

Each student is placed in a section based on their element, though most classes are shared between all students of the same year. Because of the heavy focus on combat training, each student also selects a fighting style to specialize in, with most having made their decision before even entering the school. They are allowed and expected to have their weapons on them at all times, duels being an accepted part of school life with the certain guidelines that must be followed at all times. Anyone caught violating the rules is expelled.

Of course, the school itself has many dangers lurking around. Professors and students with devious machinations. Odd and ferocious beasts roaming the grounds, especially at night. Heated rivalries that threaten to turn into all out war. At the center of it all is the university itself and what mysteries it may hold. Why the combat focus? Why does the school seem designed to encourage competition between students to the point of the staff but turning a blind eye to potentially life threatening battles? Why is Taco Tuesday on Wednesday? These are questions that may remain unanswered, or rather, maybe they should...
Magic Marker - A special item that makes whatever it writes come true.
I don’t know where it came from originally. I’d found it in a box with a bunch of other art supplies. It looked like a regular black marker. I was surprised enough to find out it wasn’t completely dry or out of ink. I’d decided to have some fun and draw with it. Now granted, my art skills suck, so when my friend decided to mock me, I grabbed his arm and wrote “blind dumbass” on it. His shock and horror was pretty immediate as he tried to feel his way around, freaking out that he couldn’t see anything. I figured he was just fucking with me, but the joke ran way too long. That’s when I decided to try the marker out some more. Eventually, I was able to figure out the rules and how it worked.

Any descriptor I give with the marker becomes reality.

Whatever the descriptor is, it has to be physically possible. I can’t make someone levitate using this or anything like that.

It has to be a part of the person naturally. No writing “rich” on myself and suddenly having millions of dollars in my bank account.

Anything written with the marker vanishes over the course of 48 hours.

The marker is literal, so writing that someone is hot will just make them start burning up.
With all this in mind, I knew what I had to do. Use this marker to get whatever I want. No, I can’t make myself a millionaire, but if I get a bankowner alone and write that he’s gullible, I’ll end up with the money anyways. Something like that would be hard to cover up though, so I need to be smart about using this. Besides, I don’t need the money if I can just get everything else I want… like any girl that happens to catch my eye. It doesn’t matter if she’s a devout virgin, a man hating lesbian, or in a committed relationship with the love of her life. The second meets my marker, she’s mine. Now let’s see how much fun I can have.
Corruption.EXE - A special computer program lowers a girl’s inhibitions over time.
Imagine a world where our minds can be more directly affected by electronics. Where with enough work, anyone can be changed to do anything the user wants them to. I got this idea from a gif. In it, a girl is sitting on her computer when she receives and opens a random file. Immediately, she becomes hypnotized by it. Lifting up her top, she plays with herself, masturbating to orgasm. When she finishes, the hypnosis wears off and she comes to with no idea why her top is up or what just happened. Shrugging it off and fixing her clothes, she goes back to surfing the net.

That’s the basic jist of what I saw, and I’d love to expand it into a full long term roleplay where your character is constantly put under the effects of the mind control. Hypnosis can’t make peolel do what they don’t want to, so the process would be slow, breaking down your character’s willpower and defenses and making her more and more susceptible to the mind control effects. Meanwhile, your webcam lets my character watch as it happens.

Now the cause and how it happens can change. Maybe it's just a virus that's sent out to different people, or it's a GM from a popular MMO who singles out one particular player. A professor, friend, or online stalker who decides to have his fun. Maybe it's a virtual being or AI who's gained sentience! There's plenty of ways to take this, so let's work out the most fun one together.

Things we can work into the story (all of these are nice but optional):

Virginity/inexperience - Pretty straightforward, but makes the corruption aspect work better/more fun.

Religious girls - This is just a favorite kink of mine, corrupting and making a whore of the good girl who always went to prayer and takes her religion very seriously.

