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Running (open)

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Treena Hawkins

A siren lost in a world of chaos.
Apr 21, 2009
The Void

Amber looked behind her. "Good he isn't flollowing me." She relaxed a little unsure of where she was and what was in for her is she wasn't careful. She said a small protection spell hoping that would giver her some time to figure out where this place was. She had been running for so long she couldn't remeber what her home used to look like. All she had of her past life was her crystal necklace and even she didn't know what power lay hidden inside. This Marican Princess had no idea what was in store for her......
Lao sniffed the air. He was always sniffing. Something wasn't right. Someone like him should never feel hunted, quite the opposite. But he kept sniffing, checking his bow and his gear, ready to run or fight. Something wasn't right at all. The tribesman was far from his plains home. But when you had his sickness, it was leave or be driven away...
Amber didn't pay attention to where she was heading, she just wanted to keep moving. As she ws hurridly walking hoping that the Vampire Lord had not found her yet she bumps into a stanger. "Oh exuse me." She smiles sweetly and bows before him. In her head though she hears a familliar voice. 'I am going to find you for the master then you will be his queen.'

(anyone can play the vampire lord it jsut part of her back story when i can find it i will post it)
The tribesman sniffed at this odd, fae looking woman. Dressed all wrong for a forest and looking like some kinda princess? He felt a touch of contempt. "Lost are you?" He scratched a straggly beard no amount of shaving could get below stubble. Lao looked right, then left, and sniffed the air.
"Dead things moving?" He grabbed her, placed her over his shoulder and ran, low to the ground and swift.
Before she could reply Amber was tossed over this mans shoulder. She could see what was chasing her now, on of the gargoyles that had to watch her. She starts to speak in Marican as the gargoyle screams and her necklace starts to glow. The gargoyle starts to crumble in mid flight all that is left of it is dust. When she stops speaking she slumps over into a peaceful sleep almost, all her energy used up from her spell.
Lao scowled. He wasn't particularly fond of mages or weak women, and both were unconscious on his back. He ran, a particular grace given to him by his secret. No matter what anyone said, the running was worth it.
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