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Fx M or F (Anime) Sadistic Mobster x Shy Woman


Mar 5, 2019
You can be male or female in rl but the rp has a male character as a partner.

Female sub looking for a dom who likes to be loving but sadistic at the same time. ***Warning if FORCED NATURE OR DARK THEMES MIXED WITH ROMANCE AREN’T FOR YOU, DO NOT READ FURTHER***

So I had this idea for a romance and a thriller. I ship Ira x Mako from Kill la kill so badly and side couples like them. Like I was thinking maybe the same relationship for the original rp characters only more difficult and dark. However they do have funny moments. These are with different characters as well. I WOULD TOTALLY LOVE THE MALE CHARACTER TO ACT LIKE Ira.

A big buff man tall and beast like Ira is in the Yakuza. He is the son of the mob boss. He tries to win her over. He is very much a “daddy” type. A gorgeous man as well. He cares for her to a point willing to save her and put himself in danger. The young American college transfer student wants NOTHING to do with the druggie like bad boy. There is a forced scene as well, when they meet just warning you. Then she gets kidnapped and well.....yeah. He is very much into the romance and bdsm.

My character hates him of course and has to live with him learning how life and the mob life is handled and honestly all the spoiling from her sugarman still makes her want to escape even more but this mob guy has it bbbbbbaddd for her. His father is more of a monster. Almost forcing himself on his sons love interest. She slowly learns the dark past of the son. She feels bad. This guy hasn’t lived any other life.

Here is some more info: He is a shallow, sadistic, and selfish being at first. His face can show no emotion. He has a deep, stern, and raspy tone. He is a very dominate force. If he sees something that he wants, he goes after it. Very skilled in swordsmanship. His favorite food is Miso soup. He smokes and takes drugs on a high profile. Authorities seek to look the other way as he shells out money before their faces. He has power and money. He has a hard time trying to connect with Serenity. He finds it offensive how she knows little Japanese and the words she does know sound pitiful to him. He puts work first and is all about business. He is slippery and sly like a fox.

A Yakuza mobster from the Yamaguchi-gumi gang. Honestly that night haunts her, She was forced to be in a gang war, and was forced to do terrible things. She was missing for years.

A name will be forever be indented in her mind and that name is * Your own custom Japense name* (Your last name doesn’t change. Your last name contributes to the plot.) Yamaguchi. He is the relative of the founder Harukichi Yamaguchi.

Just gonna say this has story but is going to have a lot of kinky moments. F-list - Warning
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