Blackmail/coerscion - This would be later in the story, maybe when she starts catching on. He sends her pictures and videos of what she’s done to make her continue.
Favorite Fiction - We wake up in our favorite series, taking part in the adventures there.
I still have no idea how it happened. It's like something out of an Isekai anime. One day I fell asleep binging my favorite series. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a place that looked like my room but the second I stepped out the door, I realized something was very different..

It didn't take me long to realize where I'd ended up. The buildings look just like they did on the screen. Eventually I came to the conclusion that this whole world was a perfect replication. All the characters, all the rules, everything about the setting is exactly how it should be… and I know it all. For whatever reason, I’ve been sent to this world with all of my knowledge from real life. I can use it to my advantage, quickly setting myself up in a position of power. After that, there’s only one thing on my mind.

No, I don’t know what I’m actually supposed to be doing, but I know what my plan is. I’m going to find every single girl in the series I’ve ever found attractive and have my way with them. I mean, who in their right mind wouldn’t do the exact same thing in this situation?


So, this is a prompt that I love and have wanted to do for a long time. Basically, what it says. My character falls asleep and wakes up in the world of his favorite series. It could be an anime, show, comic, manga, game, etc. We can decide the actual setting together. No matter what world we get sent to, we get something to make us better suited for it. Getting our own pokemon, our own own digimon, being witches/wizards, etc.

Now, to keep things fair, I would be happy to have a girl sent there as well. Alternatively we can do two RPs with us each in different series. That way we can both play an original character having fun with all the canon ones we throw in.

Now for some of my favorite settings for us to use:

Love Live
Kingdom Hearts (and everything that can spawn into)
Steven Universe
Land of the Lustrous/Houseki No Kuni
No Game No Life
Yugioh/other Card Battle settings
Magical Costumes - Special outfits that gives us abilities and personalities based on who we’re dressed as.
We both love to cosplay. Any convention we go to, or excuse we get, we’d find ourselves in costumes based off characters from our favorite game, animes, comics, or anything else. Sometimes we match up, going as a pair. Other times we’d be completely different. All that matters is showing off our love for a series by going as a favorite character.

Something has started to happen now though. Maybe it’s a curse or spell put on us, or something from the shop we buy the pieces from. Could be a magic sewing machine even! Whatever the cause, the effect is very obvious. We’re taking on features of the characters we’re cosplaying as!

Now, we don’t just magically transform into them. We’re still ourselves. We know our name, our history, everything. Our mannerisms and personalities become more like the character, and we even gain any abilities they had! I cosplay as a JoJo character and suddenly have a Stand at my disposal. You went as a magical girl and started being able to shoot beams of light. It’s all surreal and we have no idea how we ended up in this situation. Instead of rushing to put a stop to it though, why don’t we have some fun while we can?


There’s a lot of different ways we can go with this, and plenty of kinks we can work in depending on our characters. If you’re cosplaying as a catgirl or pokegirl for instance, you might see me as your owner/trainer. If I’m cosplaying as a villain, things may go a bit darker for you than you expected.

When messaging, please include some series you’d like to have costumes based on. We can also discuss how our characters know each other.
Tangled Superheroine - A young hero or sidekick gets in over her head when trying to bring down a villain.
Start small, work your way up. No reason to rush and get unwanted attention, after all. That’s been my policy from day one. I don’t have a fancy costume yet, or even much in the way of minions beyond some hired goons who didn’t have any other prospects. My power isn’t anything particularly exciting at first glance. He haven’t even committed any major crimes or otherwise done anything to earn the title of super villain. There’s plenty of time to build all of that up though. I’m in no rush. It all starts here, after all.

I hold out a hand, directing a piece of my own shirt. The fabric morphs and stretches outwards, pulling the door open just enough for me and my men to slip through. The two guys aren’t anything remarkable. They don’t have any powers, just some regular weapons. Honestly, I don’t even expect them to fight off anyone that might come snooping. I just figure if anyone does show up, they’ll have to make some commotion taking these mooks out, giving him time to prepare.

