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Sunshine and Whiskey

❝I spit lightning crack, boom! ⚡❞
Nov 21, 2019
Sherwood, Ohio.
  • Hello, everyone!

    I thank you for clicking onto this thread and hope that you find something that sparks interest inside that little roleplaying body of yours. If something does catch your eye, post below or message me. If something doesn't catch your eye, I still thank you for visiting this thread and reading through it. Hope you enjoyed your stay, at least.

    I am not as strict as I sound, I promise. I am actually pretty easy-going, polite and respectful to just about anyone that I happen to come across. All in all, I treat people the way that I would want to be treated.

    Also if you have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to voice them whenever you message me.

    ⟡ I have 10+ years of writing experience and this isn't to say that I'm perfect, just to say that I know my way around the block and such.

    ⟡ I'd like to keep my real-life gender disclosed because I write as male and female characters. I am LGBTQA+ friendly since I am apart of the community myself. This also means that I do FxM and MxM. I do prefer to be the female in some cases, do not fight me on this. Nothing against FxF but I am not experienced with it. None of my characters, whether male or female, will ever be weak, wimpy or whiny. Not changing that.

    ⟡ I am a multi-paragraph poster and have a decent grasp of the English language. I write well over 300+ words and my posts are usually filled with character and plot development, emotions, thoughts, and details. I am most certainly not a Grammar Nazi because I make mistakes, too.

    ⟡ I am an active and communicative partner. I try my best to post within a decent timeframe and will never leave you hanging for a post more than a week. If I do, you will hear from me until I have posted for our roleplay. My usual timeframe to be online is varied as I do have a job and a life outside of Iwaku.

    ⟡ I really dislike directing or leading the story by myself. I will add my own twists and turns though but they won't be random.

    ⟡ I only write on the forums. Please respect this decision and do not ask for anything otherwise.

    ⟡ I only use real-life face claims or written descriptions for my characters. I will never use anime or realistic drawn images for them.

    ⟡ I adore OOC Chatter and getting to know my partner as our roleplay progresses. Please let me know if you're uncomfortable with this or opt-out of this.
  • ⟡ Please have some writing experience under your belt. If you're new, I still wouldn't mind writing with you or even teaching you my methods.

    ⟡ Your real-life gender is irrelevent, just do not ask me for an FxF sorry, please.

    ⟡ No one-liners, please as they do not drive a story forward. Multi-paragraph posts only with 300 or more words per post. Make sure your post is filled with detail, emotions, thoughts, and character along with plot development.

    ⟡ Please be as active and communicative as you can be. If you want to drop the story, tell me. If you're going to be gone longer than two weeks, please tell me or else, I'll consider that as you're no longer interested in the roleplay and deem it as inactive. I understand life obligations, too.

    ⟡ Please contribute to the plot at hand. Add your own twists and turns to the roleplay. I like to be surprised and I certainly will not be upset with you if you do this.

    ⟡ Do not ask for a PM or off-site roleplay. Be willing to write only through the forums.

    ⟡ Be willing to use real-life face claims and written descriptions for your character. No usage of anime or realistic drawn images.

    ⟡ Be open to OOC Chatter. Not a requirement as I know this does make sure people uncomfortable.
  • ⟡ Modern: Anything will work here. High School, College, Summer Camp, Ski Trip, Musicians or Celebrities.

    ⟡ Medieval or Historical: Kings, Queens, Princesses, Princes, Pirates, and Aristocrats.

    ⟡ Supernatural: Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Witches, and Warlocks.

    ⟡ Mythology: Greek Gods and Goddesses or Demigods.

    ⟡ Fandoms: These are the ones that I am knowledgeable about. I only write as Original Characters.
    The Hunger Games, Divergent, The 100, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, The Crown, Sons of Anarchy, Power, Black Sails, Romeo & Juliet, Titanic, Glee, Teen Wolf, Arrow, The Flash, Once Upon A Time, The Umbrella Academy, The Order, The Magicians, X-Men.

    ⟡ Gang Lifestyle: Bikers, Mobsters, Mafia, Drug Lords.

    ⟡ Time Travel

    ⟡ Romance: This is almost a must in all of my stories.

    ⟡ Tragedy.

    ⟡ 80's or 90's.

    ⟡ Post-Apocalyptic.
  • I have plot ideas for mostly all of these. Just choose one and I'll send you what I got.
    Go here for the plots.

    • CEO Son or Daughter x Gang Leader Son or Daughter
    • CEO Son x CEO Son or Daughter
    • Boss x Boss or Employee
    • Boss x Secretary
    • Businessman x Businessman or Businesswoman
    • Sibling x Sibling or Cousins x Cousins
    • Incubus x Incubus or Succubus
    • Prince x Prince or Princess
    • Assassin x Assassin or Assassin Target
    • Spy x Spy
    • Knight x Prince or Princess
    • King x King or Queen
    • Pirate x Pirate or Captive
    • Police's Son or Daughter x Gang Leader Son or Daughter
    • Police's Son or Daughter x Police's Son or Daughter
    • Gang Leader Son or Daughter xGang Leader Son or Daughter
    • Vampire x Vampire or Werewolf
    • Werewolf x Werewolf
    • Witch or Warlock x Warlock
    • Musician x Musician
    • Model x Model
    • Photographer x Celebrity
    • Celebrity x Celebrity
  • You're still here? That's wonderful to know and I hope that something did capture your attention. If something did, do not hesitate to respond below or send me a message.

    If something didn't capture your attention, well I hope that you find whatever it is that you're looking for.

    I hope to hear from someone soon enough!

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