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Fx M or F My Sexy Request Thread

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Jan 21, 2018
Hello you sexy mother fucking Blue Mooners, and welcome to my wonderful world of sultry, slutty superheroine smut! I of course will be your heroines, all different sorts of them but all of them just waiting for some big bad villain to come along and put them in their place. Do not be mistaken though, I am not one to simply through myself at the mercy of a giant cock or drown in the juices of a lovely pussy; I want something more complicated then that. I am a deep, dark, creative soul who desires world building and character develop to go along with her cunt stuffing and cum milking damaging habits. Allow me to introduce myself to those who have not met me. My name is Zoe, I am a 32-year-old office worker/sport mom who has been roleplaying since I was thirteen. That is twenty years’ experience which means I have done everything. I prefer superheroine roleplays because they allow me to be something I will never be, and I have become a big comic book nerd through the years. Yes, this is because of the MCU and Nolenverse Batman. I love both male and female partners, not much on transgender characters. I have a vivid imagination, love to make new friends and always try to be sexy. I tend to respond daily, even multiple times if my partner is really good. Now, let us move to the information you need to know.

-When Am I Online?
Of the mornings, about everyday of the week.

-How Often Do I Post?
I can post multiple times a day, if we get started early in the morning. Sometimes weekends I slow down.

-What Time Zone Do I Live In?
Eastern Time Zone

-Am I Willing to Play Multiple Characters or Just Solo Characters?
I love playing multiple characters, sometimes at once in a large group scene or in parallel events taking place at the same time. This is not necessary for our plays; I can bounce around like movie scenes. I also like to develop individual stories for each girl. I also enjoy playing single characters opposite to someone who enjoys being a villain character and or the characters surrounding my character.

-How Big Are My Typical Posts and What Length Do I Expect in Return?
I typically write two paragraphs at the least per character and as many as five when the moment calls. These are typically five to ten sentences apiece unless engaged in a group conversation. I request my partners can write at least seven to ten sentences that are easy to read and avoid text messaging talk unless part of your reply is an actual text between two characters. I try not to be a grammar cop and detail detective. We all make mistakes.

-Do I Enjoy Bad Endings?
Yes and no. I am not a fan of permanent bad endings. If at some point in our play a heroine meets a bad ending that makes sense, I am all for it. All heroines need to struggle and suffer for their mistakes, mine just tend to lose clothes and orgasm during hand but a lot worse can happen. Bittersweet endings are best. I am a sucker for happy endings, or at least good prevailing at a cost. Not saying the villain will not forever change them, but I want to develop character depth and a connected story line within my plays.

-How Dark Do I Like My Roleplays?
Just depends on the setting we are playing in. I tend to look for different things, so I will place a darkness scale on each scene listed below. It will be 1 to 10, with 1 being campy and cheesy porn, 5 is pretty natural and 10 being dark and creepy as fuck!

-What Is My Preferred Method of Roleplaying?
My preferred method of roleplaying is private messages because threads, I tend to forget about them when I do not have a reminder. If you could just shoot me a quick private message saying you have posted, that would be great if we choose to do threads. I do not do discord or messengers, sorry.

-What Do I Use to Roleplay?
I roleplay with my mobile phone most of the time because I am at work. When I am home, mostly weekend mornings, I will use my laptop. Please overlook auto-corrections. This entire thread was done on my phone if you question my quality and ability while using a mobile.

-What Is My Story to Smut Ratio?
My story to smut ratio is right now a 60/40 story/smut balance but depending on my mood, it can go 70/30 toward story.

-How Much Planning Do I Enjoy Before Starting A Play?
I have a very activate mind, and I get carried away during planning and start mapping out all details. If I do this, please call me out and reign me in. Also, I am the type that likes to know nothing of my partner’s plan. Let it unfold in front of me as long as I know the idea you are building on. Tell me only need to know.
-What Ages Do I Play Characters?
I play my characters between the ages of 16 and 30. Right now, I am craving the younger side of that scale but will do the upper side just as quick.
-Do I Like Face Claims?
I use all kinds of face claims, and all of them are porn stars. Feel free to use face claims as well. I prefer them to be realistic as possible. I am not a huge fan of art.
-What If the Play Grows Boring?
If you grow tired of our play, confused or want to try something else; let me know. We can hit the reset button or go separate ways in a classy fashion.
-Do I Want Original or Canon Characters?
I prefer Canon Characters and non-canon but with the freedom of backstory and details. I have played with many people who take a character’s comic origins and story thus far extremely seriously. To avoid this, I find it easier to just do original backgrounds with a hint of the comic realty who have no such obligation to media. Do you want to play something very close to comic book canon, that is perfectly fine with me?
-How Do I Feel About Instant Defeat?
God moding is a big turn off. Please do not have overpowered characters that I can do no harm too. I want victory over my characters to feel like a triumph. Maybe my characters are too powerful for you and during a fight, you have to change tactics, that would be a first. The point I am trying to make though is we both know where this is going but let me enjoy the ride there.
-How Long Do I Want Smut Scenes to Last?
When we get to the smut scenes, please do not spend multiple posts on one action. For example, if you are having sex with one of my characters, please do not write multiple messages about your dick sliding in and out while you choke me or pull my hair as you verbally degrade me. That should be one long post so the next post can move to the next action.

- NEED: Story and smut, non-con, near limitless sexual limits, smut variety (romance/Stockholm Syndrome to rape and all between.)
- LIKE: Brutality if as real as possible, gritty dark setting or a semi-cheesy setting, sexual devices and torments, traps, monsters, aliens, humans, demons, smut
- MAYBE: Enslavement, mind control, bestiality with humanoid like creature, snuff
- NO WAY: Scat, extreme vore, removal of limbs, bimbo transformation, harem

Please take a moment to read them as I will try to keep them all as brief as I can. If you like an idea and want more detail, feel free to ask…

Five teenage girls caught up in the middle of an ancient war after the beast Goldar is awaken and begins his search for his mistress Rita. They are teenage girls, all eighteen and in high school. They are taken by Zordon and give the power to fight off this evil at all cost. Their face claims are…

Janelle Scott the Red Ranger, Kimberly Hart the Pink Ranger, Billie Cranston the Blue Ranger, Trini Kwan the Yellow Ranger, Zara Taylor the Black Ranger

On an alternative Earth, the course of time lead to male heroes never rising to defend good from evil. However, a limited number of more famous female heroines will rise to defeat evil. These will be the origin stories of those female heroines, and I would hope you would play canon villains to make it genuine. These heroines are…

Barbara Gordon as The Bat, Kara Kent as Power Girl, Princess Diana as Wonder Woman, Iris West as The Flash, Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire

In another dimension, where Greek mythology was real, a spell was cast which sends monsters, powerful beings and mystical artifacts to our world after the fall of the gods. However, some of these artifacts come into the hands of beautiful woman who are transformed into perfection, granted superpowers and forced to defend our world as the Greek Olympians once did. These ladies are…

April Alexis is Zeus, Hilary Hylton is Poseidon, Victoria Vickers is Hephaestus, Sarah Southerland is Aeolus, Trisha Tackett is Apollo, Dixie Donaldson is Hercules, Jessica Jamerson is Hades

In a very realistic world, a group of college girls decide to take the sexy superheroine challenge and become masked vigilantes in bikinis trying to stop petty crime through the streets of each of their hometowns. What happens to them is anyone’s guess. These crazy girls are…

Leslie Lender, Allison Anderson, Skylar Silk, Trinity Treasure, Jasmine Jarrell, Ruby Rosland, Odessa Orton

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