That’s the truth of it all. Yes, I have the ability to create prehensile tendrils that allow me fine control over objects, but superpowers are nothing without wits. I need to be ready for any situation. Here in Smallton, that puts him ahead of pretty much everyone. Sure, there’s been rumors of somebody going around beating up bad guys but overall this place doesn’t really have anything exciting to its name. Until now, that is.

The craft had crashed the night before. If government officials are going to come investigate, they’ll do it tomorrow. There’s a police perimeter setup and that’s about it. Piece of cake to get past and move on. They’d apparently deemed that it wasn’t dangerous or a high priority. Still, I’m not going to pass up the chance to look around and hopefully find himself something valuable. If nothing else I’ll get some parts from the ship to sell off or to make into plating or something.

Two tendrils grown out of my clothes now that help me look through the piles. If something had been on this ship, it’s either gone or dead now. Or maybe the police already grabbed it. Either way, I’m free to explore. It doesn’t seem likely that anyone’s really going to get in my way at this point.


I’m looking for this to be a long term prompt where you’re a new up and coming superheroine who has a run in with my character and it doesn’t go how you hope for it to. I have my fun and escape, leaving you to try and find me again. We can flesh out the details together. One thing up for change is my character's powers if we want to work in different kinks.

Girlfriend Dungeon - Date your weapon! That’s really it. Fuck swords. Bae Blades. All that jazz.
For those unaware, there is a game recently kick started called Boyfriend Dungeon. The premise is a fun one. It’s a modern world mostly like our own, except there exist dungeons (called dunj) filled with monsters. People can make a living fighting the creatures there and bringing back their loot. Of course, just rushing in is a dangerous endeavor. That’s where the bae blades come in.

There exist some humans with the ability to change into weapons at which point they can be wielded in combat. As wielder and weapon fight together and their bond grows, they become more powerful. Of course the best way to do that aside from training is by spending more time together and forming stronger, more emotional ties. Hence, date your weapon to make them better! Become a sword smoocher and save the world!

So that is a quick draft of the idea. Now the question is how do we play this out? It could really go many different ways:

1. I’m the dungeon delver and you’re my weapon or vice versa.

2. We do this harem style with you playing a small group of various weapons.

3. We play multiple characters, either each playing one dungeon delver and one weapon or multiples.

There’s a lot of different things we can do with this, and plenty of kinks we can work in depending on our characters. When messaging, please include some of your own ideas and kinks for the story.
Demon Summoning - A witch or cult try to summon a familiar or demon. It does not go as planned.
The smell of sulfur and brimstone fills the room as the spell is complete. The red energy that marks the creature’s own magic mixes with the witch’s blue. All around, the area begins to dim though the lights remain untouched. It’s more a feeling than anything else. Somehow, everything just feels darker. As the fog clears, a pair of red glowing eyes stare at the witch, following her every move. Finally the smoke dissipates enough to reveal what she summoned.

The demon resembles a dog, some mix of shepard and mastiff. His fur is black and course, fangs sharp, and his size… massive. He easily towers over other canines and nearly fills the entire circle. A loud snarl fills the air and a moment later, the creature lunges forward right at the one who summoned him. The circle holds, however. The beast smashes into an wall of magic that glows a translucent blue. As he falls back, his form changes.

Groaning when he hits the floor, the figure stands back up. He looks like a man now… mostly. He’s still tall and large for a human, with a heavy mixed build of muscle and fat, black hair along his body, including a mane of short and unkempt hair on his head and face. There are a few very odd features to him, however. Notably, the canine ears on his head, the fangs in his mouth, his tail… and then there is the fact that his transformation did not gift him any clothes.

“So you’re the one who summoned me then, I take it.” As the demon speaks, he eyes the witch up and down. It’s hard to tell if he’s looking at her with amusement, hunger, or something else. “You witches are getting younger and bolder.” He crosses his arms over his chest, completely unbothered by his naked state. “So what is it this time? Not every day one of you decide to summon one like me. It better be good.”

