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Fx M or F *closed*


Apr 10, 2019
So, I know everyone hates going through the basics but rules are rules and they are important. Especially when you don't know how I like Rping it's good to know the rules. MY rules.

* Rules *
1. No one liners. I ask of you that you do NOT give me any one liners. If I receive one, one-liner I will ask you to
add on and if you refuse then there will be no RP. I ask and hope you can respect this rule. Please, write at least a paragraph
or more.

2. Flexible. Even if we do/might have different time zones help me understand your schedule more. I am a night owl after all
so being flexible won't be a problem with me it shouldn't for you.

3. First person-Third Person. Please understand I am most comfortable with third-person but I can make a acception and
RP in first if you would like I just ask you let me know ahead of time.

4. No Godmodding. I understand if you guy's like tough bad characters but what fun is there if your character can't be
defeated. I just ask your character has flaws and isn't over powerful.

5. OOC chatting. I don't just like to roleplay, I like to get to know the other person that I am roleplaying with as well. Don't
be afraid to talk to me I don't bite...hard.

6. Time skipping. This is one I had major issues with, please I ask NO time skipping. The only time I will make a acception is
when something uncomfortable for you OR me is about to happen. But I really ask that no matter what this rules stays as a

7. Enjoy and be open-minded. Open minds have the best imaginations. Please take your time to respond, as I will do the same to give you the best response I possibly can.

* Kinks * Just in case ya know
1. Spanking

2. Hair pulling

3. Being held down

4. Lip biting

5. Teasing

6. Inner thigh rubbing

7. Bondage (kinda)

8. There's more but here's the top 7

* Genres * the one with most stars are the ones i'm craving more can be clean or dirty just say
1. Mystery ***

2. Thriller/horror/gore ***

3. Romance ***

4. Adventure **

5. Action *

6. Fantasy **

I have plots already planned for the ones with the most stars. Feel free to mix n' match. Also if there is a genre that is not listed that you are wanting to do please do not hesitate to ask as I will be willing to do whatever kind of roleplay you are interested in. Anyways I have some plots but they are not listed for reasons from the past so please enjoy, PM me or comment below if you wanna roleplay :)
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