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Craving a Van Helsing roleplay

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Jan 15, 2009
I am problably insane for trying this,but I thought I'd advertise. I LOVE Van Helsing the movie. I know it was a B movie at best,but c'mon it was worth some shits and giggles. Ok so basically I'm looking for someone to play Dracula, not just any Dracula,but the one from the movie. Don't bring in the book version or any other! If you don't quite remember the movie I have links to where it's hosted online.

I'm pretty multitalented and my characters of choice to play are the lovely brides of Dracula. I play all three of them. Verona, Marishka, and Aleera and I usually play them all at once.

I can also play Anna if that's more to your taste.

I would be interested in this, but do you roleplay over IM's or threads?

I don't really like thread roleplays, so I'd really prefer AIM, or if not AIM than YIM or MSN.
It's a fun movie, so I don't feel bad for liking it. I saw it last night and was talking about exactly that; it's not a great movie, but it's fun remake of the old 40's/50's creature feature kinda flicks. It doesn't have to be anything more than that.

Having said that, I'll add that I have no idea what to do with him, plus I suck at playing canon characters. so I'll just wish you luck on finding a partner. :cool:
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