He grins, baring his teeth. “Maybe start with telling me your name? Be a good little witch and say the whole thing now.” It’s unlikely that trick would work, he knows. Mages tend to learn very early on that they should never tell anyone their full name, especially not magical creatures. Names have power, after all. If she does that, then it’s likely not the creature she summoned who would end up being the familiar or pet.


So that’s an intro for an RP I hadn’t been able to get off the ground. The idea is that a witch wants to summon a demon either to make him her familiar, guardian, or to just study from him. She bites off more than she can chew and he of course has a price to pay.

Now, there is one variation I have for this that goes a bit differently. Instead of a witch, the girl is religious. She has no intention of summoning any such creature. However, she is kidnapped by a group of evil mages who intend to use her as a virgin sacrifice to bring forth a powerful demon. When the creature answers the call however, he instead fights off the kidnappers and swears to protect the girl and watch over her (for a price, of course). The girl doesn’t want him around naturally and tries to make him go away but he’s persistent and refuses to leave.
Stasis - Have you ever seen a movie so bad that you needed to fix it through RP?
Let me tell you the tale of a movie called Stasis. It’s on Netflix now, and came out all the way back on the 29th of August, 2017. And it is bad. I mean, wait, you need to understand something when I call a movie bad. I have watched both God’s Not Dead movies, Christian Mingle (a generic romantic comedy based around the Christian dating site), The Ledge (Atheist version of God’s Not Dead), the first movie in the Atlas Shrugged trilogy, the Emoji movie, The Bulk, 12/12/12, and its sequel, 13/13/13, and all the Leprechaun films. I loved them all for their badness (except the Ledge, fuck that movie and its moral of everyone is an asshole so God doesn’t exist holy shit it sucks). What I’m saying is that I am an expert on the subject of bad movies, and this one is the worst kind of bad. The one with the potential to be really good.

The concept is that in the future, humans are living in a post-apocalyptic world ruled over by this sinister imperial army deal called the Cabbal. There is no hope of beating them with their small resistance in this time period, so instead, they send agents back in time to change the future. Except they can’t make a big change all at once. This isn’t Terminator where killing or saving one person changes everything. Instead, they go back to different time periods and make small ripples, a minor change here or there to slowly affect the future and give humanity a fighting chance.

When they travel back in time though, they don’t just appear in their bodies. Instead they need a vessel. Specifically, they possess the bodies of the recently deceased. A frat guy who died of alcohol poisoning, for instance, would be possessed by someone and become a rebel agent. They then work from there to undermine the Cabbal before it can take over. Sometimes though, they don’t end up in a suitable body. Whether the body’s age isn’t right, or they’re in prison, or somehow indisposed, it might just be a bad match. Hell, the movie even mentions one guy ending up in the body of someone who was beheaded in a car accident.

Those aren’t the only cool elements either. There are hunters, who are sent by the Cabbal to track and capture/kill skinners (rebels who jump back in time). Sometimes they jump into the body of someone who isn’t completely dead yet, resulting in the possessed person’s soul forming as something called a remnant who can affect the world in slight ways. They’ve apparently got bases set up throughout every period of human existence. God, there are just so many cool ideas here! This movie would have been amazing if it had better writing, plotting, acting, sound design, camera work, production values, ADR, and direction.

I haven’t even touched on some of the other issues in the movie, but hopefully I can change that here today. This is like when I had to do the sex contract fix RPs after 50 Shades of Gray came out. Different time periods, ending up in different bodies, jumping through multiple points, a hunter running into a skinner and making her his play thing, there’s plenty of fun ways we can take this story both in a world building and a sex filled fun direction. Let’s see what ideas we can throw together, no?
Eroticar: The Last Hand Fucker - Go on a journey to defeat the Anal Nation!
Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Manual. Long ago, the four nations fucked together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Assholes attacked. Only the Eroticar, master of all four sex acts, could stop them. But when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed and my sister and I discovered the new Eroticar, a manualist named ****. And although her handjob skills are great, she still has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone. But I believe she can save the world.

This is a bit different than my usual fare. First, I imagine it would be on the smuttier side. I still want it long term with plenty of actual story, but since sex is replacing elements, well, people are gonna be gettin it on a lot as a result. It also goes a bit against my whole “no playing canon characters” thing in that we’ll mostly be doing characters heavily based off ones on the show. Many of them will be gender swapped and aged up however. We can decide which characters are gender swapped as we go.

As I mentioned, I do expect an actual plot, to some extent, mostly following the events of the show with our own twists, of course. I figure world building would also be a thing, with us figuring out how cultures built around sexual acts like this would work. For instance, I imagine the Vaginal Queendom would be matriarchal, with women being in a higher position of power due to well… biology in this case. In that regard, I can also see it being that the Eroticar is always a woman as a result.

Because of how this story is going to work, while plenty of scenes will be original, most of the basic plot will be based off the show, so being familiar with it is important. Ideally, you’ve seen and remember most of the episodes from the original series. You don’t have to remember them perfectly, but being familiar with major plot points is going to be helpful. Yo don’t need to have seen The Great Divide or The Painted Lady though, cause I mean, come on. Let’s stick to the good parts, right? That should be about it. I hope to do this post gets plenty of interest!
Blackmailed - Girls caught and made into play things. (Check for variations and different plots involving blackmail themes.)
This is likely to be a more short term or at least smuttier prompt.

Ageplay: Treating the girls like they're younger than they are, not that they would actually be a different ages though some age difference between them could work (older and younger sister, sorority girl and visiting alum, etc)

Religious girl: As I mentioned this one’s a huge plus to me. Raised in a religious household/community, going to catholic school, bonus points if one is Christian and the other's a Muslima.

Multiple girls: At least two for this plot, of course, but any ideas to bring in more would be fine with me.

Variations: There's a lot of different ways to do this story. The general idea remains the same though. Multiple girls getting blackmailed into sexual situations. Some girls cheating on a test get busted by the teacher and have to work hard to not get kicked out of school. Canon characters, like the Love Live girls, Overwatch, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, etc. Superheroines who risk having their identities exposed. Streamers caught on camera, farm girls or dog walkers, supernatural girls or pixies/fairies who risk having their secrets exposed, and plenty more could work. I have no interest in playing cops or military so anything that would involve those is out. I'd love to hear any other ideas though.
Harem Plots
So the idea here is for my one character to be played opposite a group of girls. I’m usually not up for playing multiple characters opposite one girl, but am happy to double up if my partner runs one of these ideas for me. So, we’d have two stories going. One where I play multiple guys for one girl and one where I play one guy with multiple girls.

Idol Time: I’m the producer, agent, or manager for a group of young up and coming idols. Love Live was my original inspiration for the idea but it doesn't need to be canon girls from a particular setting. Just a group of 3-9 girls who are trying to become the next big sensation. They would each develop a different relationship with the manager, though the details would vary based on number and personalities. One variation from idols could be an esports team, a group of streamers, or really any other group trying to become famous.

Cosplay/Maid Cafe: Pretty straightforward one here where my character runs a cafe. While his coffee and snacks are good, the girls are the real draw that keeps bringing the crowds in. This one would be more slice of life and scenic/episodic, I think. The cafe would have a theme, cosplay, maids, magical girls, maybe even animal girls. Go from making a new recipe to event nights to the girls competing for employee of the month.

Stepsister(or daughter) Paradise: Our parents recently married, and now I have (2-5) stepsisters I didn't before. Maybe a couple are competing for my attention while another is keeping to herself and still another outright despises me and calls me a pervert. It isn't my fault that the wet rag was on the floor, causing me to slip and fall face first between her legs with my hand somehow ending up on her breasts! That was a complete accident! This can be changed to my character being the stepfather instead.

Frustrated Teacher: This is pretty straightforward. My character has a small class made up of all girls. It would focus on the various lessons and shenanigans. Always lots of fun to be had. The school itself could be a high school, college, or magical academy. Either way it is likely an all girl’s school.

Therapist's Dilemma: This last one would be a bit different as it would have the focus on individual sessions with each girl, who are all visiting the therapist for different reasons. He wants to help guide them through the problems they face in life, so while I usually play characters who take the initiative, he'll probably be more hesitant to do so.

Card Games/No Game No Life: This would be set in a world where most disputes are settled by games. My character is making a point to become the best of the best, and the ladies are the ones he has to beat to achieve that goal. This might be less of a harem and more scenic/episodic with each girl being a separate part of the story.

Another World with my Waifus: God I hate myself for that title. We all know about Isekai (another world) anime where the main character gets transported to another world and must find his way home but along the way forms a harem that he would never realistically have. For this, it could be a setting we make up for ourselves or we could use a particular canon (Love Live, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Avatar, and probably a lot that I’m forgetting).

Power Rangers/Super Sentai: Okay stay with me here. We take the people who transform into Japanese stock footage. Have a male red ranger. A group of 2 or 4 female rangers. Maybe toss in a 6th along the way. We could either reuse a previous season or make up our own.
GM Games
Here I'll be acting as the GM, narrating what's happening throughout the story. I'm also open to being the player if you want to go through as the narrator instead. Note that while I have ideas listed below, I'm open to any and all kinds of suggestions. One thing to mention about this idea though is that I would want you to play a group of girls instead of just one. I've found that DM plots where the person is only playing one character tend to run out of steam quickly. If I can also find someone to DM a story for me (or if we could double up) then that would be even better!

System or Systemless?

Would you like this to be systemless with just the story being narrated and you reacting, or would you like to play through it using a proper game system? If so, please select one of the following from below:

Fate Accelerated
Fate Core
Powered By The Apocalypse

Quick Ideas

Adventurer's Guild: This is a pretty basic setup. Right from the start, there is a guild that hires out adventurers for different missions. People have to work their way up in the ranks to get better quests, which usually means greater renown and rewards. The setup allows us to start with a small batch of new recruits and add or change out party members as we go. If we use go for medieval fantasy I'd want to use 4e, Dungeon World, or 13th Age, but honestly I'd prefer to go with a modern fantasy setting.

Pokemon: So I don't have a solid idea for this but this would either involve a small group of trainers or it would be a group of Pokemon gijinka on an adventure. Either way it would be systemless or a narrative system because most actual Pokemon tabletop systems are way too much work and generally not very good which isn't what I want in my adult RPs.

Stuck In a Game (or maybe Digimon): The title says it all, really. These girls either play an MMO together or were gathering around to take play a new RPG together. Either way they end up sucked into the game world and now have to beat it if they want to escape. Fate or PbtA or another narrative driven system is really the one best suited for this. Alternatively, we could follow a similar setup to many seasons of Digimon where it's a group of girls ending up in the digital world and either gaining or transforming into digimon as they try to get home.

Yugioh/No Game No Life/Card Battle/Game World: So, this would basically borrow what is already a favorite idea of mine (card battle/a world where everything is determined by games) and just turn it into a small party of girls on their adventure to win a tournament, become the queen of games, etc.

Girl Squad: Using Masks or going systemless, this would follow a group of young heroines on their adventures. The setup would be similar to something like Young Justice/Teen Titans/Marvel Rising. The characters would be sidekicks or they'd have "girl" at the end of their names to denote them as the female version of some other hero, and this group is their way of taking on bigger challenges to really make names for themselves.

So, with that, I should have covered everything. My F-list can be found in my signature (along with links to my other thread). If you have any ideas you'd like to run past me, questions, etc then please feel free to send a message!
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